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50 Hilarious Orange Jokes

50 Hilarious Orange Jokes

Orange Puns

1. What do you call an orange who is also a knight? Sir Cumference!

2. Why was the orange tired when it got home from work? It had a long daze.

3. I asked the orange how it was feeling. It said, “I’m peeled to meet you!”

4. What happened when the orange challenged the tangerine to a boxing match? There was a whole lot of citrus violence.

5. How does an orange stop itself from crying? It puts on a peel.

6. What do you call an orange that got famous on the internet? An influ-orange-r!

7. Why did the orange lose the race? It ran out of juice.

8. What do you call an orange who works as a electrician? A citrus circuit.

9. Why was the orange so healthy? It did a lot of core exercises.

10. Why was the orange having a bad hair day? Its peel was uncooperative.

Orange One-Liners

11. I asked the orange how it was doing, it said “I feel a little peeled off today.”

12. Orange you glad I didn’t say banana?

13. Knock knock. Who’s there? Orange. Orange who? Orange you gonna let me in?

14. What do you call two oranges? A pair of peels!

15. Don’t be upsetti, have some spaghetti and orange juice.

16. Orange you glad it’s almost summer?

17. Q: Why did the orange get arrested? A: For peelin’ and stealin’!

18. They say orange is the new black, but I think orange is just orange.

19. Doctor: You need more vitamin C. Patient: Orange you gonna give me some advice?

20. I asked the orange how it was, and it said “Peelin’ good!”

Best Orange Jokes

21. One day, an orange was rolling down the street when suddenly, it fell into a pothole and got stuck. It said “Help, I’m in a jam!”

22. What did the orange say when his friend told a bad joke? “That was barely even tangentially funny.”

23. How does an orange prepare for a math test? It studies for days, trying to get to the root of each problem until it feels confident that it can tackle any question thrown at it. Oranges aren’t very good at math.

24. A grapefruit and an orange were walking down the street. The grapefruit said “Hey look, it’s our parents!” The orange looked confused and said “But we’re fruits, we don’t have parents.”

25. Why don’t oranges like jokes? They find puns unapeeling.

26. Did you hear about the orange who drank too much prune juice? It had to be rushed to the hospital for an overdose of Vitamin P.

27. What did the orange say to comfort his crying friend? “Don’t worry, everything’s gonna be just peachy.”

28. Why don’t omelets have orange juice in them? Because eggs and OJ don’t mix!

29. What do you call an orange who works out a lot? Jacked! Get it? Like jack o’ lantern.

30. How does an orange spy keep its cover? It puts on lots of peel disguises.

31. Why was the orange acting so strange and paranoid? It was having a psychotic peel.

32. How does an orange stop a conversation? It just peels out.

33. Why are oranges the fruit of choice for scurvy prevention? Because they’re packed full of Vitamin C!

34. Why couldn’t the orange cross the road? It got peeled apart by a knife.

35. What did one orange say to the other while playing tennis? “Get ready for my smash!”

36. How does an orange cowboy ride his horse? Orange you glad I didn’t say banana?

37. Why do oranges make good detectives? Because they’re always trying to get to the zest of the matter.

38. What’s an orange’s least favorite nut? A macadamia, because oranges don’t have nuts and thus can’t prefer any.

39. Why was the orange fired from his job? His boss said he just didn’t cut it. Apparently he wasn’t performing to his peel.

40. What do you call an orange who works on Wall Street? A peel street broker.

41. How does an orange listen to music? On its peel-pod!

42. Why are oranges terrible at keeping secrets? Because you can always peel the truth out of them.

43. Why do oranges make the best lawyers? Because they’re experts at peel bargaining.

44. How does an orange carpool to work? It takes the citrus express.

45. Why are oranges so optimistic? Because every day is sun-day for them!

46. Why can’t oranges ever be on time? They just can’t seem to orange their schedules.

47. What happens when you tell an orange a joke? It peels over laughing!

48. Why are oranges such loyal friends? Because they’ll never leave you orange-handed.

49. Why do oranges love the circus? For the peel-arizing acts!

50. What do you call an orange who’s a master of martial arts? A peel-yip master.