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60 Hilarious Middle Child Jokes

60 Hilarious Middle Child Jokes

Middle Child Puns

1. What do you call a middle child who gets whatever they want? Spoiled brat-tle child!

2. What did the middle child say when they were stuck between their older and younger siblings? I’m in a jam!

3. Why don’t middle children ever know where they’re going? They have no direction!

4. How does a middle child stay balanced? By middle child pose!

5. What do you call a middle child who loves food? A middling muncher!

6. Why don’t middle children get noticed? They just blend into the background!

7. How does a middle child party? Wedged between their siblings!

8. What do you call a middle child who gets along with everyone? A middle grounder!

9. Why are middle children so flexible? They bend over backwards for their siblings!

10. What did the middle child get on their report card? Straight B’s!

Middle Child One-Liners

11. I’m not invisible, I’m just a middle child!

12. Middle child? More like stuck in the middle child!

13. Hand-me-downs and hand-me-ups – the life of a middle child.

14. Older sibling gets the looks, younger sibling gets the brains, what does the middle child get? Ignored.

15. Middle children – masters of compromise since forever.

16. The best things come in the middle – like middle children!

17. Middle children – too old to be the baby, too young to be in charge.

18. Oldest sibling leads, youngest sibling follows, middle sibling just tags along.

19. An only child is lonely, the youngest is spoiled, but a middle child is just right.

20. Middle child mantra: go with the flow.

Best Middle Child Jokes

21. What did the middle child say when asked to clean their room? “That’s not fair, I already cleaned it last year!”

A middle child’s room is only cleaned once a year whether it needs it or not!

22. How can you tell when the middle child has used the bathroom? Both the toilet paper and towels are gone!

Middle children take advantage of shared resources in the home by using extra toilet paper, towels, etc. when they know supplies are limited.

23. What do you call a middle child’s place at the dinner table? No man’s land.

Middle children often get stuck sitting between their siblings with nobody to talk to!

24. How do you know when you meet a middle child? Don’t worry, they’ll tell you within 5 minutes.

Middle children love to share their plight and will often reveal their birth order very quickly when meeting new people.

25. A middle child waited so long to use a public bathroom that when it was finally their turn, someone had to ask “are you still waiting or just standing there because you don’t know what else to do?”

Middle children are used to waiting their turn for everything and often don’t know what to do when they finally get a turn!

26. What’s a middle child’s least favorite day of the year? Their birthday – it comes sandwiched between their siblings’ special days!

Middle children often feel like their birthday gets overlooked since it falls between the older and younger sibling’s birthdays.

27. How can you tell when a family has a middle child? There will be school photos on the wall with one kid in a graduation cap, one in cute preschool clothes, and one where you can just see the top of their head.

In family photos, the middle child is often awkwardly positioned since the focus goes on the oldest and youngest siblings.

28. Why don’t middle children rebel as teenagers? They learned long ago that going with the flow is easier than fighting for attention.

After a childhood of being overlooked, middle children realize it’s not worth the effort to rebel and cause conflict.

29. What’s the most common career path for a middle child? Middle management.

Middle children tend to land roles in the middle of company hierarchies, with a boss above them and employees below.

30. How does a middle child change a light bulb? They just wait for an older or younger sibling to do it, then take credit for helping.

Middle children are pros at taking credit for successes achieved mostly by their older and younger siblings.

Middle Child Puns

31. What do you call a nosy middle child? A meddler child!

32. Why do middle children make great mediators? Because they love being in the middles of things!

33. What do you call a middle child who loves camping? A wilderness middler!

34. Why do middle children make bad decisions? Because they have poor middling judgement!

35. What instrument best represents a middle child’s personality? The violin because they love to string things along!

36. How does a middle child spend their free time? Hanging around in the middle of their siblings!

37. What’s a middle child’s motto? If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em in the middle!

38. What’s a middle child’s favorite hobby? Seeing how much they can get away with when their parents are busy with the other kids!

39. Why do middle children have trouble finishing things? They’re too busy straddling the middle ground!

40. What’s a middle child’s favorite TV channel? Anything in between the other channels!

Middle Child One-Liners

41. Middle child – certified sibling shock absorber.

42. Definition of a middle child – too young to borrow the car, too old to get a free pass.

43. Middle children: stuck in hand-me-sideways clothing since forever.

44. Overlooked? Underappreciated? You must be a middle child.

45. Middle child motto: if you stay quiet and go with the flow, this too shall pass.

46. Older sibling: Trailblazer. Younger sibling: Baby. Middle sibling: The lost expedition.

47. Parents exhaustedly call the middle child by all their siblings’ names first.

48. Middle child anthem: “No one knows what it’s like, to be the bad man, to be the sad man, behind blue eyes.”

49. Middle child superpower – camouflage and invisibility.

50. The middle child conundrum – too little power, too much responsibility.

Best Middle Child Jokes

51. What’s the easiest way to forget a middle child’s birthday? Have it written in invisible ink on the calendar.

Middle children are used to having their birthdays overlooked and forgotten.

52. How can you tell when your middle child is having an existential crisis? They curl up in the fetal position between their two siblings and start rocking back and forth.

Middle children question their purpose in life from spending so much time wedged between their siblings.

53. On picture day, the photographer positioned the middle child behind a light stand for the family photo. When the mom asked why, the photographer said “trust me, no one will notice.”

Middle children are masters of being overlooked and blending into the background.

54. Overheard: “Mom, remember at the grocery store when you said I could get a treat?

Mom: “No, I only said your older and younger siblings could get treats. You must have just gotten lost in the shuffle again.”

Middle children get forgotten and left out, even when it comes to special treats.

55. What do middle children and Jan Brady have in common? A constant moan of “Marcia, Marcia, Marcia!” Or in the middle child’s case, it’s the older and younger sibling’s names.

Middle children feel perpetually overlooked in favor of their siblings.

56. How do you make a middle child disappear? Ask them to stand in the middle and spin in a circle. When they stop spinning, they’ll be so used to being invisible, you won’t be able to see them anymore!

Middle children have mastered the art of disappearing into the background.

57. How can you tell when a middle child is having a bad day? They sadly clutch a hand-me-up baby blanket in one hand and a hand-me-down teen magazine in the other.

Middle children are constantly surrounded by ill-fitting hand-me-downs and hand-me-ups.

58. Doctor: “I’m afraid you have middle child syndrome.”

Patient: “Will I be okay?”

Doctor: “I’m afraid there’s no cure. But if it’s any consolation, you’re used to being overlooked and not receiving special treatment.”

Doctors break the sad truth that there’s no cure for perpetual middle child disorder.

59. If middle children ruled the world, every day would be Middle Child Appreciation Day. Businesses would offer the “neglected middle special” and parents would have to alternate ignoring each child daily.

Middle children dream of a world where they actually get noticed and appreciated.

60. How can you tell when middle children rule a household? The youngest child is hand washing cloth diapers while the oldest mows the lawn, while the middle child sits on the couch watching TV.

Middle children are masters at directing their siblings to do chores while they relax.