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65 Hilarious Knick Knack Jokes

65 Hilarious Knick Knack Jokes

Knick Knack Puns

1. I was going to buy a knick knack from the store, but they were sold paddy whack.

2. I accidentally knocked over my friend’s knick knack shelf. Now they have knick knacks all over the floor.

3. My grandma has so many knick knacks, her house is like a knick knackatory.

4. I’m thinking of opening up a store that only sells small knick knacks. I’ll call it Knick Knacks for Knucks.

5. Be careful if you have knick knacks on display. You don’t want anyone to knick your knacks.

6. I was feeling stressed so I went to the knick knack store to buy a relaxation knick knack.

7. If you’re looking for a unique knick knack, check out my knick knack knook on Etsy.

8. I accidentally knocked over a shelf of knick knacks. Talk about a knick knack paddy whack attack!

9. My grandma loves collecting knick knacks so much, we call her the knick knack nana.

10. A thief broke into my house and knicked my knick knacks. The knick knack nicker!

11. I opened a cafe that only serves coffee in kitschy knick knack mugs. It’s called Knick Knack Brews.

12. When I travel, I always bring home a knick knack to remember the trip. My friends call me the knick knack nomad.

13. I’m thinking of selling knick knacks shaped like snacks. I’ll call them knick knack snacks.

14. My friend accidentally knocked over my knick knack shelf. What a knucklehead!

15. I bought a knick knack shelf but have no knick knacks yet. For now it’s just a knick knack lack.

Knick Knack One-Liners

16. I’m so clumsy I should carry around a sign that says “Caution: May Knick Your Knacks.”

17. Don’t clap too loud around my house, might knock over the knick knacks.

18. My grandma’s house is one earthquake away from being buried in knick knacks.

19. Knick knacks – for when you want clutter but don’t have enough space for actual clutter.

20. Roses are red, knick knacks are tacky, be careful around my shelf, it’s quite wacky.

21. I’m wanted in 5 states for excessive knick knack purchasing.

22. I was today years old when I learned knick knacks serve literally no purpose.

23. Nothing says “I have more money than sense” like a shelf full of knick knacks.

24. Cute knick knacks are fine but have you tried minimalism? It’s life changing.

25. Knick knacks are just clutter waiting to happen.

Best Knick Knack Jokes

26. Last week my friend was over and accidentally knocked my knick knack shelf off the wall. Knick knacks went flying everywhere. I yelled “Hey! Watch out for my knick knacks!” My friend responded “Knick knacks? More like knick cracked!” He thought he was so funny, but he’s the one who has to replace all my broken knick knacks!

27. I was at an antique store looking at the knick knacks and saw a really ugly cat figurine. I said to the owner “You’re actually selling this hideous thing?” He got offended and said “That’s my wife!”

28. My wife just bought the ugliest knick knack I’ve ever seen – it’s a ceramic frog playing the banjo. I asked her, “Why on earth did you buy that hideous thing?” She said, “I thought it would look great next to your Tony the Tiger coffee mug collection.” Touche.

29. I accidentally knocked my grandma’s knick knack shelf over once. She screamed “My precious knick knacks!” and dove to catch them like she was in an action movie. I felt so bad but it was also pretty hilarious seeing Grandma turn into a ninja over her knick knacks.

30. My friend collects snowglobes. I told him snowglobes are the comic sans of knick knacks. He got really offended and now his snowglobe collection has a restraining order against me.

31. My wife: “Honey, can you dust the knick knacks?”
Me: “The nick whats?”
My wife: “The knick knacks. You know, all my decorative shelves full of tiny ceramics that serve no purpose?”
Me: “You mean future garage sale inventory?”

32. My grandma loves knick knacks so much that when she kicks the bucket, we’re going to cremate her remains and compress them into a diamond. That way she can continue being the family knick knack for generations to come.

33. I was helping my grandma move into her new apartment when she pulled me aside and said, “Whatever you do, do NOT touch any of the knick knacks around the house.” I said, “Don’t worry Grandma, I won’t knick your knacks.” She did not find it funny.

34. My wife has so many knick knacks around the house that I feel like I’m on an episode of Hoarders. Just once I wish she’d collect something useful like tools or whiskey.

35. I accidentally knocked over my girlfriend’s knick knack shelf and thought she was going to cry over the broken pieces. Turns out she was just relieved to finally have an excuse to get rid of them.

36. I love collecting souvenirs from places I travel, but my wife says they just end up being dusty old knick knacks. So on my last trip, I collected souvenir dust to display instead. Now that’s a knick knack she can appreciate!

37. My wife has been begging me to set up a shelf for her knick knacks. I told her, “I don’t want our home decor to knick any knacks.” I’m still chuckling to myself, but I don’t think she found it very funny.

38. I accidentally broke a $200 antique knick knack at my girlfriend’s house. I tried gluing it back together but she noticed. She dumped me on the spot saying I have a knack for knicking knick knacks.

39. My friend loves knick knacks so much that she registered for them instead of regular wedding gifts. Let’s just say she got three gravy boats, 12 ceramic clowns, and a partridge in a pear tree.

40. I collect thimbles from everywhere I travel. My wife says they are the most useless knick knacks because at least with shot glasses you can drink from them. I told her to thimble down on the sass.

41. My wife has so many knick knacks, when we get into an argument I threaten to accidentally knock them over. I tell her, “Don’t make me knick your knacks!” So far, it’s been very effective at ending our fights.

42. I told my wife I was going to start collecting something manly like shot glasses or beer mugs instead of her knick knacks. She agreed as long as my collection was kept only in the man cave. Well played, my dear.

43. My grandma loves porcelain dolls and knick knacks. Our family calls her place the Knack Shack. You can barely walk through her house without knocking something over and summoning an angry ghost.

44. My friend came over and kept calling my home decor “knick knacks.” I told him they weren’t knick knacks, they were curated antique accoutrements. He said, “Isn’t that just a fancy way of saying knick knacks?” Sigh.

45. I accidentally broke my girlfriend’s rare $500 antique ceramic dog knick knack. I tried super gluing it back together but she noticed. Now the knick knack is the least of my worries because she just made me her ex-boyfriend.

More Knick Knack Puns

46. Be careful stacks of knick knacks are wobbly, knock them over and you’ll be knackered.

47. My friend collects frog knick knacks – her house is completely knackered with them!

48. I made the mistake of trying to dust my grandma’s knick knacks – nearly had a knack attack!

49. Buying knick knacks gets expensive fast – make sure you have deep knackers.

50. My friend loves nautical knick knacks – his place looks like a knackery.

51. If you’re looking for weird knick knacks, my store is quite knacktastic.

52. I’m addicted to garage sales hunting for new knick knacks – can’t get enough of that knack crack!

53. My clumsiness causes me to knock over knick knacks everywhere – I’m a knack whack maniac.

54. Knick knacks are Such a knackety knack don’t you think? They just cause more knackening knackage.

55. My wife says my fishing lure collection is just useless knick knackery. I told her they have an important knacktical purpose!

Knick Knack One-Liners Part 2

56. Grandma’s house is one strong breeze away from complete knick knack collapse.

57. I collect knick knacks from places I travel. My house looks like a flea market threw up in it.

58. Becoming an adult means realizing knick knacks exist solely to collect dust.

59. My minimalist friend came over and had a panic attack looking at my knick knacks.

60. Roses are red, knick knacks are tacky, be careful around granny, her shelves are quite wacky.

61. Scrambled knick knacks for breakfast? My girlfriend was not amused.

62. I’m wanted in 6 states now for illegal knick knack trading. The knack smack don’t play.

63. Nothing says “I’m still waiting for a personality” like a house full of Live Laugh Love knick knacks.

64. My wife’s knick knack obsession is 1 yard sale away from a divorce.

65. Help, I’m trapped in a knick knack store! Their prices aren’t even that knacktastic.