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50 Hilarious Gravy Jokes

Gravy Puns

1. I wanted to add some extra flavor to my mashed potatoes, so I decided to pour on the gravy train!

2. My friend was bragging about his fancy new car. I told him not to get too cocky or he’ll end up in hot water. He said he could handle the heat as long as he avoids the gravy boat!

3. I entered my homemade gravy in a cooking competition. Sadly, it didn’t win first prize. But hey, you can’t have your gravy and eat it too!

4. I was telling my friend about my favorite diner that serves amazing biscuits and gravy. He said it sounds gravy, baby!

5. Want to hear a secret? I absolutely love gravy! There’s no use trying to mask my true feelings – you can see right through my poker face.

6. I tripped carrying a big bowl of gravy and spilled it all over my white shirt. Talk about making a mess of things – now my outfit is completely gravy stained!

7. My young niece was confused about the concept of gravy. I told her it’s basically sauce made from meat juices. She thought for a moment and said, “Oh, so it’s meat sauce without the meat!” Gotta love kids’ logic.

8. I was craving biscuits and gravy, so I rushed out to the store only to find they were all out of gravy. What a crummy situation – it really grated on me!

9. Want to hear a gravy joke? Never mind, it’s too saucy for this website!

10. I’m entered in a gravy chugging contest next weekend. I’m feeling pretty confident – I have the stomach for it!

Gravy One-Liners

11. I spilled gravy on my laptop and now my computer has more issues than a magazine stand.

12. They say too much gravy will clog your arteries. But hey, there are worse ways to go!

13. Gravy – because no food is complete without a sauce made from meat drippings.

14. Gravy is proof that if you cook something long enough, it will turn delicious.

15. Gravy: the quickest way to fancy up basic meat and potatoes.

16. Biscuits are just an excuse to eat more gravy.

17. Gravy – don’t knock it til you’ve slopped it!

18. Gravy is the duct tape of the food world – it can fix any culinary disaster.

19. A 50-gallon drum of gravy – because sometimes a bowl just isn’t enough.

20. Gravy: like a hug for your food.

Best Gravy Jokes

21. My friend John loves gravy so much that he joined a gravy fan club called the Gravy Seals. They have meetings where they share gravy recipes and sample different types of gravy. For his birthday, they got him a gravy boat engraved with “Gravy SEAL John.”

22. I recently met a woman who said she loved gravy more than life itself. To prove it, she had a tattoo on her arm that said “Gravy For Life” in fancy script. I told her that was commitment! She just smiled and said, “What can I say? I was marinated at an early age.”

23. My brother puts gravy on everything, and I mean everything. Cereal, salad, even dessert – it all gets doused in gravy. We took him to an all you can eat buffet once, and they had to ask him to leave after he emptied all 10 gravy boats onto a single plate of mashed potatoes. The man loves his gravy!

24. When I was a kid, we had a puppy that would eat anything and everything. One day we made sausage gravy and biscuits for breakfast. While my mom’s back was turned, the puppy jumped up and licked the gravy right off her plate! After that, we started calling him Gravy Dog.

25. Last Thanksgiving, we accidentally burnt the turkey so badly that we couldn’t even carve it. Thank goodness for gravy – we poured it all over the charred bird and no one was the wiser! The gravy saved Thanksgiving and our reputation as cooks.

26. My grandma swears that pouring gravy on your head will help cure a cold. She says the meat juices have special healing powers. I tried it once to make her happy, but the only thing it cured was my perfectly styled hairdo!

27. We recently found out that my aunt has been secretly drinking gravy straight from the pot at family gatherings. Now it all makes sense why she always polishes off a whole pot herself and her doctor is concerned about her cholesterol!

28. I sneaked a peak at my sister’s online dating profile and under “favorite food” she put gravy. Just gravy. Can’t say I’m surprised though – she’d be lost without her meat sauce.

29. When I finally got my own place, the first thing I bought was one of those gravy warming machines for the table. Hey, it’s hard finding a partner who understands the importance of always having hot gravy available!

30. My brother says you haven’t lived until you’ve tried gravy cheese fries. I tried them once and almost went into a gravy coma! They should come with a warning label advising “gravy responsibly.”

More Gravy Puns

31. Cooking gravy seems easy, but it can actually get very complicated. It’s a real thick situation!

32. I’m no fan of restrictive diets. I’d much rather ladle on the gravy than stress over every calorie!

33. My family has a gravy boat that’s been passed down for generations. You could say we come from good stock!

34. Biscuits and sausage gravy are the ultimate comfort food. They warm my heart and my gravy valve.

35. Be careful not to spill gravy on your lap if you’re wearing tan pants. You’ll end up with a serious suede situation!

36. I was shaking the gravy boat vigorously over my food and made a huge mess. Next time, I’ll take it gravy and steady!

37. My friend got into flavored gravies recently. I’m not a fan – I prefer to keep it og gravy.

38. Running out of gravy is a cardinal sin in my household. We always keep emergency gravy packets on hand.

More Gravy One-Liners

39. I finally found a laundry detergent strong enough to get gravy stains out of my good shirt. Gravy – gone!

40. Gravy – the quickest way to turn any baked potato into a meal.

41. Drizzle it, pour it or slather it on – gravy always makes the meal better.

42. Gravy: the glue that holds a meat and potatoes meal together.

43. Meatloaf without gravy is like a hug without a squeeze.

44. Gravy – don’t leave home without it!

45. Gravy on dessert? Don’t knock it til you’ve tried it!

46. Save the drippings, make a roux – gravy train coming through!

47. Gravy – the bacon bits of sauces.

48. Gravy! Accept no substitutes.

49. I like my men how I like my gravy – thick, dark and hearty.

50. Gravy Jones – has a nice ring to it, right?