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65 Hilarious Garbage Truck Jokes

65 Hilarious Garbage Truck Jokes

Garbage Truck Puns (20)

1. What do you call a garbage truck that’s having engine trouble? A rubbish rubbish truck!

2. Why was the garbage truck driver fired from his job? He trashed it!

3. I saw a garbage truck on the highway today that was playing music. That truck had some serious disposal income.

4. What do you call a garbage truck that picked up wet waste? A damp rubbish lorry!

5. Why are garbage trucks so noisy in the morning? They’re just trash talking.

6. How does a garbage truck greet other vehicles? “Nice to meet you refuse to meet you!”

7. Did you hear about the new electric garbage truck? It runs on re-cyclable energy.

8. Why do garbage trucks go so slow? They like to take the rubbish route.

9. What do you call a garbage truck on its day off? Off-duty refuse vehicle.

10. How does a garbage truck celebrate a birthday? With trash bags and garbage can-dles!

11. Why was the garbage truck tired after work? It had a rubbish day.

12. What’s a garbage truck’s favorite place to visit? The dump store!

13. Why are garbage trucks so messy? They’re always dumping their friends.

14. What do you call a garbage truck that picks up construction debris? A rubbish rubble lorry.

15. Why do garbage trucks wake up so early? To pick up all the trash talkers!

16. What do you call a garbage truck’s vacation? Rubbish re-treat!

17. Why do garbage trucks have suspension? To handle the bump and grind!

18. What’s a garbage truck driver’s favorite book? Dumpster Fire by Ben Philippe.

19. Why do garbage trucks honk so much? They’re just trash-talking.

20. What do you call a very upbeat garbage truck? An optimist rubbish lorry!

Garbage Truck One-Liners (20)

21. I got cut off in traffic today by a garbage truck – it was rubbish!

22. Don’t tailgate a garbage truck, you’ll end up eating their trash.

23. Garbage truck broke down on my street – it was quite the junk show.

24. Got stuck behind a garbage truck on my commute – made me wanna take out the trash!

25. Garbage truck was blasting music at 6am – time to take out the real trash.

26. Garbage truck backed into my car – now it’s ready for the junkyard.

27. Garbage truck spilled trash all over my lawn – time for some spring cleaning!

28. Got a flat tire dodging garbage truck – should’ve just taken the rubbish route.

29. Garbage truck destroyed my mailbox again – third time’s the trash!

30. Garbage truck woke up my baby from her nap – those guys are loud trash-talkers!

31. Garbage truck blocked the intersection during my morning commute – thanks for the rubbish traffic jam!

32. Got stuck behind two slow garbage trucks on the highway – double the rubbish!

33. Garbage truck clipped my mirror and kept going – what rubbish drivers!

34. Garbage truck spilled disgusting trash juice on my car – feeling trashed!

35. Garbage truck’s loud beeping reverberated through my bedroom all morning – I’m so trashed!

36. Garbage truck hit a pothole outside my place – loud trash bang woke up the whole block!

37. Garbage truck’s grapple pierced through my recycling bin – crushed it like rubbish!

38. Garbage truck broke down right in front of my driveway – blocked in by junk!

39. Watched the neighborhood garbage truck pick up trash in slow motion – hypnotic rubbish dance!

40. Neighbors got fined for putting trash out early – garbage truck ratted them out!

Best Garbage Truck Jokes (25)

41. A garbage truck got a flat tire while on its route. The driver told his partner “Don’t worry, I can fix this rubbish tire lickety split!”

42. How does a garbage truck celebrate its birthday? It lifts up the hopper and the crew yells “Surprise!” then dumps confetti everywhere.

43. Why was the garbage truck feeling depressed? It was going through a lot of rubbish.

44. A priest, a rabbi, and a garbage truck driver walk into a bar. The bartender looks up and says “What is this, some kind of trash joke?”

45. A garbage truck driver entered a hot dog eating contest. He won easily by a landfill.

46. Why don’t garbage trucks ever win hide and seek? Because they’re always picking up trash!

47. How does a garbage truck crew show up fashionably late? They make an entrance and say “Sorry we’re rubbish!”

48. Why can’t you tell garbage truck drivers secrets? Because they’re always dumping their friends!

49. Why do garbage trucks have suspension? So they can handle all the bump and grind!

50. When does a garbage truck stop for a tea break? When it’s bin time for rubbish!

51. Why don’t garbage truck drivers ever pay tolls? They just trash through!

52. How do you stop a garbage truck from closing its hopper? Put your trash in its way!

53. Why do garbage trucks make terrible Uber drivers? They only know the rubbish routes!

54. Why couldn’t the garbage truck back up? It was in dump gear.

55. What’s a garbage truck driver’s favorite month? Trash-ember!

56. Why are garbage trucks so excited on Friday? They get to dump their work load!

57. What’s a garbage truck’s favorite pop song? Toxic by Britney Spears.

58. Why was the garbage truck pulled over? It was hauling trash!

59. How do you fix a flat tire on a garbage truck? With a rubbish patch!

60. Why do garbage trucks go so slow? They like to take all the rubbish shortcuts!

61. How does a garbage truck say hello? Nice to rubbish you!

62. Why don’t garbage truck drivers ever finish their meals? They’re always dumping food!

63. Why was the garbage truck fired from the baseball team? It kept dropping the ball!

64. What’s a garbage truck’s favorite hobby? Dumpster diving!

65. How do you cheer up a sad garbage truck? With a rubbish hug!