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65 Hilarious Elevator Jokes

65 Hilarious Elevator Jokes

Elevator Puns

1. I wanted to make my elevator ride faster, but it seems there are ups and downs to that.

2. The elevator repair company motto is “We’ll get you up and running again!”

3. I was feeling down, so I took the elevator up to lift my spirits.

4. I heard the new elevator has cutting edge technology. It goes up in a jiffy!

5. The elevator is feeling ill today. It’s coming down with something.

6. Did you hear about the claustrophobic elevator? It was afraid of being boxed in.

7. The elevator likes looking at itself in the mirror. You could say it’s very self-lifting.

8. The elevator company was sued for improper conduct. They were caught lifting people up illegally.

9. I asked the elevator what floor it liked best. It said the sky’s the limit!

10. The elevator charged way too much for a ride. It had very high fees.

11. The elevator got promoted to the top floor. You could say it really raised itself up.

12. The impatient elevator always goes up and down. It can’t seem to make up its mind.

Elevator One-Liners

13. The elevator walk of shame is going down after you pressed the wrong floor number.

14. Don’t you hate it when someone tries to race you to the elevator? Talk about unelevated behavior.

15. I’m taking the stairs from now on. Riding an elevator is wrong on so many levels.

16. The elevator’s music was reminiscent of a horror movie soundtrack. Talk about an uplifting experience!

17. Don’t you hate it when someone passes gas in the elevator right before the door opens? Talk about an improper exit!

18. My friend thinks he’s so suave when he holds the elevator door open for people. Sorry pal, chivalry is dead.

19. The elevator in my building is so slow, I can actually feel myself aging as I ride it. Such an uplifting experience.

20. I’m pretty sure the elevator in my office building is possessed. It keeps opening and closing its doors for no reason.

21. You know it’s going to be an awkward elevator ride when you get in and see your ex is already inside.

22. The elevator music in my doctor’s office is so outdated. It really lifts my spirits before a checkup.

Best Elevator Jokes

23. I was riding an elevator up to the 20th floor when suddenly it stopped and the lights went out. To pass the time, I decided to start cracking some jokes with the other passengers. After a few puns someone yelled “Hey! Would you mind keeping it down, this is no laughing matter!”

24. The other day I held the elevator door open for a lady but she didn’t say thank you. Talk about gratitude on so many levels.

25. I asked the elevator repairman what he thought about his job. He said it definitely has its ups and downs.

26. Did you hear about the claustrophobic elevator installer? He quit his job because it was too much to handle.

27. I saw a group of people waiting for the elevator so I decided to be polite and hold the door open for them. Turns out it wasn’t our floor yet so we stood in an awkward silence as the elevator kept going up.

28. As I was standing in the elevator, this guy barged in at the last minute and accidentally stepped on my foot. I yelled “Hey! Watch your step!” and he snapped back “No, YOU watch your step!” Well, that escalated quickly.

29. I asked the department store elevator if it could take me to the men’s section. It said “Sorry, I can only go up and down, you’ll have to use the escalator for side to side.”

30. Every time I hop in the elevator at work, my boss always seems to get in too. And every single time it fails right between floors and we’re stuck in there for 15 minutes in silence. Starting to think he plans it.

31. I saw a couple holding hands in the elevator so I stood in the corner and said out loud “Well isn’t this uplifting!” The elevator ride got very awkward very quickly after that.

32. As I was riding up the elevator, a lady got on and said “Could you press 5 for me please?” I pressed every button except 5. She looked at me confused and said “Why did you do that?” I shrugged and replied “It’s not my job to push your buttons.”

33. I asked the elevator “What’s up?” It said “I only go up and down, side to side is not my job. If you need to go sideways, please use the escalator.”

34. The elevator doors opened up and to my horror, my ex was standing right there. I gasped “Didn’t we break up? This is SO wrong on many levels!”

35. I was complaining to my friend about how long we had to wait for the elevator. He turned to me and said “Patience, my friend. Good things come to those who weight.”

Elevator Puns

36. The elevator got arrested for lifting people. The cops said it was wrong on so many levels.

37. Did you hear about the elevators that went on strike? Their demands were constantly going up and down!

38. Why was the nosy elevator sent to prison? It was caught going up and down, spying on people!

39. Why do elevators make bad dancers? They’re great at going up and down but can’t go side to side.

40. The paralyzed elevator just sat there, unable to move up or down. It felt so invalidated.

41. The optimistic elevator likes to look at things in an uplifting way.

42. Did you hear about the shy elevator? It doesn’t like being seen going up or coming down!

43. How does an elevator get fit? By going up and down, up and down!

44. The impatient elevator goes up and down repeatedly, never knowing when to stop.

45. The scared elevator shakes and rattles when it goes up and down. It’s terrified of heights!

Elevator One-Liners

46. Being trapped in an elevator with someone who just farted should be considered cruel and unusual punishment.

47. Elevators pretend to be polite by saying “Going up!” But we all know they only go where they’re programmed to.

48. I’m taking the stairs from now on. Riding an elevator is wrong on so many levels.

49. The elevator doors opened and I saw my ex standing there. Well, this is awkward on so many levels.

50. Waiting for the elevator going up? Good things come to those who weight.

51. Don’t you hate when the elevator doors open and everyone’s staring at you? Talk about unexpected exposure!

52. Trusting an elevator is risky business. There are lots of shafts out there.

53. Hotel elevators are the pinnacle of luxury transportation: slow, old, and smells weird.

54. Hotel elevators pretend to know where you’re going. “Lobby?” So judgy for a box!

55. Waiting for an elevator? Remember, patience is a virtue and good things come to those who weight.

Best Elevator Jokes

56. I was riding an elevator to the 10th floor when it suddenly stopped between floors and the lights went out. To pass the time, I told some jokes to the other passengers: “Waiting for an elevator? The suspense is killing me!” No one laughed. Tough crowd.

57. My friend gets nervous riding elevators so whenever we get in one, I make a big show of jumping up and down and saying “This thing is definitely about to crash!” The look of panic on his face is priceless.

58. The elevator speech competition was intense. The tension was going up and down constantly.

59. The pessimistic elevator sees everything as half empty on the way up and half empty again on the way down.

60. I saw a group of rowdy teenagers get on the elevator so before the doors opened, I stood right in front and yelled “SECURITY!” watching them all panic was pretty uplifting.

61. My office elevator has been acting strangely so I asked the security guard to look into it. He shrugged and said “sounds like you’ve got a wrong number on your hands.” I’ll be taking the stairs from now on.

62. I was nervously riding the old rickety elevator up to the 50th floor of a tall building when suddenly it made a violent shaking noise. I started panicking and yelled “This is it! We’re going down!” Just then, the doors opened calmly and everyone else got off. Awkward.

63. The arrogant elevator likes to lift people up beyond their normal station in life. It thinks it’s so high and mighty.

64. The shady elevator gets stuck between floors on purpose to scam people out of money. It’s always engaged in unlawful schemes.

65. The impatient elevator taps its doors wondering when people will hurry up and get on. It’s not going anywhere fast with that attitude!