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85 Hilarious Dr Pepper Jokes

Dr Pepper Puns (15 Jokes)

1. I asked my friend if he wanted a soda. He said, “What’s the Dr. Pepper?” I told him “Nothing much, what’s up with you?”

2. My favorite soda is Dr Pepper. I drink it when I’m feeling a little fizzy inside.

3. Why was Dr Pepper invited to speak at the medical conference? Because he had a PhD – a Pretty Huge Degree of fizz!

4. I entered a Dr Pepper drinking contest. After 10 sodas I burped “I’m a pepper, he’s a pepper, she’s a pepper, we’re a pepper, wouldn’t you like to be a pepper too?”

5. Dr Pepper should change their slogan to “Drink Dr Pepper at 10, 2, and 4.” It’s got that 2pm pick-me-up you need.

6. I asked my doctor if drinking Dr Pepper was bad for me. He said “No, that would be Dr. Bad For You.”

7. Why did Dr Pepper get his medical license taken away? He kept prescribing himself to his patients!

8. What do you call a sad Dr Pepper? A cryin’ Brian!

9. Why do they call Dr Pepper the “most misunderstood soda”? Because most people don’t realize he’s a real doctor!

10. Dr Pepper walked into an Apple store and asked an employee, “Hey Siri, what’s the Dr. order?”

11. I was craving Dr Pepper but all I had was Sprite. Let’s just say I wasn’t very delighTed.

12. Dr Pepper tried to enter medical school but was rejected because he didn’t have enough Dr Credits.

13. What do you call a Dr Pepper on the beach? A pop doc on the hot sand!

14. Why does Dr Pepper come in a bottle? Because he didn’t pass his soda exams!

15. Dr Pepper went back to school to get his PhD in fizz-ics.

Dr Pepper One-Liners (15 Jokes)

16. I’m reading a book about the history of Dr Pepper. It’s pretty fizzy-cating stuff!

17. Dr Pepper should change his name to Dr. Delicious.

18. Dr Pepper is living proof that great ideas can come out of nowhere.

19. I’m addicted to Dr Pepper like it’s my Mr. Fix-It.

20. Dr Pepper understands me more than my real doctor.

21. Dr Pepper always perks me up – it goes straight to my head!

22. Dr Pepper is the fizzician my taste buds have always needed.

23. Trust me, Dr Pepper makes everything better.

24. Dr Pepper: delicious PhD in a can!

25. Dr Pepper is the sweetest doc around.

26. Dr Pepper’s orders? Drink up!

27. Dr Pepper: Here’s to you, kid!

28. Dr Pepper knows the prescription for happiness.

29. Dr Pepper, the soda with the PhD in refreshment!

30. Trust me, I’m a doctor – a Dr Pepper!

Best Dr Pepper Jokes (55 Jokes)

31. What do you get when you cross Dr Pepper with milk? A fizzy cow!

32. I was feeling anxious so I made an appointment with Dr Pepper. He popped open and listened to all my problems.

33. What do Dr Pepper and spiderwebs have in common? They both have 23 flavors!

34. Why does Dr Pepper come in a bottle? Because he didn’t pass his soda exams!

35. Why can’t Dr Pepper have any kids? Because his wife is infer-tile!

36. Why don’t animals go to see Dr Pepper when they’re sick? Because he’s a soda, not a vet!

37. Dr Pepper went to med school but dropped out because it was too much pop quizzes.

38. Why is Dr Pepper never worried? Because he’s so soda-lightful!

39. Dr Pepper sat down next to a pepper shaker at the diner. He said “We may look the same but you and me, we’re night and day!”

40. Why did Dr Pepper get arrested? He was charged with battery!

41. Dr Pepper went to the eye doctor concerned his eyesight was fizzy. Turns out he just needed glasses.

42. Why does Dr Pepper come in a can? He didn’t pass his bottle exams!

43. Why was Dr Pepper so bubbly at the party? He was soda-lizing!

44. Dr Pepper tried to enter a medical career but he didn’t have the credentials – he only had a soda-gree!

45. Dr Pepper woke up exhausted after studying all night for his soda exams.

46. Why does Dr Pepper wear suspenders? To hold up his pants!

47. Dr Pepper went to see an R-rated movie but they wouldn’t let him in because he was a soda!

48. Dr Pepper applied to art school but they rejected him because he was too soda-l.

49. Why did Dr Pepper get sent to the principal’s office? Because he was caught fizzing in class!

50. Why did Dr Pepper stop calling his mother? Because she was soda-manding!

51. Why did Dr Pepper cross the road? To get to the soda fountain!

52. Why does Dr Pepper wear headphones? He likes pop music!

53. Why didn’t Dr Pepper want to play tennis? It was too soda-strenuous!

54. Dr Pepper went camping and drank smores flavored soda by the fire. It was his perfect nightcap-soda.

55. Why didn’t Dr Pepper want to dance at the party? Because he had soda-left feet!

56. Why was Dr Pepper laughing so hard? Because soda comes out your nose when you laugh!

57. Why was Dr Pepper chosen to be the commencement speaker? Because he graduated soda cum laude!

58. Dr Pepper dreamed of being a famous rapper but the only rhymes he could think of were soda obscene!

59. Dr Pepper slipped on a banana peel and soda’d himself right in the kisser!

60. Why did Dr Pepper get heartburn? Too much soda-cializing!

61. Dr Pepper sat down on a whoopee cushion. He was soda-mbarrassed!

62. Why was Dr Pepper jealous of root beer? Because it was on tap and he was just bottled up.

63. Dr Pepper applied for a job as a bartender but didn’t make the cut – he was soda-qualified!

64. Why did Dr Pepper take up gardening? To grow pepper plants of course!

65. Dr Pepper loved singing in the soda but he could never reach the high notes.

66. Why was Dr Pepper acting so crabby? Because he was soda-stipated!

67. Dr Pepper entered a hula hoop contest but didn’t qualify because he didn’t have the waist requirement!

68. Why was Dr Pepper sweating so much? A pepper upper was grilling him with questions!

69. Dr Pepper tried to be an advice soda but it just came out fizzy.

70. Dr Pepper was accused of plagiarizing a term paper. But it was just a soda-incidence!

71. Why was Dr Pepper crying? Because someone soda-pped all over his dreams!

72. Dr Pepper challenged Coke to a soda duel but it ended in a fizzle.

73. Why did Dr Pepper go to night school? To get his soda-gree of course!

74. Dr Pepper went on a strict soda diet and lost 15 pounds – of carbonation!

75. Why couldn’t Dr Pepper perform surgery? His hands were too soda-ly!

76. Dr Pepper was applying to Harvard Medical School but didn’t have enough soda-stical experience.

77. Why did Dr Pepper show up late to work? He soda-verslept!

78. Dr Pepper loved to play pranks on his friends. His specialty was jump-out-of-the-closet soda-prises!

79. Why did Dr Pepper get sent to the principal’s office? For fizzical violence!

80. Dr Pepper tried to tell a chemistry joke but he didn’t get a reaction. Sodium funny!

81. Why couldn’t Dr Pepper join the army? Because he was a soda-scientious objector!

82. Dr Pepper applied for a job cleaning floors but he wasn’t the right soda-lution.

83. Dr Pepper went camping and saw a bear! Thankfully the bear just soda-mbled on by.

84. Why did Dr Pepper go to art school? Because he wanted to draw soda animals!

85. Dr Pepper tried to enter a beauty pageant but was disqualified for artificial carbonation.