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32 Funny Yeti Puns

32 Funny Yeti Puns

Yeti Puns

1. What do you call a yeti who loves to read? A bookie monster!

2. Why was the yeti late for dinner? He got abominably snowed in!

3. What do you call a yeti who works as a bartender? The abominable snowman!

4. How does a yeti stay connected? With inter-snow-net!

5. Why don’t yetis ride rollercoasters? They get too territorial!

6. Why do yetis make great corrections officers? Because they’re sherpas!

7. What do you call a yeti who does magic? An abracadabra-ominable snowman!

8. Why are yetis so good at hide and seek? Because they’re the abominable snowmen!

9. What do you call a yeti who loves music? A hip-hop-ominable snowman!

10. Why do yetis make great journalists? Because they have abominable sources!

11. What do you call a yeti who works as a locksmith? A key monster!

12. Why can’t you insult a yeti’s mom? Because they get abominably offended!

Yeti One-Liners

13. I heard the abominable snowman called in sick today with a bad case of the snow-sniffles.

14. They say you can’t judge a yeti by its furry coat.

15. I’d make a joke about the abominable snowman, but it would just snowball out of control.

16. The yeti was a monster skier, he really tore up those slopes!

17. I tried to warn the hikers about the abominable snowman, but they just gave me the cold shoulder.

18. The yeti had an ice time at the ski resort until some tourists spotted him.

19. I was going to make a joke about snowmen, but I was afraid it would fall apart.

20. The yeti checked into a hotel and the receptionist asked, “Himalayan room do you prefer?”

21. If you see some large footprints in the snow, it’s snow joke, get out of there!

22. I’d tell you a joke about the abominable snowman’s diet, but it’s too cryptic.

Best Yeti Jokes

23. A group of hikers were trekking through the Himalayas when they stumbled upon some massive footprints in the snow. They decided to follow the tracks to see where they led. After hiking for several miles, the footprints ended at the entrance of a large icy cave. Cautiously, they entered the cave and were met by a booming voice that said “Who dares enter my abode?” One of the hikers quickly responded “It’s Jake…from State Farm.” There was a long pause. Finally, the voice replied “I don’t know any Jake. Now get out of my cave!” The hikers rushed out and vowed never to return.

24. Billy loved listening to scary stories about the abominable snowman. He was obsessed with one day tracking down the elusive yeti in the Himalayas. For his eighth birthday, his parents surprised him with a guided hike through the mountains of Nepal along with an experienced Sherpa. After days of hiking through snowy passes, Billy came across some massive footprints. He raced after them, leaving the group far behind. He followed them until he came face-to-face with a towering creature covered in white fur. Looking up at the abominable snowman, Billy paused then said “Can I have your autograph?” The stunned yeti replied “Didn’t your parents teach you not to talk to strangers?”

25. Jake and his friends were on a ski trip when a blizzard rolled in, separating them on the slopes. Jake lost his bearings in the blinding snow and found himself in a remote area far from the trails. As night fell, he took shelter in a nearby cave to wait out the storm. He started a fire to keep warm but was startled by a loud grunting sound from deep within the cave. Suddenly, a massive white beast emerged from the shadows. Jake was face-to-face with the abominable snowman! The yeti stared at him intently then pointed to the fire and said “Do you mind if I join you? My feet are freezing.” Jake scooted over silently and spent the night sitting by the fire next to the abominable snowman, hoping he wouldn’t end up as its dinner.

26. Tom loved to photograph rare wildlife in remote places. He hired an experienced guide to lead him to a secluded valley high up in the Himalayas that was rumored to be the home of the elusive yeti. After days of trekking through winding mountain passes, they finally reached the valley as a snowstorm was moving in. His guide warned Tom that they should turn back before the storm trapped them in the valley. But Tom insisted on staying, convinced this would be his only chance to get photographic evidence of the abominable snowman’s existence. As the snow swirled around him, he suddenly spotted a dark shape lumbering toward him. Tom’s hands shook as he captured the first-ever clear photos of the yeti just before it reached out and snatched his camera away, grunting “No pictures please!”

27. Lucy joined an exclusive mountain climbing expedition said to follow the trail of the mysterious yeti. After scaling treacherous frozen peaks, Lucy slipped into a hidden crevasse and plunged into an icy cavern deep below the surface. There she came face to face with a real living abominable snowman! Lucy froze in panic as the imposing beast stared back at her. Then it smiled warmly and said in a gentle voice “Hi there, are you lost? Don’t be afraid. My name’s Snowball and I’ve been so lonely down here.” Lucy breathed a sigh of relief and spent the next few hours conversing with the friendly yeti before being safely rescued.

28. High in the lonely peaks of the Himalayas, an adventurous climber named Max came across some gigantic footprints that looked oddly human-like. He impulsively decided to follow the tracks, curious to see where they led. After a perilous trek through mountains wreathed in mist, he turned a corner and found himself face-to-face with the legendary abominable snowman. The enormous hairy creature fixed Max with an intense stare, then broke into a huge grin and exclaimed, “Hey buddy! Wanna build a snowman?” Max let out a laugh, his fear dissolving, and spent the afternoon constructing snow creatures with his new yeti friend.

29. Jeff was a cryptozoologist determined to track down a real live abominable snowman. He dedicated years to interviewing Sherpas and researching sightings in the highest peaks of the Himalayas. One freezing winter morning, Jeff woke in his tent to find giant footprints circling his campsite. He followed the tracks up a winding mountain pass until he came face-to-face with a towering white-furred being. Jeff stood in shock as the yeti leaned in, cocked its head, and asked, “Did you eat my pic-a-nic basket?” In his excitement, it took Jeff a minute to realize the abominable snowman was just messing with him.

30. Mark was leading a hiking tour in Nepal when a winter storm blew in, forcing them to take shelter in a cave. As they huddled around a fire keeping warm, a thundering roar echoed through the cave. Mark watched in shock as a massive hairy white beast stomped out of the shadows. The abominable snowman glared menacingly at the group, then broke into a wide grin and said, “Welcome to my humble abode, friends! Make yourselves at home, and I’ll whip up some hot cocoa.” Turns out the “vicious” yeti was just a very hairy introvert who loved hosting travelers.

31. Jenny signed up to participate in a research study claiming to have located the lair of the elusive Himalayan yeti. She was blindfolded and led deep into an icy cavern where, upon removing her blindfold, she came face-to-furry-face with a real-life abominable snowman! Jenny stood paralyzed as the huge white beast leaned in, narrowed its eyes, and asked skeptically, “Am I being punked? Where’s Ashton Kutcher?” Turns out the yeti was a big fan of 2000s prank shows.

32. Sam was backpacking through the Himalayas when a blizzard struck, forcing him to hunker down in a sheltered alcove. Hours later, a tall menacing silhouette emerged from the snow. Sam gasped as the abominable snowman loomed over him, casting a long shadow. Then the yeti spoke in a gravelly voice: “Pardon the intrusion, good sir. I don’t mean to disrupt your traveling plans, but would you happen to have an extra scarf I could borrow? The winds out here wreak havoc on my fur, you see.” Sam handed over a scarf, relieved his close encounter was with a polite cryptid just looking to keep warm.