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47 Funny Yellow Puns

47 Funny Yellow Puns

Yellow Puns

1. Why was the banana kicked out of the fruit bowl? It was being too mellow!

2. What did the yellow highlighter say to the pencil? I got you covered!

3. Why do bees stay away from lemons? They prefer the mellow yellow flowers!

4. Why did the yellow pages go digital? They didn’t want to be in print anymore!

5. How does a lemon get to work every day? It takes the mellow bus!

6. What did one dandelion say to the other? I’m feeling a little mellow today.

7. Why do frogs like yellow lily pads? They make them mellow!

8. What do you call a relaxed lemon? A mellow fellow!

9. Why did the mellow banana go to therapy? It was having an identity crisis!

10. What do you call a chilled out yellow jacket? A mellow fellow!

11. Why was the lemonade stand so successful? It specialized in mellow yellow!

12. Why was the sunflower anxious? It was having a mellow yellow day.

13. Why do mellow people make the best gardeners? They know how to go with the flow!

14. What do you call a laidback taxi cab? A mellow yellow!

15. How does the sun relax after a long day? It unwinds with some mellow yellow rays.

Yellow One-Liners

16. This banana is so mellow it should be called a mell-o-nana.

17. I was feeling blue until I painted everything yellow.

18. The relaxed lemonade stand had no stress, just mellow yellow success.

19. I was in a bad mood until I saw those cheerful mellow yellow flowers.

20. The sun was shining so bright it made all the dandelions turn a mellow yellow.

21. The laidback bumblebee just floated by on a mellow yellow summer breeze.

22. The page was blank until the mellow yellow highlighter marked it up.

23. The taxi drove by so slow it should’ve been called a mellow yellow.

24. The frosted lemon cake was as mellow and yellow as could be.

25. The happy sunflower was loving the mellow yellow glow of the sun.

Best Yellow Jokes

26. One day a woman walked into a cafe and ordered a bowl of banana pudding. She took one bite and immediately spit it out. “This pudding tastes terrible!” she yelled at the waiter. “It’s not pudding at all, it’s mustard!” The waiter apologized profusely and took the bowl back to the kitchen. A few minutes later, he returned with a new bowl of pudding and set it down in front of the woman. She cautiously took a small spoonful and swirled it around her mouth. A huge smile crossed her face. “Wow, this pudding is delicious!” she exclaimed. “I don’t understand what happened before, but this is wonderful.”

“I’m so glad you’re enjoying it now,” the waiter replied. “We mellowed out the yellow this time.”

27. Bill was out for a walk when he came across a bright patch of dandelions on the side of the road. He decided to stop and admire their cheerful yellow color. As Bill leaned in to get a closer look, a sudden breeze blew the fluffy dandelion seeds right into his face. He stumbled backwards, frantically trying to brush the seeds off his clothes and spit them out of his mouth. Just then, his friend Joe came cycling down the road and crumpled over laughing at the sight of Bill coated in dandelion fuzz.

“It’s not funny!” Bill yelled still spitting out seeds. “I was just trying to mellow with some yellow when these dang flowers attacked me!”

Joe clutched his side and wiped away a tear. “Sorry Bill, but you should know by now if you mellow with the yellow, you’re gonna get the whole flower fellow!”

28. Martha was thrift shopping for vintage clothes when she came across a ridiculous bright yellow jacket from the 70s. The color was so horrendously neon it almost hurt her eyes. She tried it on as a joke and strutted out of the fitting room giggling. Her friend Jenny’s eyes widened in shock when she saw Martha in the blinding garment.

“Oh my gosh Martha, I know you love mellow yellow usually, but that is just too much!” Jenny said while pretending to shield her eyes.

Martha laughed and shrugged. “I have to admit, this color is anything but mellow. I’m taking it off before it burns my retinas!” She changed back into her normal clothes, leaving the previous owner’s questionable fashion sense behind.

29. The first day of art class, the teacher announced they would be painting still life portraits. She set up some fruits on a table and told the students to begin their sketches. Tim carefully outlined the shape of the orange and tried to recreate its bright color on his canvas. He then moved onto the green pear and finally the yellow banana. But no matter how hard Tim mixed the paint, he couldn’t seem to match the mellow yellow tone of the banana. Every attempt came out too lemon-y and harsh.

After his last failed try, Tim sighed and raised his hand. “I just can’t mellow this yellow,” he admitted to the teacher. “Do you have any tips to make it less shrill?”

The teacher smiled and squeezed out some yellow and white paint onto Tim’s palette. “Here, add some white to soften it,” she instructed. “When you’re working with strong yellows, it helps to mellow them out.”

30. When Kayla moved into her first apartment, she was excited to finally decorate however she pleased. She decided to give the living room a cheerful makeover in mellow yellow and accents of white. Kayla painted one wall golden yellow and found some white furniture pieces at thrift stores. The look came together beautifully, filling the space with a warm sunny glow.

Her friend Leah came over to see the new apartment and her mouth fell open when she saw the living room. “Kayla, wow! This room is so…yellow,” she said, struggling to find words.

Kayla laughed. “I know, I went a little overboard with the mellow yellow. But I just love how happy and bright it turned out.”

“It’s very sunny,” Leah agreed. “Maybe just add a few more white decor pieces so it’s not, you know, blinded-by-the-light yellow.”

Kayla nodded. “Good call! I’m still learning how to mellow out my yellow decor obsession.”

Yellow Puns

31. Why don’t mellow people get upset when you make fun of them? They take it in stride since they don’t have a yellow bone in their body!

32. Why was the relaxed taxi driver so popular? All his customers liked his mellow yellow vehicle!

33. How did the laidback minion find his way around? He used a mellow yellow brick road!

34. Where do chilled out bees live? In mellow yellow hives!

35. Which books do easygoing librarians recommend? Mellow yellow paperbacks!

36. How does a relaxed duck swim? It paddles along in mellow yellow mode.

37. Why did the banana sit out in the sun all day? It wanted a nice even mellow yellow tan!

38. What kind of cake do laidback bakers make? Mellow yellow buttercream.

39. What do you call a calm taxi driver? A mellow fellow!

40. How does an easygoing minion spend his weekend? Enjoying mellow yellow leisure!

Yellow One-Liners

41. This lemonade is so mellow it should be called mellow-nade.

42. The sunflower basked happily in the mellow yellow sunlight all day.

43. The cheerful dandelions dotted the field with pops of mellow yellow.

44. The relaxed taxi driver cruised around town picking up fares in his mellow yellow cab.

45. The little duckling was the color of mellow yellow with a cute fuzzy peep.

46. The bakery’s mellow yellow cupcakes have a smooth buttercream frosting as sweet as can be.

47. The easygoing labrador’s fur was the perfect tone of mellow yellow.

Best Yellow Jokes

48. Martha was cooking up a pasta dinner while her roommate Dave sat lazily on the couch watching TV.

“Hey Dave, can you give me a hand dicing up this lemon?” Martha called out. “I need it for the sauce.”

Dave groaned and slowly made his way to the kitchen. He picked up the lemon and started slicing it every which way, leaving big ragged chunks.

Martha looked over in dismay. “Whoa, careful there! I said dice it, not demolish it,” she joked.

“My bad,” Dave chuckled. “Guess I needed to put some more mellow in this yellow.”

He carefully cut the lemon into neat little pieces while Martha just shook her head and laughed.

49. Jenna was browsing online for new bedding when she came across a set in a vibrant mustard yellow color. It definitely made a statement, but she thought it might be too bold for her taste.

She asked her friend David what he thought about the loud yellow set.

“Wow, that is…eye-catching,” David said, staring at the screen. “I think you should only get it if you really want to wake up to that strong yellow every day.”

Jenna nodded in agreement. “You’re probably right, it seems like it needs a little more mellow.”

“Exactly,” David said. “Mellow that yellow out with some softer accent colors.”

“Okay, mellow yellow it is,” Jenna laughed, closing the tab and continuing her search.

50. When Simone moved into her college dorm room, the first thing she did was hang up some bright posters to make the space feel more homey. One was a neon yellow motivational poster that boldly read “BEE HAPPY!”

When her roommate Lily arrived, she immediately commented on the intense yellow wall decor.

“Whoa, that poster is super…vibrant,” Lily said. “Do you think we could maybe switch it out for something a little more mellow yellow?”

Simone tilted her head, assessing the poster’s brightness. “Yeah, you’re probably right. This yellow is pretty bold for the whole year. I’ll order a mellower version to give our eyes a rest!”

They changed out the poster for a calmer bee print in muted yellow tones.

51. When interior designer Jasmine first saw her client’s living room, she was taken aback by the bright lemon yellow walls and matching furniture. It was a little blinding.

“So…you really like yellow, I see,” Jasmine said politely to the client.

The woman beamed and gestured around. “Isn’t it cheerful?”

“It’s very lively,” Jasmine agreed. “I was thinking we could complement it with some whites and greys to mellow out the space.”

The client hesitated but then nodded slowly. “I guess it is pretty bold yellow…a touch mellow wouldn’t hurt.”

Jasmine gave a relieved smile. “Perfect! We’ll mellow out this yellow and give the room a nice harmonious look.”

The resulting design had a much more pleasing muted yellow color palette.