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89 Funny Werewolf Jokes

89 Funny Werewolf Jokes

Werewolf Puns (30)

1. What do you call a werewolf who works as a gardener? A were-florist!

2. Why don’t werewolves ever win any sports competitions? They don’t like taking home the silver medal.

3. What did the werewolf say when he was asked about his favorite food? I really have a taste for meat!

4. What did the werewolf name his son? Harry.

5. What do you call a small werewolf? A wherepuppy!

6. What do you call a werewolf who goes riding on a full moon night? A lycan-biker!

7. Why are werewolves such messy eaters? They just wolf down their food!

8. Why can’t you tell a werewolf a joke? Because they take everything literally!

9. What do you call a werewolf who lives in a castle? A wherecount!

10. Why don’t werewolves ever vacuum? They prefer to live in howlmess rather than cleanliness!

11. How does a werewolf like to wear his facial hair? With sideburns.

12. What happened to the werewolf who fell in the washing machine? He came out in a spin cycle!

13. Why don’t werewolves ever have stain free clothing? They only buy howl garments.

14. How do werewolves get dressed so quickly? They put on their claws and fangs out.

15. What do you call a paralyzed werewolf? A wearwolf.

16. What do you call a werewolf who works on Wall Street? A stockbrokerwoolf.

17. What do you call a werewolf that has escaped from prison? A fugitivewoolf.

18. Why are werewolves such great gardeners? They have a green paw.

19. What did the werewolf name his dog? Bark Twain.

20. How do werewolves finish their letters? With their signature howl!

21. Why did the werewolf subscribe to the newspaper? He liked pawsing through it.

22. How do werewolves keep their breath fresh? With howl mints!

23. What’s a werewolf’s favorite coffee drink? A mocha-howllatte.

24. Why did the werewolf go to the eye doctor? He was having vision prowlems.

25. What’s a werewolf’s favorite James Bond movie? Moonraker.

26. What do you call a werewolf who works on a ship? A seawoolf.

27. What’s a werewolf’s favorite kind of TV show? Howllywood Game Night!

28. Why do werewolves avoid taking taxis? They prefer to trawl.

29. What do you call a werewolf who does comedy shows? A werejester.

30. Why do werewolves hate taking the bus? Because they prefer to trawl.

Werewolf One-Liners (20)

31. I tried dating a werewolf once, but she gave me the cold shoulder!

32. I took a werewolf to the vet to get him neutered. Now he’s a swearwolf.

33. Werewolves aren’t so bad, it’s the wearwolves you really have to look out for.

34. I was going to make a werewolf pun, but I decided it would be pretty fetch.

35. You don’t get between a werewolf and his prey. That’s just barking mad.

36. Werewolves aren’t all bad. My best friend is a wearbro.

37. Tried crossing a werewolf with a vampire hoping to get a Werepire. Got nothing. Real dampire.

38. Werewolves hate it when you throw sticks at them. Really grinds their gears.

39. Guy 1: That werewolf bit my sister! Guy 2: That sucks man. Guy 1: I know, now she’s a wereho.

40. I met a werewolf at a hotel bar once. Nice enough guy, just a little howl-ish.

41. Guy 1: I think I might be turning into a werewolf. Guy 2: That’s just a furry tale.

42. Werewolves aren’t so scary once you get to gnaw them.

43. Werewolves hate fetch. You throw something and they have to bring it back. Real bone of contention.

44. Don’t try using a dog whistle on a werewolf. Trust me, you’re barking up the wrong tree.

45. Werewolves love to travel. You should see their wolfbags.

46. Guy 1: Is your girlfriend a werewolf? Guy 2: Yup, tonight’s a full moon if you know what I mean!

47. Werewolves aren’t so bad. Unless it’s a full moon. Then you’re pretty much wolf kibble.

48. Why do werewolves hate going camping? Because they have such in-tents fear.

49. Guy 1: Did you hear about the werewolf costume party? Guy 2: Yeah, it was a real howl!

50. I threw a stick at a werewolf to try and get him to play fetch. That was my last mistake.

Best Werewolf Jokes (39)

51. What do you get when you cross a werewolf with a vampire? A fur coat that sucks your blood.

52. A werewolf walked into a bar and said to the bartender, “I’ll have a beer and…a mop.”

53. What do you call a werewolf who meditates? Aware wolf.

54. How come whenever a werewolf goes to sleep, he always wakes up feeling refreshed? Because he gets a great 40 winks.

55. Why don’t you ever see baby werewolves? Because they’re puppies!

56. Did you hear about the unemployed werewolf? He couldn’t find work anywhere. Every full moon he was just howling outside.

57. What did the werewolf say when his son failed all his classes? Son, I’m very disappawnted in you.

58. How do werewolves stay connected? They join social howl-works.

59. What do you get if you cross an elephant with a werewolf? Great big hairy trunks.

60. What did one werewolf say to the other at the restaurant? This place looks a little too silverware for me.

61. What do werewolves eat on their sandwitches? Luna salami and moonster cheese.

62. Why did the werewolf subscription get cancelled? There were too many howliday issues.

63. What’s a werewolf’s favorite poem? “The Howl” by Allen Gins-wolf.

64. Why do werewolves make such great detectives? They’re supernatural slewolves.

65. Why did the werewolf join a band? Because he was a great at howl-ing.

66. What happened to the werewolf who ate garlic bread? He had really bad breath!

67. Why did the werewolf have to quit his job? He could wolf longer howl the hours.

68. Why are werewolves such good gardeners? They have great plant knowledge and green paws.

69. What did the werewolf name his puppy? Wolfie.

70. Did you hear about the werewolf who went to the dentist? He had teeth as sharp as razors!

71. What did the werewolf say when he stubbed his toe? Awoooooo!

72. Why don’t werewolves go shopping on full moons? There’s no stores open that late!

73. What do you call a werewolf that lives near the beach? A seawolf.

74. Why did the werewolf growl? You would too if your name was Growly!

75. What did the werewolf say when he saw the full moon? Awoooo, that’s bright!

76. What do you call a werewolf from outer space? A Lycan, not Lucas!

77. Why don’t mummies make good werewolves? They’re too wrapped up in themselves!

78. What’s a werewolf’s favorite snack? Moon pies!

79. What do you call a werewolf that lives in the arctic? A polar wearwolf!

80. Why did the werewolf go to college? To get his howl-ing degree!

81. What do you call a werewolf that works on your car? A Lycan-ic.

82. What did the werewolf name his son? Harry Paw-ter.

83. Why did the werewolf go to the moon? He wanted to see the Sea of Claws!

84. What did the werewolf say to his date? You look pawsitively claw-some tonight!

85. Why did the werewolf take up painting? He wanted to expand his howl-rizons.

86. What did the werewolf say when he lost his favorite blanket? I want my blankey back!

87. Why do werewolves hate taking vacations? Once you’ve seen one full moon, you’ve seen them all.

88. What do you call a werewolf who tells ghost stories on Halloween? A haunterwoolf!

89. Why did the werewolf join Facebook? He wanted to find his packmates and connect with old friends!