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79 Funny Video Game Jokes

79 Funny Video Game Jokes

Video Game Puns

1. I tried to make a game about construction vehicles, but all I could come up with was a crane simulator.

2. The astronaut game was fun, but it felt a bit too spacey for me.

3. I wanted to make a game about submarines, but couldn’t get past the first dive.

4. My friend made a game about delivering the mail, but I thought it was just another postal clone.

5. I tried to make a bowling game, but couldn’t figure out how to implement curving the ball. It was a real hook shot.

6. I made a game about managing a zoo, but couldn’t figure out how to stop the animals from es-caping.

7. My game about competitive eating didn’t take off. I guess people aren’t fans of gorging gameplay.

8. My friend designed a game about being a barber, but couldn’t figure out a good name. Shaving simulator was the best he could comb up with.

9. I tried making a tennis game, but couldn’t get past modeling the rackets.

10. My game about exploring Mayan temples tanked. I guess I didn’t do enough ruin-testing.

Video Game One-Liners

11. Press start to continue with these video game jokes.

12. Sadly, my skill points seem mainly allocated to comedy.

13. Don’t worry if you run out of lives – I have an extra guy.

14. I wanted to make a game about organization, but couldn’t find the right file.

15. Can’t talk now, I’m on level 79 and haven’t saved in awhile.

16. How do you make a plumber game? Use lots of PVC.

17. What do you call stolen gaming goods? Loot boxes.

18. Why was the mobile game developer exhausted? He was working around the clock.

19. Why can’t you pause an online game? Lag would kill you.

20. How does Mario eat pizza? One slice at a time.

Best Video Game Jokes

21. I was going to tell a joke about video game violence, but decided it wasn’t very tasteful given recent events. Instead, here’s a joke about gaming and friendship:

Two friends were playing multiplayer when one had to leave unexpectedly. “Sorry, I have to go abruptly due to some urgent plumbing issues at home,” he explained. “Oh no, a leaky pipe?” asked his friend. “Yeah, and it’s making a huge mess. Anyway, thanks for gaming – you’re a true friend.” His buddy smiled and said “Any time! Feel free to log back on later – I’ll keep your character safe.”

22. What did the Ethernet cable say to the game controller? I’ve got you covered.

A young boy was excited to finally hook up his new gaming console, but was having trouble getting the internet connected. After struggling to plug everything in correctly, he finally got online by stringing an extra long Ethernet cable from the router to his controller. Holding up the tangled cord, he gave it an affectionate pat and said “Thanks, buddy – I’ve got you covered now too.”

23. Why don’t action stars make good video game characters? Because they can’t respawn.

When a big movie star signed up to voice an important character in the latest blockbuster game franchise, the developers were thrilled. But their excitement quickly turned to panic when the actor revealed he didn’t understand the concept of respawning. “So if my character dies in a level, I have to record all new dialogue for when they come back? I don’t have time for that!” The devs tried explaining it was just a game mechanic, but the actor wasn’t having it – he walked off the project entirely. The studio had to replace him with a seasoned voice actor who knew respawning was part of the job.

24. What did the Xbox say to the PlayStation on Valentine’s Day? Are U ready 2 rumble?

The annual Valentine’s Day party for gaming consoles was in full swing, and the Xbox was working up the courage to ask the PlayStation to be its date. Approaching the sleek, black console, Xbox cleared its throat nervously. “Hey there, PlayStation. Wow, you’re looking extra…rectangle-shaped tonight. Listen, I know we’re supposed to be rivals and all, but would you maybe want to ditch this party and rumble together – just the two of us?” PlayStation just rolled its disc drive coyly and said “Why Xbox, are U ready 2 rumble indeed? Let’s go have our own player-two fun.” Hand in hand, the happy consoles left to spend Valentine’s Day together.

25. What did the controller say to console before bed? I’m turning off now, goodnight!

After hours spent battling monsters and saving faraway kingdoms, a weary game controller lay on the couch, ready for sleep mode. Nearby, its trusty console powered down, lights slowly dimming. Just before it flickered off entirely, the controller murmured “Good work today, buddy. I’m turning off now – sleep tight and we’ll game again tomorrow.” The console gave a faint beep in reply before both went dark, a gaming duo resting up for more adventures ahead.

26. Why was the retro gamer disappointed when he got a new console? He didn’t have all the old cartridges.

Jeremy was a huge retro gaming fan who spent years collecting every classic cartridge and console he could find. For his birthday, his friends all chipped in to buy Jeremy the brand new, state-of-the-art gaming system. While appreciative, Jeremy’s excitement turned to dismay as he realized none of his beloved old games would work with the new hi-tech console. “Bummer – now I gotta start my whole collection over!” he complained. Jeremy’s retro obsession led to years seeking out cartridges, so starting from scratch was a daunting task. Next time, his friends realized, it would be better to get Jeremy some new cartridges to go with the old consoles he already loved so much.

27. What did the developer say when he finished coding the new soccer game? Let’s kick this off!

After months of long days perfecting the graphics, gameplay, and mechanics for his new soccer title, a game developer finally compiled a complete beta build ready for testing. Gathering his exhausted team to demo the game, the lead coder clicked “run” and watched months of passionate work spring to life onscreen. Pixelated crowds cheered as the virtual match began, players jogging smoothly around the pitch. The devs exchanged amazed glances – it was really done. With a tired but satisfied grin, the lead developer leaned back and proclaimed: “ladies and gentlemen, thanks to your hard work, we have ourselves a game. Let’s kick this off!” The team erupted in cheers, thrilled to share their creation with the eagerly awaiting fans.

28. Why was the gamer frustrated trying to resell his old equipment? He couldn’t find any buyers for vintage consoles.

Andre was running out of room for all the gaming systems he’d accumulated over the years. He decided it was time to declutter by selling off some of his older consoles and games. But after listing them on auction sites and forums for retro enthusiasts, Andre struggled to find any interested buyers. “Come on, who wouldn’t want a mint condition Sega Genesis or Nintendo 64?” he complained to his girlfriend. As fun as those 90s consoles were in their heyday, she had to explain that they’d been obsolete for years. While some collectors might pay for nostalgia, most gamers had moved on to newer and better systems. Andre reluctantly accepted that his “vintage” consoles considered junk by modern standards just weren’t in demand.

29. Why did the speedrunner get in trouble at the museum? Running inside is against the rules.

Ryan considered himself an elite gamer – he was obsessed with speedrunning records and shaving precious seconds off his completion times. During a class trip to the local history museum, Ryan couldn’t resist timing himself racing through the exhibits. Darting around startled patrons and sliding around corners, Ryan earned scowls from both his teacher and the security guard. “Young man, no running in the museum!” scolded the guard when he finally caught the breathless Ryan by the dinosaur fossils. With his DSi and stopwatch confiscated for the day, Ryan learned the hard way that sometimes slow and steady really does win the race.

30. What’s a gamer’s favorite type of sweater? A hoody.

When the winter chill sets in each year, Kat is on the hunt for the warmest, coziest clothes to wear for marathon gaming weekends. While her friends may opt for trendy peacoats or flashy athleisure wear, Kat has just one cold weather staple: her favorite oversized gaming hoody. With a hood to keep her head warm for long sessions and soft fleece lining perfect for curling up on the couch, Kat’s go-to hoody is the ultimate gamer winter essential. When not battling epic quests and raids, she remains just as comfortable bundled in her hoody lounging around the house. Because for Kat, nothing beats a weekend spent gaming in her favorite hoody.

Video Game Puns

31. I entered my chicken game in a competition, but it didn’t even get past the first round.

32. I tried to make a game about exploring the ocean, but couldn’t stay afloat financially.

33. I wanted to make an agricultural simulator game, but couldn’t get the pitch to sprout any interest.

34. My friend is making a game about archaeology, but doesn’t know much about ancient cultures. He could use some Tut-torials.

35. My racing game idea stalled out. The engines couldn’t handle all the bugs in the codes.

36. I tried to make a fitness app, but couldn’t really get the right gym mechanics.

37. My game about delivering pizzas lacked good maps. I couldn’t find my way around the problems.

38. I entered my basketball game in a design competition, but didn’t make the finals draft.

39. I wanted to make a music game, but couldn’t get the inputs from the controllers to play nice.

40. I tried making a military shooter game, but couldn’t recruit any help on the project.

Video Game One-Liners

41. Got any gaming jokes? Press Start to hear one.

42. What’s a gamer’s favorite fruit? Pears. As in PEGI ratings.

43. How do gamers stay connected? They LAN party together.

44. My gaming skills are a little rusty…maybe I need some WD-40.

45. What did the gamer say when he beat the final boss? Achievement unlocked!

46. Why do gamers make bad electricians? They’re always looking for power-ups.

47. How do you organize a space-themed LAN party? You planet.

48. My gamer friend claims he “levels up” in real life. But I haven’t seen any evidence of new skills dropping for him yet.

49. What’s a gamer’s favorite magazine? Nintendo Power.

50. I wanted to tell my friend a funny gaming joke over voice chat, but he didn’t have a headset.

Best Video Game Jokes

51. What did the mom say when her kids wouldn’t stop gaming and come to dinner? “Pause it or I’m turning it off!”

Sarah was engrossed in a round of online multiplayer with her siblings when she heard their mom calling them all for dinner. “Kids, it’s time to eat!” But none of them responded, still fiercely battling each other onscreen. “Don’t make me come in there!” their mom warned. Still no movement from the addicted gamers. Finally she burst into the den, hands on hips. “Pause that game and get to the table or I’m turning the whole console off, got it?” The gamers quickly scrambled to save their progress, not willing to risk having their mom flip the off switch and lose all their hard-earned points. Message received!

52. Why was the gamer disappointed with his new MMO character? The servers went down before he could finish making his avatar.

Carl eagerly logged on to try the new medieval fantasy MMO all his friends were obsessed with. He was thrilled to start building his heroic warrior character. As Carl carefully customized the avatar’s armor and weapons, the game froze up, stalling on the final character creation step. After waiting impatiently for the servers to stabilize, the error message popped up: the network was down for maintenance for the next 24 hours. Carl banged his desk in frustration. Now he’d have to wait a whole day to play using the boring default placeholder character model. Next time, Carl thought grumpily, he should know better than try making his perfect avatar right at a new game launch.

53. Why was the gamer fed up with microtransactions? They nickle-and-dimed him just to change his character’s shirt color.

Brad was excited when the latest content patch for his favorite RPG added tons of character customization options. But his excitement turned to anger when he realized changing even simple things like hair style or shirt color now required real money “microtransactions.” Just to tweak his character’s appearance, Brad would have to pay extra beyond the $60 he already dropped to buy the game. “Ridiculous!” he ranted online. “They’re nickel-and-diming me for basic options that should be included.” While microtransactions might pad profits for developers, players like Brad felt exploited. Next time, he’d think twice before buying another title that locked basic content behind endless small fees.

54. What’s a gamer’s favorite type of tree? Chest-nut. Because of all the loot chests.

When asked what kind of tree was her favorite, Sara’s answer surprised her friends: the chest-nut tree. They assumed she’d choose something dainty and decorative, like a cherry blossom. But as a gamer, Sara only had loot chests on her mind. She insisted chest-nut trees were clearly the best since their spiny seed pods reminded her of the ubiquitous treasure chests hidden around game maps, just waiting to be discovered and popped open. Her friends had to laugh and agree it made some sense, given Sara’s obsession with amassing goodies like healing potions, gold, and armor upgrades in every new RPG adventure.

55. How does Mario practice for his platforming adventures? He plays on his Wii Balance Board.

Mario knew that regularly honing his jumper skills was key to success on the mushroom kingdom’s many platforms and obstacles. But how could he practice precision leaps and sprints safely at home without any warp pipes or moving platforms? Mario’s solution was jogging and hopping on his Nintendo Wii Balance Board controller. The pressure-sensitive board helped him work on balance and timing for tricky in-game maneuvers like edge jumps or sprinting over collapsing blocks. His favorite drill was jumping side-to-side across the board to an acoustic version of the iconic Super Mario Bros. theme. After just a few training sessions, Mario noticed a big improvement maintaining momentum and sticking tricky landings. That Wii Balance Board turned out to be the ultimate platforming training tool.

56. What’s a gamer’s favorite holiday? Cyber Monday. For all the online gaming deals.

The holidays are usually filled with family gatherings, homemade treats, and thoughtful gift exchanges. But for gamers, the best holiday of the year is definitely Cyber Monday. While others battle crowds for Black Friday bargains, gamers know the best video game deals are found online the following Monday. Sophie circled Cyber Monday on her calendar months in advance. As soon as her alarm went off, she logged on and scored huge discounts on new releases, must-have titles, and extra controllers for multiplayer fun. She forwarded the deals to fellow gamers to spread the savings joy. Stacked with a year’s worth of new games, Sophie was all set for a sweet Cyber Monday – truly the most wonderful time of the year for deal-hunting gamers.

57. How does a gamer access their stats? They check the leaderboards.

Serious gamers know that stats are everything – they’re crucial benchmarks for improvement and bragging rights. Kyle was obsessed with tracking his performance stats down to the tiniest detail. But repeatedly checking the status menus during play got disruptive. Instead, Kyle learned to wait and access all his