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85 Funny Uranus Jokes

85 Funny Uranus Jokes

Uranus Puns (15)

1. I wanted to make a joke about Uranus, but I decided to planet for another time.

2. What did the astronomer say when he discovered Uranus? “Well, that’s a surprise!”

3. I heard there’s a new restaurant opening on Uranus. The food is supposed to be out of this world!

4. Why does everyone make so many jokes about Uranus? I guess it’s just too easy to poke fun at!

5. Did you hear about the new housing development on Uranus? It has great views, but the atmosphere is terrible.

6. I wanted to visit Uranus, but the travel agent said the weather is far too gassy this time of year.

7. If you lived on Uranus, would you wear a coat? Nah, there’s no atmosphere there!

8. I heard there’s no internet access on Uranus. I guess they just can’t get a good satellite connection!

9. Want to hear a joke about Uranus? Ah nevermind, it’s too dirty!

10. Why are relationships hard on Uranus? There’s just too much space between people!

11. Which planet is the noisiest? Uranus, because it has a crackling atmosphere!

12. I wanted to get in shape, so I signed up for the Uranus marathon. Boy, that was one long race!

13. If you’re cold on Uranus, you can always put on an extra layer of methane.

14. I heard the sunsets on Uranus last for decades! Talk about a long day.

15. Why does everyone say Uranus stinks? That’s just negligent astronomy if you ask me!

Uranus One-Liners (15)

16. Uranus is so big, it takes 84 years just to go around the sun once!

17. Uranus is over 4 billion km away from the Sun, that’s far out man!

18. Uranus is so gassy, it could fuel 100 billion fart jokes, easily!

19. Uranus is so boring that researchers fall asleep just looking at photos of it!

20. Uranus is so lame, only dorky astronomers actually care about it!

21. Uranus is so embarrassing, even other planets make fun of it!

22. Uranus is so cold, an ice cube would feel like a hot spring there!

23. Uranus is so dull, watching paint dry is more exciting than looking at it through a telescope!

24. Uranus is so pathetic, Pluto laughs at it for being demoted by science!

25. Uranus is so ugly, not even its own moons want to look at it!

26. Uranus is so smelly, you can detect it from halfway across the solar system!

27. Uranus is so ridiculous, NASA almost named it George just for laughs!

28. Uranus is so annoying, the other planets wish it would just shut up once in a while!

29. Uranus is so nauseating, astronauts puke if they fly by it without holding their noses!

30. Uranus is so unpleasant, aliens from other galaxies wouldn’t even think of invading it!

Best Uranus Jokes (30)

31. What did NASA say to comfort Uranus when it was feeling down? “Don’t worry, things will look brighter tomorrow!”

32. If Uranus had a dating profile, its interests would be: long walks to nowhere, space gas, and awkward rotations.

33. What’s Uranus made of? Mostly methane and bad decisions.

34. How does Uranus keep its moons in orbit? It makes them really gassy until they’re too light to float away.

35. Why did Uranus cross the asteroid belt? It wanted to get to the other void.

36. How do you organize a party on Uranus? You planet!

37. Teacher: Johnny, can you name the 7th planet from the sun?
Johnny: Uranus! Haha gotcha! I meant Neptune.

38. Billy’s mom noticed he was nervous about his science test on the solar system. She said, “Don’t worry Billy. I used a neat mnemonic device to learn the planets when I was your age. Just remember: My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Nuts.” Billy responded, “But Mom, now they say there are more planets!” His mom replied, “Oh, then it’s My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Nine Pizzas.”

39. What kind of music is popular on Uranus? Anything as long as it’s out of this world!

40. How do you drive a spaceship to Uranus? You planet!

41. Why doesn’t anyone want to colonize Uranus? Because no one wants to deal with its cranky climate!

42. How did NASA celebrate when they first landed a probe on Uranus? They planet!

43. If Uranus gets angry and starts flinging comets at Earth, I would be so exasperated I’d yell “Stop being such a pain in the asteroid!”

44. I just read that Uranus spins sideways unlike the other planets. Talk about marching to the beat of your own drum!

45. NASA plans to build the first hotel on Uranus. It will be known as the Fart-Stay Inn.

46. Uranus is actually pretty interesting. It has over two dozen moons orbiting it! I guess you could say it really likes mooning people.

47. I tried telling my astronomy professor a joke about Uranus, but it just ended up being crude and awkward. Really sucked the humor right out of the room!

48. What’s the best way to get to Uranus? Just take a shuttle launch to the farthest reaches of the solar system. The trip really blows by!

49. Why should you never make decisions when you’re on Uranus? Because you’ll just end up talking out of your asteroid!

50. If you tried dancing on Uranus, it would be near impossible due to the awkward tilt and rotation. Have you ever tried to boogie on a sideways spinning top before? Not easy!

51. Uranus is the butt of so many jokes in our solar system. But I think we should cut it some slacks, it didn’t choose that off-kilter rotation!

52. What do you call someone from Uranus? An a-hole! No, just kidding – you’d call them a Uranian.

53. I’m sorry, Uranus, let’s stop orbiting this issue and move on to more important topics in the cosmos!

54. How does Uranus cut its hair? Astro-mopolitan style – trendy yet gassy!

55. What’s the most common crime on Uranus? Mooning, obviously!

56. Which planet inspired the invention of toilet humor? Uranus, of course!

57. Would you rather spend a year on Uranus or Saturn? Tough call, but I’d choose Saturn – fewer gas-based jokes that way.

58. What do you say when you want to skip rocks on Uranus? Let’s planet!

59. What do you call a parade on Uranus? A fart walk!

60. Knock knock! Who’s there? Uranus! Uranus who? Uranus better stop making so many jokes about my name!

61. If Uranus ruled the solar system, which planet would be in charge of the music? Neptune!

62. Why doesn’t Uranus ever throw great parties? It has no atmosphere!

63. Which planet is voted “Most likely to be gassy and antisocial”? Uranus, no contest!

64. How did Uranus meet its group of moons? It just gravitated towards them.

65. What kind of car does a Uranian drive? A fartcart!