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47 Funny Unicorn Jokes

47 Funny Unicorn Jokes

Unicorn Puns (10)

1. What do you call a unicorn who plays the guitar? A minstrel!

2. How does a unicorn magician make things disappear? With its horn of plenty!

3. Why don’t unicorns get invited to parties? They’re too one-dimensional!

4. What do you get when you cross a unicorn and a horse? A headache trying to imagine that!

5. What do you call a gathering of unicorns? A unicorporation!

6. Why do unicorns make great sailors? They know the ropes!

7. Why don’t unicorns eat corn on the cob? Because they don’t have hands!

8. What do you call a unicorn who works out a lot? Buffcorns!

9. Why don’t unicorns live in pairs? They prefer to be in herds!

10. What’s a unicorn’s favorite snack? Rainbow corn!

Unicorn One-Liners (10)

11. I once saw a unicorn using a laptop, I guess you could say it was tech-corned!

12. They say unicorns are imaginary, but that’s just a figment of my imagination.

13. I bet unicorns give the best hugs with their big fluffy necks.

14. Unicorns really “horn in” on mythological creatures’ territory.

15. Unicorns must save a lot on shampoo without any hair up top.

16. If unicorns could talk, I bet they’d sound magical.

17. I once saw a sad unicorn crying magical tears…it was a sombercorn.

18. Unicorns and horses have a love-hay relationship.

19. Unicorns aren’t that majestic once you see them poop rainbows.

20. I’d ride a unicorn into battle, if it weren’t so risky being near that horn!

Best Unicorn Jokes (27)

21. A farmer was puzzled when his cows started producing magical rainbow milk. Turns out a unicorn had wandered into his field! The farmer now had a full dairy of unicorndale milk.

22. A girl wished on a shooting star that unicorns were real. The next day a unicorn showed up and granted her three wishes. Her first wish was for a never ending supply of cake. Her second wish was for all the money she would ever need. For her third wish, the girl wished the unicorn would go away and stop bothering her.

23. What do you get when you cross a unicorn and a camel? A mythical beast with one hump instead of a horn!

24. Why don’t unicorns live at the North Pole? Because they can’t stand the cold shoulder treatment from the other reindeer who won’t let them join in any reindeer games.

25. What’s the difference between a unicorn and a regular horse? About three feet in height and one magical horn!

26. Why don’t unicorns eat meat? They prefer a salt-lick diet!

27. How are dogs like unicorns? They’re both mythical creatures that people really want to find!

28. What happens when a leprechaun rides a unicorn? They find a pot of gold at the end of every rainbow!

29. How do you make a unicorn float? You add ice cream and soda to make a unicorn float!

30. Why couldn’t the unicorn be a professional boxer? Because it only threw one-horn punches!

31. What’s a unicorn’s favorite candy? Candy corns!

32. How do unicorns send messages? By unicorn-y mail of course!

33. Why don’t unicorns live in Antarctica? Because it’s too cold without their unicorn onesies!

34. What happened when the unicorn got into a fight? There was horn-to-horn combat!

35. Why do unicorns make great architects? They have great design horns!

36. How do unicorns stay so majestic? Daily conditioning and mane care!

37. What’s a unicorn’s favorite musical note? B-unicorn!

38. Where do unicorns go on vacation? To mystical places like Hornland and the City of Unicornia!

39. How do you fix a unicorn’s broken horn? With a unicorn first aid kit of course!

40. Why do unicorns wink? To show their fairy friends that they sparkle!

41. What’s a unicorn’s favorite dessert? Rainbow sherbet!

42. Why don’t unicorns live in condos? Not enough stable space!

43. Why do unicorns prefer cold weather? So their horns don’t melt!

44. What happens when two unicorns bump into each other? They say “Excuse horn, please.”

45. How do unicorns stay healthy? Plenty of horn-ercise!

46. Why was the unicorn kicked out of school? For unruly behavior and failing unicorn history class!

47. What do you get if you cross a unicorn with a penguin? A creature that’s horny and can’t fly!