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53 Funny Tupperware Jokes

53 Funny Tupperware Jokes

Tupperware Puns

  1. What do you call a Tupperware container that plays music? A Tupperware band!
  2. Why can’t you trust a sealed Tupperware container? It’s always up to something shady!
  3. I bought my friend a Tupperware container for her birthday. She said it was the thought that counts.
  4. What do you call a Tupperware party in the Arctic? A brr Tupperware party!
  5. Tupperware containers keep your food sealed tight. You might even say they keep things on the down low.
  6. I was going to make a joke about Tupperware, but I decided to seal it for later.
  7. Did you hear about the Tupperware container that got in trouble with the law? He was convicted of sealing items!
  8. Our Tupperware is so old, it’s probably valuable by now. You might even say it’s heirloom Tupperware!
  9. Tupperware is perfect for storing leftover pasta. You might even call it Tupperpenne!
  10. I bought my friend a vintage Tupperware container. She said it was old but gold!

Tupperware One-Liners

  1. My Tupperware collection is out of control – I really need to seal with it.
  2. I’m so excited about my new Tupperware I could burst at the seams.
  3. Tupperware parties are a great way to spice up your social life.
  4. Sorry I’m late, I got caught up sealing the deal on some Tupperware.
  5. My friend makes fun of my Tupperware obsession, but I don’t care what he containers about it.
  6. I achieved my dream of becoming a professional Tupperware dealer – now I seal Tupperware for a living!
  7. Tupperware: preserving freshness since the 1940s.
  8. My wife asked why I bought more Tupperware. I said “Don’t worry honey, it’s all sealed and delivered.”
  9. Tupperware: the gift that keeps on sealing.
  10. Tupperware – sealing in flavor since 1946.

Best Tupperware Jokes

  1. Last week my friend invited me to a Tupperware party at her house. I brought along my entire Tupperware collection to show everyone. When I walked in carrying several large bags of Tupperware, my friend just shook her head and said “Well, you certainly came prepared!” We had a great time looking at everyone’s unique Tupperware collections – you wouldn’t believe how many specialty containers there are out there now. By the end of the night, I think I spent more money on new Tupperware than I ever have before. I just can’t resist – I’m a sucker for cool, new storage solutions!
  2. I was running late to my friend’s Tupperware party and got pulled over for speeding. The officer came up and asked why I was driving so fast. I grinned sheepishly and said “Sorry officer, I’m just trying to make it to this Tupperware party on time.” He raised his eyebrows and asked to take a look in my backseat – which was filled with various Tupperware containers. Shaking his head, he let me go with a warning to slow down. I thanked him and continued on my way, eager to show off my Tupperware and see what new products my friend was featuring. Now I have a funny story to share at the next party!
  3. Last month my husband bought me a rare, vintage Tupperware container he found at a garage sale. I was so excited to add it to my collection! Yesterday I decided to store some cookies in it for an upcoming party. But when I went to open the container, the seal was so tight I couldn’t pry it off no matter how hard I tried. After an hour of struggling I finally had to admit defeat. I guess this piece of vintage Tupperware just refused to give up its secrets! Now it sits on display in my collection as a testament to the durability of old-school Tupperware.
  4. I was so embarrassed last week when I showed up hungry to a friend’s Tupperware party. As she demonstrated each container, displaying the airtight seal by turning them upside down, I couldn’t stop thinking about food. My stomach was grumbling so loud that people kept looking to see where the noise was coming from! Finally in desperation I exclaimed “Do you have any Tupperware containers big enough to hold a whole lasagna?” My friend just laughed as she whipped out a huge 9 cup container. Next time, I’ll be sure to eat a big meal BEFORE going to any Tupperware parties!
  5. For my sister’s birthday I decided to buy her a complete, matching Tupperware container set. Not just your average plastic boxes – I splurged on a limited edition, custom color set I found online. I eagerly awaited their arrival so I could wrap them up and give them to my sister. Her birthday finally arrived and she peeled back the wrapping paper to reveal her big gift. She took one look at the containers and burst out laughing, as did most of our family. Turns out she HATES Tupperware and has been trying to get rid of the mountain of mismatched containers she already has for years. Now I’m stuck with a $200 pastel Tupperware set and she’s stuck with me as a sister!