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22 Funny Trampoline Jokes

22 Funny Trampoline Jokes

Trampoline Puns

1. I wanted to bounce higher on the trampoline, but I just couldn’t get a good re-bound.

2. The trampoline was jealous of the bouncy castle because it had more spring in its step.

3. When I jumped on the trampoline, I got launched into the air. You could say I was feeling uplifted.

4. I tried doing flips on the trampoline, but I kept landing on my butt. I guess you could say I had a falling out with it.

5. My friend was scared to get on the trampoline, but I told him it would be a bouncing good time.

6. Jumping on a trampoline is exhausting. I’m completely out of bounce by the end.

7. The trampoline park had to close for repairs. Business was down and they just couldn’t get a good bounce back.

8. Getting on a trampoline really lifts my spirits and puts an extra spring in my step.

9. After jumping too high on the trampoline, I hurt my back. I’m still recovering and needed physical therapy to help get my bounce back.

10. That trampoline is really bouncy. It has more spring than a kangaroo on pogo sticks.

Trampoline One-Liners

11. I wanted to do a flip on the trampoline but I ended up looking like a fish out of water.

12. They say trampolines are bouncy but I think I got a defective one.

13. Trampolines are fun until you fly off and faceplant into the grass.

14. Getting on a trampoline after eating is not a good idea unless you want to see your lunch again.

15. I pulled a muscle trying to do a somersault on the trampoline. I guess I’m not as flip as I thought.

16. Nothing ruins the fun of jumping on a trampoline faster than someone trying to double-bounce you.

17. My aim is to bounce so high on the trampoline that I achieve liftoff.

18. Someone call NASA, I just set a new trampoline high jump record in my backyard.

19. Trampoline dodgeball is all fun and games until someone takes a ball to the face at high velocity.

20. Help, I’m caught in an infinite bouncing loop on this trampoline and can’t get off!

Best Trampoline Jokes

21. My friend and I were at a trampoline park seeing who could bounce the highest. After about 15 minutes, we were both completely exhausted. Panting and out of breath, my friend said, “Wow, that was a lot harder than I thought! I’m pooped!” I chuckled and replied, “Well I’m the one who actually jumped, you just sat there!”

22. I was excited when my parents surprised me with a trampoline for my birthday. But after hurting myself several times attempting flips, my mom banned me from using it without supervision. One day I decided to sneak in some solo trampoline time while she was away. I was having a blast until I heard the garage door open. In a panic, I tried scrambling off but it was too late. My mom saw me and yelled “What are you doing? You know the rules!” Thinking fast, I shouted back, “Don’t worry, I’m not using the trampoline! I’m using the ladder that’s leaning against it!”

23. My little brother loves jumping on the trampoline but he’s not very coordinated. The other day I saw him trying to do a front flip and he completely lost control in mid-air. He flailed his arms wildly as he flew up and almost overshot the trampoline completely before crashing down on his back with a loud thud. He laid there groaning for a minute before sitting up dazed. I called out “Nice flip!” He just looked at me confused and mumbled “But I didn’t even do a flip…”

24. I was at an indoor trampoline park and decided to see how high I could bounce. I jumped as hard as I could and got some serious air. But when I landed, my timing was off and I ended up bouncing right into this huge guy’s back. He turned around angrily to see who had bumped into him. I expected him to be mad, but then he cracked a smile. “Hey, nice ups man! Wanna see who can jump higher?” he challenged. We ended up having a blast trying to out-jump each other. After getting about 10 feet of air he looked at me mid-bounce and said “I haven’t had this much fun in years!”

25. My daughter begged me to get a trampoline for the backyard. I finally caved last summer and hired someone to install it. The first day she was out there doing flips and tricks for hours – she was in heaven! Later that night I went to check on her and she was just sitting on it staring up at the sky. I asked what she was doing. She said “Just resting my legs for tomorrow!” I don’t know who enjoys that thing more, her or the neighborhood kids that come over everyday to play. Worth every penny to see the smile on her face.

26. For my son’s last birthday all he wanted was a trampoline. We searched everywhere but they were sold out because of the pandemic. I felt so guilty that I couldn’t find one. When his birthday came, I told him we would have an IOU birthday for the trampoline. He looked so sad but said he understood. After his party I told him to go look in the backyard. His eyes lit up when he saw the trampoline all set up. I had found one a week earlier but kept it hidden in the garage. Seeing the look on his face as he ran around jumping made that my best parenting moment yet!

27. Our neighborhood crew loves adventuring around the forest preserve near our houses. We were walking and came across a massive ditch that was way too wide to jump over. My friend dared me to use a fallen log as a makeshift trampoline to launch myself across. Not one to back down from a challenge, I went for it. I hit that log at full speed and it catapulted me through the air. For a second I actually thought I was going to make it. But then I began descending rapidly and landed smack in the muddy ditch water. My friends were cracking up as I emerged caked in mud. I had to admit even I saw the humor in my not-so-graceful trampoline log stunt.

28. For April Fool’s day I decided to prank my brother who loves jumping on our trampoline. I opened up a grape flavored tootsie pop, scraped out the inside and filled it with hot sauce before resealing it. Then I went outside and told my brother I got him a special treat for letting me use his trampoline. His eyes lit up when he saw the tootsie pop. He loves those! He popped it in his mouth and immediately his face contorted and turned red. “Ahhh it burns!” he yelled. I was cracking up so hard. After chugging some water he was able to laugh too. I had definitely got him good with my spicy trampoline prank.

29. My trampoline skills were a bit rusty since I hadn’t jumped on one in years. But I decided to give it a try at my friend’s backyard BBQ. It couldn’t be that hard right? I took a running leap and started bouncing. My friend shouted “nice height!” Trying to impress everyone, I attempted a front flip. Bad idea. I completely lost control mid-air and ended up bouncing off the trampoline onto the grass. Everyone gasped and I heard someone mutter “ouch.” My pride was hurt more than my body, but I sure won’t be doing any flips next time I’m on a trampoline!

30. For my daughter’s 10th birthday, we rented one of those enormous outdoor trampolines you often see at fairs and festivals. All the neighborhood kids happily bounced for hours in our backyard. But the highlight was when the adults joined in and attempted to do tricks. Lots of crashes, collisions and failed somersaults ensued. Despite some minor scrapes and bruises, everyone – kids and adults alike – agreed it was the most fun party ever. Though next time maybe we’ll leave the flips to the professional acrobats!

31. My son begged me to take him to Sky Zone, an indoor trampoline park. I tried convincing him to do something else but he was persistent. When we got there, I planned on just watching him jump. But he kept pulling me to try it with him. AfterPeer pressure got the best of me and I took off my shoes. Once I started bouncing I actually felt like a kid again! My son and I had an absolute blast racing each other and seeing who could jump higher. I had more fun than I expected. Just goes to show you are never too old for some trampoline time!

32. I recently won a goldfish at the county fair and wanted to do something special for his new tank. I spotted a tiny trampoline toy and thought it would be hilarious to see a fish bounce on it. I eagerly set it up and put my goldfish on it, but the trampoline completely sank. My fish just stared at me like I was crazy. I guess trampolines are not amusing to fish like they are to humans. Back to the pet store I go to find new tank toys! At least I gave my goldfish a good laugh.