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45 Funny Tiktok Jokes

45 Funny Tiktok Jokes

TikTok Puns

  1. I tried making TikTok videos, but they were really cringetok.
  2. I heard TikTok is developing a premium service called TikTop where only the best videos get promoted.
  3. My friend is obsessed with TikTok. I told him he should Tok less about it.
  4. Did you hear about the new social media app called ClikClak? It’s like TikTok but more annoying.
  5. I entered a TikTok dance competition. But I got disqualified for using Tok much space.
  6. My phone ran out of storage because of too many TikToks. Now I have to delete Toks to make space.
  7. TikTok should make an app just for cooking videos called FoodTok. That would be lit.
  8. I tried to log into my TikTok account but forgot my password. Now I’m locked out of my Tok.
  9. A TikToker, a YouTuber and an Influencer walk into a bar. They order drinks and then make videos about it.
  10. What do you call stolen TikTok videos? PickToks.

TikTok One-Liners

  1. TikTok? More like Addictok.
  2. TikTok videos don’t Tok too long to make but they sure Tok up a lot of time.
  3. TikTokkers will Tok about anything and everything.
  4. Don’t underestimate the power of TikTok dances. They can literally make anything go viral.
  5. TikTok: Making 15 seconds of video feel like 15 minutes of fun.
  6. TikTok has more filters than a water purification plant.
  7. TikTokkers bond better than glue ever could.
  8. TikTok: Come for the dances, stay for the life hacks.
  9. Roses are red, violets are blue, TikTok addiction, I have it too.
  10. TikTokkers don’t need costumes, their personalities are quirky enough.

Best TikTok Jokes

  1. I was scrolling TikTok for hours when my wife finally said, “That’s it! No more TikTok before bed.” I replied, “Just one more Tok, honey.”
  2. My friend called and said, “Want to hang out tonight?” I told him, “Sorry, can’t. I have to finish this TikTok dance I’m working on.” He replied, “Dude, I think you have a problem.”
  3. I was running late for a date because I lost track of time watching TikTok. I told my date, “Sorry for making you wait, I was caught up making a Tok.” She rolled her eyes and said, “You have an addiction.”
  4. My boss called me into his office. He said, “I’ve noticed your productivity has gone down lately. Are you spending too much time on TikTok?” I said, “No way! TikTok is my 5-minute study break reward.” Boss: “It’s been 3 hours.”
  5. I was watching a comedy roast on TikTok when my wife walked in. She shook her head and said, “All those jokes will rot your brain.” I said, “But Toks tickle my funny bone!” She groaned and left the room.
  6. My parents sat me down for an intervention about my TikTok obsession. They took turns listing reasons like poor grades and ignoring family. After they finished, I said, “Ok but watch this Tok first.”
  7. Doctor: “I’m afraid you have a serious case of TikTok Addiction.”

    Me: “But can it wait 5 minutes doc? I’m in the middle of making a Tok.”

  8. I was in line at the store when the kid ahead of me started flossing. Embarrassed mom said “No TikTok dances in public!” Kid replied, “Tok where I want!”
  9. My partner tried to make me choose between them and TikTok. I said, “But Tok is my true love!” Now I’m single.
  10. I got called into my kid’s school for a meeting. Teacher said she catches my daughter making TikTok videos during class all the time. My daughter shrugged and said, “I’m just Tokking silently.”

TikTok Puns

  1. What do you call stolen TikTok videos? PickToks.
  2. I tried to come up with some TikTok jokes but they were pretty cringetok.
  3. What do you call a TikTok cooking channel? FoodTok.
  4. TikTok is like Youtube but Toks don’t last as long.
  5. What do you call low quality TikTok videos? JitterTok.
  6. TikTok is addictive but Tok much of anything isn’t good.
  7. What do you call funny TikTok videos? HumorToks.
  8. TikTok is taking over the world one viral Tok at a time.
  9. What do you call TikTok videos about science? EduTok.
  10. TikTok is my guilty Tok pleasure, I can’t get enough!

TikTok One-Liners

  1. TikTokkers bond better than glue ever could.
  2. TikTok: Making 15 seconds of video feel like 15 minutes of fun.
  3. Roses are red, violets are blue, TikTok addiction, I have it too.
  4. TikTokkers will Tok about anything and everything.
  5. TikTok has more filters than a water purification plant.
  6. Don’t underestimate the power of TikTok dances. They can literally make anything go viral.
  7. TikTok videos don’t Tok too long to make but they sure Tok up a lot of time.
  8. TikTokkers don’t need costumes, their personalities are quirky enough.
  9. TikTok: Come for the dances, stay for the life hacks.
  10. TikTok? More like Addictok.