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27 Funny Tall People Jokes

27 Funny Tall People Jokes

Tall People Puns

1. I heard two tall people got married. It was a high wedding!

2. What do you call a very tall priest? A high priest!

3. Why don’t short people need high chairs? They’re already close to the table!

4. What do you call tall sequel films? High-quels!

5. Why don’t tall people like floor seats at concerts? They prefer balcony seats instead.

6. How do tall people fish? With high rods!

7. Why are tall people good at limbo? They’re used to going under things!

8. Why do tall people make great therapists? They give good advice from a higher perspective!

9. What do you call tall shoes? High heels!

10. Why are tall people bad at hide and seek? It’s hard to find good hiding spots!

11. Why do tall people love skydiving? It makes them feel grounded for once!

12. What do you call a magazine for tall people? Highlights!

Tall People One-Liners

13. I’m not short, I’m just concentrated awesome.

14. You know what they say about tall people right? They have their ups and downs.

15. I may be tall, but I’ll never get too big for my britches.

16. I’m tall, but being short has its advantages – like fitting into small spaces.

17. The weather up here is great! But let me know if you need an umbrella down there.

18. Just because I’m tall doesn’t mean I play basketball. But yes, I can get that off the top shelf for you.

19. I don’t mean to talk over you, I just can’t hear you from up here!

20. My height is a small part of who I am. But I do enjoy the view from up here!

21. No, I will not help you dunk. This tall girl has got two left feet on the court!

22. Tall people problems? Sorry, can’t relate. The only problem I have is bumping my head sometimes!

Best Tall People Jokes

23. A very tall man walks into a bar and hits his head on the ceiling light. The bartender asks, “Hey buddy, you okay?” The tall man responds, “Well I’m not *high* but I sure am *tall*!”

24. A short man was tired of being made fun of for his height. He decided to buy a very tall hat to make himself look taller. He wore the hat everywhere he went. One day it was windy and his hat blew away. A police officer saw it happen and said “Hey! You lost your tall hat!” The short man replied “That’s okay, I’ll just have to accept that I’m short.”

25. A tall woman was flying on an airplane and couldn’t fit comfortably in the seat. The person next to her said, “Wow, you’re really tall! Do you play basketball?” The woman sighed and responded, “No, do you play mini golf?”

26. How do tall people greet each other? “Hi, how’s the weather up there?” How do short people greet each other? “Greetings down here, fellow tiny person!”

27. A very tall man was trying to book an airline ticket but was having issues fitting into the seat. The airline agent suggested, “Sir, have you considered flying in cargo?” The tall man responded, “When I fly, I prefer to stay in first cl-ass, not cargo!”

28. A tall man walked into an antique shop and accidentally bumped his head on a chandelier. He said “Excuse me, it seems I’ve hit my head on your light. I should really duck next time!” The shop owner chuckled and said “Sir, that pun was too hanging low, even for my standards!”

29. Why don’t tall people need passports when they travel? They can just step over the border fences!

30. How do tall people stay humble? They keep their heads in the clouds, not in the skies!

31. Why are tall people bad at table tennis? Their heads keep hitting the ceiling instead of the ball!

32. What do you call a very tall building? High-rise!

33. Why do tall people get charged double for plane tickets? Because they take up twice as much leg room!

34. Why don’t short people need ladders? Stairs are like a small ladder to them!

35. How do short people get things off high shelves? By climbing tall people like mountains!