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47 Funny Taco Jokes

47 Funny Taco Jokes

Taco Puns

1. I was going to tell a joke about a taco, but it was too corny.

2. What do you call a taco that got away? A taco on the run.

3. Why don’t tacos make good baseball players? They always drop the ball.

4. What do you call a taco that crosses the border? An illegal a-lien.

5. Why can’t you trust a taco? They have a history of backstabbing.

6. Why did the taco want to become a rapper? To get in with the wrap game.

7. What do you call a taco that leads an army? General Tso.

8. Why was the taco depressed? It had a lot on its plate.

9. What do you call a taco that’s about to get married? Engaged.

10. Why do tacos make great detectives? They can really get to the meat of a mystery.

11. Why did the taco get arrested? It was caught selling itself on the black market.

Taco One-Liners

12. I ate so many tacos last night, my stomach still hasn’t digested the shell of it.

13. I was going to make a joke about a taco, but it would have just fallen flat.

14. I tried making tacos at home but apparently I don’t have all the ingredients…who knew!

15. I’m on a seafood diet – I eat all the tacos I see!

16. Tacos may be cheap eats but man, do they hit the spot.

17. Tacos – helping families answer the age-old “what’s for dinner” question.

18. Tacos: the perfect food for when you can’t decide between Mexican and sandwiches.

19. Tacos: like a sandwich but with way better street cred.

20. My love language? Tacos…definitely tacos.

21. Roses are red, tacos are enjoyable, I don’t always love you but tacos are unavoidable.

22. They say the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach…good thing I make a mean taco!

Best Taco Jokes

23. My friend got so mad when he found out I had never tried tacos before. He made me try one immediately. Now I understand what all the anger was about – tacos are delicious!

24. I was in Mexico on vacation and tried authentic tacos for the first time. Let’s just say Taco Bell has been lying to me this whole time about what constitutes a real taco!

25. My wife surprised me by making tacos from scratch for my birthday. She even got the tortillas just right. I’m so glad I married someone who knows the way to my heart is through tacos!

26. I took my date to a nice Mexican restaurant but when the tacos came out she just picked at it. I knew right then this wasn’t going to work out – anyone who doesn’t like tacos is crazy!

27. My co-worker brought tacos to a staff meeting one day. Productivity plummeted immediately but morale skyrocketed!

28. I was feeling down so I ordered tacos to cheer myself up. After the first bite I remembered there’s nothing a good taco can’t fix!

29. I went to this new taco place in town. One bite in and suddenly I had found my new favorite restaurant. Their tacos were just incredible!

30. Growing up I always looked forward to Taco Tuesdays the most. To this day nothing feels more like home than tacos on a Tuesday night.

31. I was at a party and they surprised me with a taco bar. I knew right then that these were my people!

32. My friend and I were trying to decide where to go for dinner. When tacos were suggested we both instantly agreed – is there even any other option?

33. I took a road trip out West and tried tacos at all the local spots. Let’s just say I now have extremely high taco standards!

34. My kids wanted fast food for dinner but I said no way. So I compromised and made them homemade tacos instead – parenting win!

35. I was having a bad day so I stopped to get some tacos on the way home from work. After that first bite all my troubles just seemed to melt away!

36. For my friend’s birthday I got a taco food truck to cater the party. When he saw the tacos his eyes just lit up – best gift ever!

37. I went to a Mexican festival and they had a taco eating contest. Let’s just say I definitely didn’t win but I still ate my weight in tacos!

38. In college, my friends and I would get together every week for Taco Tuesday dinner. Those tacos got us through some tough exams!

39. On a road trip we stopped at this tiny taco stand on the side of the highway. Those were probably the best tacos of my life!

40. I took a date to a fancy Mexican restaurant. We were all dressed up but completely ignored the fancy food and just ordered tacos – my kind of girl!

41. My family was meeting my boyfriend for the first time so I made tacos to break the ice. Now anytime he comes over they request my famous tacos!

42. For my anniversary I surprised my husband by recreating our first date – which was of course tacos and margaritas!

43. When I studied abroad in Mexico the thing I missed most was the tacos back home. As soon as I got to the airport I made a beeline for the closest taco place!

44. The only touristy thing I made sure to do on my trip to Mexico City was take a taco tour. Totally worth it just for the tacos!

45. Whenever I’ve had a bad day I know I can always count on tacos to turn it around. Warm tortilla, juicy meat, crunchy veggies – can’t go wrong!

46. I went vegetarian for a while but the one thing that brought me back was craving tacos. Turns out I just can’t live without them!

47. Of all the great foods out there, tacos have got to be one of the best. Flavors like that just can’t be beat!