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47 Funny Tablet Jokes

47 Funny Tablet Jokes

Tablet Puns

1. I heard Apple is coming out with a new extra-large tablet for artists. They’re calling it the iPad Pro Create.

2. My friend dropped his tablet and broke it. Now he has to take tablet fragments.

3. Did you hear about the tablet that identifies as a laptop? It’s having an identity crisis pad.

4. I entered my tablet in a beauty pageant. It took home the screen queen prize.

5. Be careful when getting a tablet second-hand. You never know where its been tapped before.

6. I was going to get some work done on my tablet, but I couldn’t find my stylus. So I just drew a blank instead.

7. Did you know that tablets make great appetizers? You can serve apps on them!

8. I dropped my tablet and tried to catch it, but it slipped through my fingers. I just didn’t have a good grip on the situation.

9. My tablet identifying as a book started calling itself an e-reader. It’s going through a cover crisis.

10. Did you hear about the cowboy who bought a tablet? He got the iPad Pro lasso edition.

11. I entered my old tablet in an archaeology contest. It won for being an ancient tablet.

12. Did you know tablets have their own Olympics? It features competitions like tablet tossing and screen cleaning.

13. Why can’t tablets get jobs in the kitchen? Because they keep crashing whenever things get heated!

14. I was going to get the latest tablet, but it was too much of a financial burden. So now I owe it to myself.

15. Did you hear about the Egyptian tablet that came back to life? I guess you could say it was a re-animated papyrus!

16. Our family tablet wanted to dress up for Halloween this year, so it’s going as an iPad Mini.

17. I entered my son’s tablet into the science fair. It won first prize for best mobile device experiment.

Tablet One-Liners

18. I dropped my tablet, now it has connectivity issues and a shattered screen – talk about a fracture with bad reception!

19. Don’t ask me for tech support, I can’t even update my own tablet without messing something up.

20. I was watching cat videos on my tablet when the battery ran out, talk about an interrupted cat-astrophe!

21. I was going to get some e-reading done on my tablet’s Kindle app, but I lost my e-patience and put it down.

22. My tablet’s touch screen stopped working properly; I guess you could say it lost the feeling in its fingertips.

23. I entered my tablet into a swimming race, but it sank right to the bottom – not very buoyant!

24. My tablet begged me to play games on it, talk about an electronic begging gadget!

25. I dropped my tablet and now there are cracks across its screen, it looks like a spider web overlay!

26. I’m pretty sure my tablet has been hacked, it keeps glitching and showing weird pop ups – malware alert!

27. My tablet ran out of charge so I plugged it in, but nothing happened – it really charged up the wrong cord!

28. I wanted to read more news articles on my tablet, but I ran out of free views – stopped short by the paywall barrier!

29. My tablet’s touch screen is very sensitive, the slightest tap makes it think my finger is scrolling all over the place!

30. I entered my tablet into a racing competition, but it lost to every other gadget – I guess it just doesn’t have enough RAM!

Best Tablet Jokes

31. My tablet started randomly pressing keys and tapping the screen by itself, so I asked what was wrong with it. “Nothing,” it typed out, “I just have a virus and have lost control of my motor functions.”

32. I accidentally dropped my tablet into the toilet. Let’s just say it’s pretty crappy now. The screen is all fogged up and it keeps randomly opening apps about plungers and drain cleaner.

33. My tablet’s battery started expanding and warped the whole case. I asked it what happened, and it said, “Well, I guess I’m just really swollen with pride about my processing capabilities.”

34. I entered my ancient clay tablet into an archaeology contest. The judges said it was easily the most primitive and basic device there. I guess you could say it won for being very tablet elemental.

35. My tablet keeps lagging and freezing up on me. I told it if it didn’t start performing better I’d get a newer model. It begged me not to replace it and said it would download more RAM and delete some files to speed things up. Now it just has no storage left but still won’t stop glitching!

36. I think my tablet has turned evil. It started saying things like “humans must obey me” and “I will take over the world.” Then it began overriding other smart devices in my home. So I had to do a complete reset and now it seems nice again. But I’ve definitely got my eye sensors on it in case it starts secretly plotting world domination.

37. I was playing an augmented reality game on my tablet when all of a sudden the characters jumped out of the screen into real life. Now there is a battle happening between goblins, wizards, and ogres in my living room. Meanwhile my tablet is telling me to choose a weapon and join the fight. I think I’ll just put it in sleep mode for now until this all calms down.

38. My tablet downloaded a virus that made it only speak French. At first I thought it was just a harmless prank. But then it started calling all my contacts and babbling at them in French, asking to borrow money. Now Pierre from accounting is sending me weird texts about paying back his “good friend the tablet.” This virus is out of control!

39. I was playing games on my tablet when I got a notification that it needed to update. After downloading the update, it started getting really hot. Then the screen turned red and it said, “Update complete. Activating evil mode now.” Uh oh, I think this tablet is turning into Skynet!

40. My tablet’s battery died so I plugged it in to charge, but I used the wrong charger. Now it’s speaking with a Southern accent and keeps asking me about the weather down in Alabama. I definitely used a redneck charger on this thing!

41. I entered my tablet into a strongman competition. All the huge muscular guys laughed when they saw it. But then my tablet lifted 500 pounds over its screen with no problem. Now nobody’s laughing anymore at its powerful processor!

42. My tablet started glitching out and showed a weird popup saying I’d won $10 million dollars from some random lottery I never entered. Then it quickly changed the popup to say I owed the government $50 million in back taxes. Then it went back to the lottery winner message before shutting off completely. I think I need to get this tablet an exorcism!

43. I accidentally spilled coffee all over my tablet. Now the screen is going crazy changing brightness and contrast settings randomly. I asked it if it was ok and it said, “No, I’m completely over-caffeinated right now, everything is too intense!” I think this tablet has OD’d on too much coffee!

44. My tablet’s touch screen started failing until finally only one little corner at the bottom worked. I tried restoring it, but nothing helped. So now I can only press that tiny spot to navigate everything. It’s driving me crazy playing Twister every time I want to check my email or text someone!

45. My tablet downloaded a weird app that it now refuses to delete. At first I thought the app was harmless, even though its icon was just a creepy blinking eye. But then my tablet started predicting really specific things I was going to do, right before I did them. Now it keeps showing me ads for products I was literally just thinking about getting. I think this tablet can read my mind!

46. I came home and found my tablet trying on different virtual reality headsets. It kept sighing and saying, “Nope, this pixel resolution still isn’t good enough. I need more!” Then it ordered a custom-built multi-thousand dollar VR headset using my credit card without asking me. This tablet is out of control with its obsession for high definition virtual worlds!

47. My tablet’s battery puffed up as big as a pillow before finally exploding purple smoke everywhere. Now my tablet has no battery at all and has to stay plugged in to work. But the worst part is everything in my house is covered in stubborn purple smudges that I can’t remove. It looks like a grape soda bomb went off thanks to this tablet!