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22 Funny Swan Puns

22 Funny Swan Puns

Swan Puns

1. I saw a group of swans swimming in formation earlier. It was quite the flotilla!

2. My friend tried to make a sweater out of swan feathers but it didn’t turn out well. I guess the material was a bit downy.

3. Did you hear about the swan who loved going to metal concerts? She was really into swan core music.

4. My swan friend is so graceful and beautiful. I guess you could say she’s poultry in motion.

5. A mother swan was teaching her babies how to find food. She told them to stick their necks out if they wanted to eat well.

6. A swan walked into a bar and ordered a drink. Bartender says, “I don’t think I’ve ever served a swan before!” She replied, “Just put it on my bill.”

7. Why don’t swans like to share? They’re a little egret-tential.

8. Did you hear about the swan who was left at the altar? Her groom really swan-doned her.

9. My friend saw a black swan the other day and said it was a rare sight. I said, “No it tu-tu-tutu much!”

10. How does a swan smell? With its beak of course!

11. Two swans collided mid-air during migration. It was a fowl play.

12. Why don’t swans fly together in big groups? They prefer to flock off.

Swan One-Liners

13. I asked my swan friend how her migrating was going, she just said “It’s going swimmingly!”

14. What do you call a swan wearing headphones? A musi-swan.

15. My swan friends and I are so close, we’re like peas in a pond.

16. I saw an angry swan chasing a kid the other day. There’s no need to get your feathers ruffled!

17. How does a swan swim? With a lot of paddling and bill power.

18. Swans always look so elegant when they swim together in pairs. You could say they make quite the couple-let.

19. I saw a swan napping by the lake today. I guess she was feeling a little ducky.

20. Why did the swan wear boots? To keep its little tootsies warm!

21. How do swans greet each other? They say “Swan-derful to see you!”

22. What do you call a group of organized swans? A syndi-swan.

Best Swan Jokes

23. A family of swans was crossing a busy highway when they were struck by a large truck. The truck driver immediately pulled over and rushed to help. Thankfully, the swans were only mildly injured. The mama swan looked up at the driver and said “Thanks so much for stopping! We would have been goose if it wasn’t for you!”

24. A swan walked into a coffee shop and ordered a latte. The barista brought her the drink, but before the swan could take a sip, it spilled all over and burned her feathers. “Ow!” the swan cried. “I asked for this latte to go!”

25. What do you get when you cross a swan with an octopus? A swan that can applaud its own singing!

26. Why don’t swans live in ponds? The water is too shallow and causes them to cramp up. They prefer nice deep lakes where they have room to stretch their long necks.

27. How do swans keep their feathers looking so bright white and clean? Lots of preening, washing, and attention from Mr. Swan. He helps groom Mrs. Swan’s feathers every day to keep them looking their best.

28. A swan, a duck, and a goose were arguing over who could fly the highest. They decided to have a contest to settle the debate once and for all. The duck flew up 100 feet, the goose flew up 500 feet, but the swan blew them both away by flying up 10,000 feet!

29. What’s a swan’s favorite movie? Black Swan! She watched it and thought the main actress did a beautiful job capturing the grace and attitude of an elegant swan.

30. Why don’t you see swans very often in the wintertime? Because they migrate to warmer climates! Swans like to avoid the cold frost and snow, so they fly south for the winter.

31. A swan was swimming in the pond when she spotted a group of cute little ducklings. She paddled over to say hello. “Hey there little guys, what brings you to my pond?” The ducklings cried “Mama…MAMA” and swam away as fast as they could. Oops, wrong species!

32. What happens when a swan spends too much time primping her feathers in front of the mirror? She ends up a little self-absorbed.

33. Why did all the swans get an A on their spelling tests? Because they have great grammar and know how to cygnet their names perfectly.

34. What do you call a swan who does magic tricks? Hocus Pocus!

35. How can you tell when swans are happy? They will swim around in circles and wag their little tails.

36. How do swans stay so healthy? Plenty of pond-cise and swimming to keep fit!

37. Why did the swan blush when she saw her crush? She was feeling a little downy.

38. How do swans keep track of all their friends? In their address books of course! Mrs. Swan has the phone number for every bird on the pond.

39. What do swans like to snack on when they get hungry? Some fresh breadcrumbs and bits of lettuce are their favorites.

40. Knock knock. Who’s there? Swan. Swan who? Swan of these days I’m going to tell you ten more swan puns!

41. Why did the trumpeter swan get kicked out of the orchestra? He kept trumpeting on the wrong notes.

42. What’s a swan’s favorite exercise? The back-paddle-stroke!

43. Why don’t swans fly north for the winter? Because it’s too far for them to waddle.

44. What did the little swan say when he stubbed his toe? “Ow! I think I just beaked my foot!”

45. How does a swan cook her meals? She wing roasts them!