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22 Funny Stripe Puns

22 Funny Stripe Puns

Stripe Puns

1. I wanted to wear a striped shirt, but the store clerk said they were all out of stock. I guess they didn’t have enough stripe supply.

2. My friend was wearing a shirt with thin stripes and I said, “Are those micro-stripes?” He said, “No, they’re soft stripes. Feel them!”

3. I entered my zebra in a horse race. The judges took one look and said, “Sorry, no stripes allowed!”

4. I was pulling an all-nighter studying for exams. Around 3 AM I looked down and realized I was wearing striped pajamas. I guess you could say I was up to my stripes in homework.

5. I wanted to wear a striped shirt to a party, but my friend said it would be too formal. I guess stripes aren’t allowed at informal social stripes.

6. Did you hear about the stripe fanatic? He was completely obsessed. You could say he was stripy-eyed.

7. Why don’t stripes ever run out of energy? Because they can keep going and going and going.

8. What do you call a stripe that gets promoted at work? A corporate ladder climber!

9. Why was the stripe sent to the principal’s office? It was being bad—a delinquent stripe!

10. Why are stripes never lonely? Because they always have each other’s backs.

11. How do stripes stay connected over long distances? They make long-distance stripes.

12. Why can’t you trust a stripe? Because it’s two-faced!

Stripe One-Liners

13. I checked online to see if striped shirts were in style this season, but it was unclear—the search results were polarized.

14. Stripes don’t cause traffic jams, but they do cause patterned gridlock.

15. Stripes always stick together because they don’t want to be left without a stripe to stand on.

16. Stripes may run horizontally or vertically, but they always take the high road.

17. Stripes pretend to be black and white but they’re really just shades of grey.

18. Stripes work hard to be well-rounded individuals.

19. Stripes stick their necks out for each other.

20. Stripes avoid crystal balls because they don’t want to know their future in black and white.

21. Stripes hate showing their true stripes.

22. Stripes make excellent referees because they always see both sides of the story.

Best Stripe Jokes

23. One day a stripe walked into a bar and ordered a drink. The bartender took one look at the stripe’s outfit and said, “Sorry, I can’t serve you. This is a no-stripe bar!” The stripe protested, “But I’m just one stripe!” The bartender replied, “Yeah, and you know what they say: one stripe could spoil the barrel.”

24. What did the stripe say to the other stripe when it was having a bad day? “Chin up! Look on the bright side!”

25. Two stripes walk by a barbershop. One turns to the other and says, “Let’s go in and get a haircut!” The other stripe looks confused and replies, “But… we don’t have any hair!”

26. Why are stripes so bad at telling secrets? Because they’re always spilling the tea!

27. What do you call a psychic stripe? A fortune-teller!

28. Why do stripes make great friends? Because they’re always willing to lend an ear and listen to your stripes and polka dots!

29. A stripe, polka dot, and plaid print walk into a bar. The bartender looks up and says, “Sorry, we don’t serve patterns like you in here!”

30. What did one stripe say to the other when they got in a fight? “I’m sorry, let’s put this all behind us and move on.” Stripes don’t hold grudges, they just bounce back!

31. Why was the stripe late to work? It took too long to get dressed because it couldn’t make up its mind whether to go with vertical or horizontal stripes!

32. What sits on a pirate’s shoulders and calls out stripe-related directions? A parstripe!

33. Why do stripes make the best mediators? Because they can see both sides of an argument in black and white.

34. What do you call a stripe that works as a DJ? A party rocker!

35. Why did the stripe bring an extra pair of socks when it went golfing? In case it got a hole in stripe!

36. What did one stripe say to the crying stripe? “Turn that frown upside down!”

37. How do stripes make music? They make it to the beat of their own drum!

38. What do you call a stripe that leads an exercise class? An aerobics instructor!

39. Why did the stripe get cut from the basketball team? It didn’t make the cut!

40. What sits on a witch’s shoulders and helps cast stripe-filled spells? A witch’s parstripe!

41. What do you call a stripe that goes on vacation? A sightseer!

42. Why are stripes so supportive of each other? They know what it’s like to be the underdog.