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41 Funny Sticky notes Jokes

41 Funny Sticky notes Jokes

Sticky Notes Puns

1. I tried to organize my thoughts by writing them on sticky notes, but they just wouldn’t stick together!

2. My friend was struggling to come up with sticky notes puns. I told him to post-it some more time thinking about it.

3. Did you hear about the sticky note that got stuck in a door? It was a posted note!

4. I entered my sticky notes in a race. One of them came in first place and won the post-it!

5. I had a dream that I was being chased by a giant sticky note. When I woke up, I realized it was just a post-it note!

6. Why can’t sticky notes get jobs? Because they just post-it and quit-it!

7. I was feeling bored so I decided to organize all my sticky notes by color. It helped me post-it through the day.

8. Did you hear about the sticky note that didn’t stick? It was irrepostable.

9. I was feeling sad so my friend gave me a sticky note that said “You can do it!” on it. It really lifted my post-its.

10. Did you hear about the oblivious sticky note? It didn’t get the post-it!

Sticky Notes One-Liners

11. My resolution this year is to buy enough sticky notes to last me the whole year – that will keep me posted!

12. I’m so disorganized, I need a sticky note just to remind myself where I put my sticky notes!

13. I’m addicted to buying sticky notes – I just can’t help myself from going on post-it sprees!

14. I spilled coffee all over a pack of sticky notes – talk about getting into a sticky situation!

15. Don’t listen to people who tell you that you’re wasting your sticky notes – they’re just negapostits!

16. I’m so scared of sticky notes, I practically jump whenever I see a post-it!

17. I entered my sticky note collection into a contest – I’m hoping it sticks out!

18. I keep trying to convince my wife that buying more sticky notes is a necessity, not an excessivity.

19. I dropped my sticky notes all over the floor – it was a very messy post-ituation!

20. Make sure you have sticky notes with you at all times – you never know when you’ll need to post-it a reminder!

Best Sticky Notes Jokes

21. I was feeling really frustrated at work so I wrote down all my complaints on sticky notes and put them on my boss’s office door. I guess you could say I posted some negative feedback.

22. My friend kept stealing my sticky notes so I set up a camera to catch the post-it bandit. Turns out it was my cat swatting them off my desk this whole time!

23. I was on a long road trip and ran out of sticky notes so I started writing reminders on my arms and legs wherever I could find space. By the end, I was completely covered in post-its!

24. I wrote an entire novel on sticky notes as a joke gift for my writer friend’s birthday. He loved the post-it novel so much, he actually submitted it and got it published!

25. My coworker accidentally knocked my mega sticky notes collection that I’ve been building for years all over the floor. It was a post-itastrophe of epic proportions.

26. I once saw two sticky notes stuck to each other on a window. It looked like they were post-it-noting in secret when nobody was watching!

27. I got frustrated trying to peel a sticky note off of the pack so I grabbed it and pulled aggressively. It ripped in half and tiny sticky note confetti exploded everywhere. It was both the best and worst post-it surprise.

28. I saw my friend trip and faceplant while walking and reading a sticky note. I ran over to help but couldn’t stop laughing at how absurd it looked to literally fall for a post-it.

29. One April Fool’s Day, I covered my boss’s entire office in rainbow sticky notes as a prank. He pretended to be mad but I definitely saw him crack a smile at my post-itpieces masterwork.

30. My young son got into my home office and I came back to find he had covered himself in sticky notes to pretend he was a post-it monster. It was equal parts hilarious and adhesive!

31. I accidentally dropped my sticky note to-do list in the shredder at work. As I watched my post-its get devoured, I realized I no longer had anything to remind me to not drop things into the shredder!

32. My cat attacked and destroyed my elaborate sticky notes filing system that had sections for home, work, random ideas, shopping lists, etc. Apparently organizing things in any way greatly offends cats!

33. I saw a guy at a coffee shop who somehow managed to fall asleep face-first onto an untouched cake pop. Next to him was a post-it note reminder saying “Don’t fall asleep into cake pop” and I absolutely lost it.

34. My young niece made me sit patiently for over an hour as she carefully practiced her handwriting skills by writing the entire bee movie script on colorful sticky notes, one word per note. I’ve never been more simultaneously bored and impressed at the post-it patience of a child.

35. I accidentally spilled an entire venti Starbucks coffee onto my open bag where I had about 500 printed sticky note sheets waiting to be cut. Let’s just say sticky paper and liquid do NOT mix well – it was a post-itastrophe!

36. My conspiracy theorist brother became convinced sticky notes were spying on him so he coated his walls in post-its as a Faraday cage to block the signals. I can’t tell if he’s crazy or just overly cautious when it comes to his privacy!

37. I was halfway through my work presentation when a post-it reminder I had stuck to my laptop earlier fell smack dab into the center of my PowerPoint slide. My mortified grab to remove it only made it stick firmly to my palm. Suffice to say, it got some sticky laughs from the audience!

38. During a long staff meeting, I made a miniature post-it flip book of stick figures acting out increasingly disastrous and silly ways for me to embarrassingly exit the boring conference. My coworker saw it and chuckled loudly, earning both of us a harsh look from the boss!

39. As a joke, I covered my friend’s entire car in sticky notes while he was shopping for an hour. He was so distracted trying to peel them off before driving that he didn’t notice I had also sticky-noted silly googly eyes to his side view mirrors!

40. I begged my artistic friend to paint a portrait of me but with a post-it notes theme. He obliged and made me look like a hipster Mona Lisa, complete with laser eyes, a propeller hat, and a meticulously rendered background made from hundreds of realistic sticky notes!

41. During quarantine, my friend and I entertained ourselves by seeing who could perfectly toss and get a sticky note to stick to the other person’s forehead in the middle of video calls. Our record is 10 post-it bullseyes in a row – remarkably sticky skill!