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44 Funny Spoon Jokes

44 Funny Spoon Jokes

Spoon Puns

  1. I entered a competition for puns about spoons, but I didn’t win first prize. I got an honorable men-spoon.
  2. Working at the spoon factory was great at first, but eventually it became very repetitive. Now I’m bored to tea-spoons.
  3. My friend got hit in the head with a spoon and became a little concave. Don’t worry though, he’s making a slow but spoon-taneous recovery.
  4. I tried to steal some spoons from the cafeteria, but I just couldn’t spoon-dle the guilt.
  5. Did you hear about the psychic who committed crimes with spoons she stole? She was charged with cutlery and illegal fortune telling.
  6. Did you know that spoons actually sleep at night? That’s when they spoon each other!
  7. Working at the sterile medical spoon factory was an odd job, but it definitely had its perks. I got to take home slightly bent spoons every day.
  8. I entered my dog in a spoof talent show where all the acts involved spoons in silly ways. He didn’t win though – some of the other dogs were way funnier and more creative in how they used their spoons.
  9. Did you hear about the spoons that eloped and ran away to Las Vegas? They had a very private wedding; it was just the two of them.
  10. Don’t try telling knock knock jokes to spoons. They can be pretty dense sometimes.

Spoon One-Liners

  1. I was feeling pretty down until I realized that even a spoon has a silver lining.
  2. My spoon collection is nothing to scoff at.
  3. I only use bent spoons to eat my cereal so I can have snap, crackle, and pop.
  4. Spoons spend their days stirring up trouble.
  5. A spoon a day keeps the doctor away…if you throw it hard enough.
  6. Want to hear a joke about butter? Ah, never mind. It might spread though.
  7. I tried eating soup with a fork, but it was a real spoonful attempt.
  8. You butter believe these spoon puns are top notch.
  9. Spoons make great musical instruments – with a little practice, anyone can become a spoon player.
  10. I was attacked by a gang of spoons the other day. Luckily I was armed with a fork so I was able to fight them off.

Best Spoon Jokes

  1. What do you call a psychic midget that just escaped from prison? A small medium at large.
  2. My friend got a seasonal job testing spoons, but he said it’s not going to last. It’s just some summer work.
  3. What do you call a dog that does magic tricks? A labracadabrador.
  4. Why can’t bicycles stand up by themselves? They’re two tired.
  5. I took the shell off my racing snail thinking it would make him faster, but it just made him more sluggish.
  6. Three spoons walk into a bar. The first spoon accidentally bumps into a guy at the bar counter spilling his drink. “Hey watch it!” yells the mad customer. The second spoon tries to apologize “Sorry mister, it was an acci…”. Before he could finish the furious man yells “if you try to patronize me one more time I’ll…!” The third spoon intervenes “Look pal, it was just an accident, why don’t we just forget the whole thing alright?”. The guy at the bar looks at the third spoon and says “You’re quite the wise guy aren’t you?”
  7. My friend recently got crushed by a pile of books, but he’s only got his shelf to blame.
  8. Did you hear about the claustrophobic astronaut? He just needed a little space.
  9. Why don’t scientists trust atoms? Because they make up everything.
  10. I entered a contest for the best spoon pun, but sadly couldn’t think of one good enough. I got disqualified for lack of proper pun-ctuation.
  11. What kind of shoes do ninjas wear? Sneakers.
  12. I was wondering why the spoon was getting bigger and bigger, then it hit me.

My friend Jack absolutely loves spoons. He has a massive collection with thousands of different types – some fancy silver ones, weirdly shaped ones, tiny decorative tea spoons, and even just plain old generic plastic ones. His favorite is an engraved silver spoon he picked up an an antique store a few years back. The engraving says something like “Marry me, my love” in ornate script. He likes to joke that he’s engaged to the spoon. Anyway, for his last birthday I decided to add to his collection and got him a spoon rest in the shape of a rooster. You should have seen his face light up when he unwrapped it! Now his “fiancé” spoon gets to relax in comfort while Jack eats his meals. He promptly found a spot to display his new gift alongside some other novelty spoons in special spoon holders he installed on his kitchen wall. His spoon collection brings him so much joy.

My sister is obsessed with all things unicorn related. Her entire bedroom is decorated top to bottom with colorful unicorn decorations, bed sheets, wall stickers, plushies etc. A few months ago was her 10th birthday and my parents got her a super unique gift to add to her array of magical unicorn stuff – they found her a handmade silver spoon with an intricately carved unicorn head for a handle. The tiny details on the head and horn were exquisite! My sister absolutely flipped when she opened the gift and she now uses that special spoon every single day for all her meals. We have to constantly remind her to be very careful with it since the unicorn head handle is kind of fragile and not exactly ideal for a rambunctious 10 year old. But she treasures that spoon like it’s made of solid gold! That silver unicorn spoon has become her most prized possession for sure.

I have a friend who recently revealed to us that he enjoys playing the spoons as a musical instrument. Yes, that’s right, just regular old spoons from the dining table! No idea he had such a quirky talent hidden up his sleeve all this time we’ve known him! So he brought his specially handpicked set of spoons over one evening and gave us an impromptu concert, playing them together rhythmically by clacking, tapping and slapping them to create a pleasant percussion sound. He could produce all sorts of different beats by alternating techniques and tempos. Really impressive stuff! Although the rest of us tried to match his skill during the jam session that followed, we were quite hopeless compared to him. His spoons practically became like extensions of his own hands, moving rapidly to churn out fancy rhythms. Well, you can certainly say he spoonfed all of us that night with his immense talents as an unassuming spoons master!

My little nephew loves pretending to cook in his toy kitchen and serve up some very imaginative meals, often insisting we all sample his fake spoon-fed creations. Last Christmas we got him a play set to go with his tiny kitchen setup. It came with some brightly colored pots and pans, utensils like spatulas and spoons etc. He was over the moon when he saw the new toys and immediately started whipping up a storm. The little boy focused only on using the new pretend spoons from the set to dish out helping after helping for everyone. We all played along, making exaggerated chewing noises and telling him how exceptionally flavorsome and delectable the invisible food was. That seemed to make him extra gleeful and proud of his emerging culinary prowess. By the end of the evening my nephew had thoroughly run us through a scrumptious ten course tasting menu all served up using his wonderful new plastic spoons. Ah, kids and their wild imaginations! But hey, he seems to be enjoying himself so we’re happy to endorse his cooking and exceptional creations!