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53 Funny Spatula Jokes

53 Funny Spatula Jokes

Spatula Puns

  1. What do you call a spatula that loves to dance? A flipper!
  2. Why can’t spatulas ever lie? Because they’re such pan-handlers!
  3. I entered my spatula into a cooking contest. It was a flip off.
  4. What do you call a spatula that works as a reporter? A flipbook journalist!
  5. My spatula started telling awful jokes. It has a flipping awful sense of humor.
  6. I asked my spatula to pass the butter but it just flipped out.
  7. What do you call a spatula that rings your doorbell and runs away? A flip and dip!
  8. Did you hear about the spatula that got arrested? He was charged with a flipping and fleeing the scene!
  9. What do you call a spatula that migrates south for the winter? A flipperating snowbird!
  10. My spatula thinks it’s better than me. What a flipping jerk!

Spatula One-Liners

  1. I can flip anything with my spatula, pancakes, eggs, you name it!
  2. They say the spatula was invented when someone slapped dough and thought, “Well, flip.”
  3. I entered my spatula in a race once. It did flip pitifully.
  4. My spatula is so shiny I can see my reflection when I flip things.
  5. I bought my spatula at Spatulas-R-Us.
  6. My spatula has more flare than most fancy restaurants!
  7. I’d be lost in the kitchen without my trusty spatula by my side.
  8. My spatula is always by my side, through thickSlices and thin.
  9. Once you go spatula, you’ll never go back-ula.
  10. My lame jokes really flip my friends out.

Best Spatula Jokes

  1. Last week my spatula ran away from home after we had an argument about flipping eggs. I guess it just couldn’t handle the heat of the debate! I miss the little flipper so much. I hope it comes back soon, the kitchen just isn’t the same without it.
  2. I entered my spatula into the world championship flipping competition last year. It practiced day and night for months on end. On the big day, it got up on stage and beautifully flipped pancake after pancake. The flips were perfect 10s across the board! Unfortunately, the judges said a human needed to be doing the flipping so my spatula got disqualified on a technicality. We demanded the rules get changed for next year!
  3. My spatula is a bit of an eccentric. It likes to wear weird costumes while it cooks. The other day I cracked some eggs then turned around to see it dressed up in a full chicken suit, flipping the eggs dramatically while doing the funky chicken dance. We laughed so hard tears were streaming down our faces! That wacky spatula really cracks me up.
  4. The other day my spatula bet me $20 it could beat me in a pancake flipping contest. “You don’t even have hands!” I exclaimed. But it was determined to put its money where its mouth would be if it had one. We set up the griddle and agreed the first to 10 perfect flips would win. I have to admit that spatula really knew what it was doing. After 15 blistering flips it bested me hands down. I paid up begrudgingly but can’t help feeling a little flip about losing to a kitchen utensil!
  5. My spatula has been seeming a little down lately so I decided to do something to cheer it up. I grabbed some googley eyes from my craft supplies and decorated its flipper with a cute little face. As soon as it saw itself with a face, the spatula broke out into the biggest smile. We’ve been best buds ever since. It brings a smile to my face every time I catch it grinning back at me!
  6. The other week I accidentally left the spatula sitting on the hot stove after making burgers. I didn’t notice until smoke started billowing up from the kitchen! When I rushed back in, that crazy spatula was still calmly flipping the burger patties while its handles were completely engulfed in flames. After I put out the fire, it gave me an innocent look as if nothing had happened. That spatula really kept its cool under fire!
  7. My spatula likes to pull pranks on me when I’m not looking. Just yesterday I had whipped up some nice fluffy egg whites for a souffle. I turned around for just a second to grab spices from the pantry. When I whisked back around, that sneaky spatula had deflated all my hard work into a puddle! I tell you, working with that jokester keeps me on my toes.
  8. The other day my spatula and I got into an argument about whose turn it was to do the dishes. Things really started heating up when the spatula insisted it had scrubbed the last three times. “I don’t have hands so that’s impossible!” I yelled back. Just then clouds of steam started hissing up as the leftover food burned onto the pans and pots. In all the drama we had forgotten to do the cleaning up! I guess we both learned our lesson about washing as you cook.
  9. My wacky spatula is always coming up with crazy concoctions in the kitchen. Its newest thing is something called surprise soup. I’ll come home to find it madly flippingingredients into a pot, stubbornly keeping the contents secret until serving. Some concoctions have been awesome but others, well let’s just say I wish it kept less surprises in its recipes! Still, it keeps experimenting. I swear that spatula missed its calling as a chef.
  10. I play in a band with my spatula. I’ll strap on my guitar while it rocks the drums. With cooking utensils as our instruments, we churn out some surprisingly awesome jams! The spatula really tears it up on those pots and pans. We sound so good I’m thinking of taking our act on the road for a kitchenware world tour. We could be the next big cooking rock sensation!