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49 Funny Soap Jokes

49 Funny Soap Jokes

Soap Puns

  1. I accidentally dropped my soap in the shower. Now I’m in a slippery situation!
  2. My friend makes handcrafted soap. You could say he has a clean business.
  3. I was going to make a joke about soap, but I decided to keep it clean.
  4. Did you hear about the angry bar of soap? He was fuming!
  5. I ordered some soap online but the shipping costs were excessive. Talk about getting robbed clean!
  6. We washed the dishes with soap and water. It was a clean sweep!
  7. The soap factory had to close down due to financial difficulties. They just couldn’t keep their business afloat.
  8. I bought some discounted soap that didn’t work very well. I felt ripped off and filthy!
  9. My friend got married to a soap maker. Their relationship is squeaky clean!
  10. Did you hear about the soap that was knighted? It became Sir Washalot!

Soap One-Liners

  1. I guess you could say soap leaves me squeaky clean!
  2. My soap is so natural, dirt runs away when it sees me coming!
  3. I hate it when I drop the soap because my mind goes to dirty places.
  4. My soap is eco-friendly. It’s made of 100% recycled dad jokes.
  5. I only use all-natural soap. Any chemicals would make me break out in puns.
  6. I bought twenty bars of soap. Now that’s how you get clean in bulk!
  7. My soap slogan: Get cleaner, not meaner!
  8. Don’t drop the soap around me unless you want some cheeky humor.
  9. I’m soap opera-tically crazy about keeping clean!
  10. My soap is so pure it makes angels weep gentle tears of joy.

Best Soap Jokes

  1. I was in the shower when suddenly the soap slipped out of my hand. I reached down to grab it, lost my balance, and faceplanted right into the wall. After collecting myself and what little remained of my dignity, I realized the shower curtain was wide open! Thankfully no one was there to see my embarrassing moment, but I quickly learned that dropping the soap is dangerous – you might get a crack in the wall!
  2. Did you hear about the mobster who refused to use soap? He wanted to remain a dirty crook!
  3. My friend makes artisan soap for a living. She has turned cleanliness into a fine art. Her specialty is handcrafted bars made from goat’s milk and essential oils. She even adds botanicals like lavender buds or oatmeal. All her ingredients are ethically sourced and environmentally sustainable too.

    I tried one of her lemon verbena bars and it made my skin feel like a million bucks. The lemon scent was bright and refreshing but not overpowering. And unlike store-bought soap, it didn’t dry my skin out at all. My friend really has a talent for soap crafting. Everything from the beautiful packaging to the divine scents shows her attention to detail. But my favorite part is that her soap makes getting clean a truly luxurious experience.

  4. Why was the bar of soap sad? Because it had hit rock bottom.
  5. I went shopping the other day for some new bath products. While browsing the soap aisle, I spotted an employee struggling to reach the top shelf. Rushing over, I heroically said “Don’t worry, I’ll give you a boost!” and promptly attempted to pick him up by the waist. He shrieked in surprise while I realised, to my horror, that I had just inadvertently groped a complete stranger in public. We locked eyes for a brief moment before I sprinted out of there, too embarrassed to ever return. Now I have to find a new place to buy soap!
  6. My friend makes and sells handmade glycerin soap. She has the market cornered on keeping people clean around here. Her peppermint soap is my personal favorite – it makes you tingle all over. And her oatmeal, honey andShea butter soap smells good enough to eat! Last Christmas, she made these adorable little snowman soaps that looked almost too cute to use. But I finally broke down and tried one, and it made my skin feel so soft and smooth, I wanted to shout “hooray for soap!” from the rooftops. Yep, when it comes to soap, my friend really cleans up!
  7. I was in the communal showers after gym class when I accidentally dropped my soap. As I bent down to pick it up I heard snickering from the boys behind me. Suddenly self-conscious, I reached for the soap hurriedly, but it squirted out of my grasp and slid across the floor. Now the other boys were howling with laughter. My cheeks burned bright as I scrambled after the soap, but it kept evading me. Finally, I dove for it, landing hard on my stomach with a loud smack that echoed off the tile walls. By now my classmates were hysterical, and I wanted to disappear into the drain with the rest of the dirty water! That was the last time I ever used a bar of soap in public.
  8. Last week my roommate used my expensive sandalwood-scented soap without asking. When I confronted her, she claimed innocence. But I knew she was lying because her skin had that unmistakable glow that only comes from using my triple-milled soap made with nourishing botanical oils. I decided turnabout was fair play, so the next morning I crept into her shower and lathered up with her Pomegranate Fizz body wash. And I have to admit, it smelled delicious. So we agreed that toiletries are communal in our household now. As long we continue sharing our suds, we’ll get along swimmingly!
  9. Why can’t soap actors look at each other in the shower scene? There’s a bar between them!
  10. My friend got into the competitive world of artisanal soap making. He became ruthlessly driven, obsessed with concocting the best soap recipes to win prizes. His cold process soaps were intricately swirled with exotic oils. His melt and pour creations were richly colored and elegantly molded. But in his soap perfection quest, he lost sight of his integrity. During his last competition, judges discovered he had sabotaged a rival soap maker by switching labels on their entries. My friend was caught red-handed and barred from future contests. He learned the hard way that even in the cutthroat soap game, you have to stay true to your principles and play clean.