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65 Funny Snowflake Jokes

65 Funny Snowflake Jokes

Snowflake Puns

1. I wanted to make a snowflake pun, but they’re all too derivative.

2. What do you call a snowflake who works as a DJ? A snowspiner!

3. Why was the snowflake upset? He was having a meltdown!

4. My friend got mad when I called him a snowflake. He said, “I’m unique and beautiful!” I said, “Yeah, one-of-a-kind and fragile.”

5. I entered a snowflake in a beauty contest. Sadly, the judges said it didn’t stand out enough from the others.

6. What do you call a snowflake who postpones everything? A procrastiflake!

7. Why are snowflakes bad at keeping secrets? Because they always spill the flurry!

8. Why don’t snowflakes make good farmers? They’re afraid to plant seeds and watch them grow.

9. Why was the snowflake hired as a life coach? He was an expert at personal flurry-fillment!

10. Did you hear about the snowflake who went to jail? He was arrested for battery flurry.

11. Why do snowflakes make great philosophers? They spend a lot of time pondering their crystal existence.

12. What do you call a snowflake who loves music? A meloflake!

Snowflake One-Liners

13. I tried to catch a snowflake on my tongue, but it melted into a small puddle of liberal tears.

14. I’m not a snowflake, you’re just being an avalanche of mean.

15. Today’s snowstorm brought a flurry of snowflakes looking for safe spaces and trigger warnings.

16. Stop calling me a snowflake just because I have a unique personality and strong emotions.

17. Sorry if my feelings hurt your feelings, you precious little snowflake.

18. Do you want a tissue for your issue, you delicate little snowflake?

19. Aw, did I hurt your fragile feelings, snowflake?

20. The forecast calls for heavy snowflake accumulation in the town square.

21. You’re not a snowflake, but you sure are flakey.

22. Do you need a safe space for your shaken snowflake feelings?

Best Snowflake Jokes

23. A snowflake fell into the river and slowly began to melt. “So this is global warming!” it exclaimed. “I always thought that was just a liberal hoax.”

24. A snowflake walked into Starbucks and ordered an iced latte with almond milk. The barista laughed and said, “You’re more delicate than your drink order!” The snowflake was outraged and demanded to speak to the manager immediately.

25. Billy was excited when the first snowfall of the year came. He ran outside trying to catch snowflakes on his tongue. “These taste like liberal tears!” he yelled. His mom stuck her head out the door and shouted, “Come inside before your feelings get hurt and you turn into a snowflake too!”

26. Hank woke up to heavy snowfall blanketing his yard. “Looks like those snowflakes are at it again, trying to get schools and workplaces shut down,” he grumbled as he shoveled the driveway. After slipping and falling, he went back inside and angrily posted on Social Media that the snowflakes were infringing on his freedoms.

27. Sam signed up for a snowflake identification class, excited to look at snowflakes under a microscope. On the first day, the instructor said, “Remember snowflakes, you’re all individuals, just like everyone else.” The snowflakes rejoiced to hear they were special and unique.

28. Jake ordered a snowflake cake for his liberal friend’s birthday as a prank. When his friend saw it, he got mad. “I know what you really meant by this,” he fumed. “But jokes on you – I love snowflakes!” Jake facepalmed as his plan backfired.

29. Amanda was offended when her conservative uncle called her a snowflake at Christmas dinner. She spent the rest of the night smugly correcting him on politics and climate change. The next morning she woke up with wet hair and said, “This is obviously snowflake propaganda from the leftists!”

30. Jack was startled when he opened the front door and a snowflake tumbled into his entryway. “This is climate change!” it cried. “Please help me – I’m melting!” Jack rolled his eyes. “Make yourself at home,” he sighed, sarcastically gesturing to a puddle.

31. Jerry waved as his neighbor shoveled snow from the latest storm. “Morning snowflake!” he shouted. “Did we get enough global warming for you?” His neighbor glared back. “Do you even know what a snowflake is?” Jerry shrugged and went back inside, grumbling about offended liberals.

32. Martha was offended when someone called her son a snowflake for crying after losing his soccer game. “Have some empathy,” she said angrily. “He has a sensitive soul!” Later at home, she gave him a trophy for “Most Special Player” to perk up his shaken snowflake feelings.

33. Sammy built a snowman after the first big snowfall of the season. He used sticks for arms, stones for the face, and a red hat on top. He even added a little sign that said “Stop Global Warming!” His brother laughed at the snowman and called it a silly snowflake cause.

34. Jenny joined a snowflake spotting club at her liberal arts college. On their first meeting, several members broke down in tears as they looked at snowflakes and saw how climate change was impacting their delicate shapes and sizes.

35. Tommy was excited to catch snowflakes for a science project. But each time he caught one and put it under his microscope, it would melt into a small puddle. “Snowflake tears!” he cried. “This is more proof of devastating climate change!”

36. Joey and his friends loved catching snowflakes on their tongues during recess. His teacher was concerned and said, “Boys, snowflakes are very delicate. You could hurt their feelings if you aren’t gentle!” The boys nodded seriously and started catching them in mittened hands instead.

37. Michael yelled in frustration as fat snowflakes stuck to his windshield, obstructing his view. He turned on the wipers and cranked up the defrost. “Stupid snowflakes don’t want me to drive to work!” he complained. “Well, I won’t let these liberals win!”

38. Jenna saw heavy snow coating the trees outside and got worried. “Do you think the snowflakes are okay out there?” she asked her sister. “They just have no shelter! Maybe we should build little snowflake houses for them.” Jenna’s sister just shook her head in exasperation.

39. Aidan was stunned when his snowman started talking to him. “Thank goodness you built me!” it exclaimed. “As a snowflake, I was at grave risk from global warming. Now I’m big enough to stand up to those anti-snow bullies!” Aidan nodded in agreement and went to build more snowmen.

40. Barb looked at the weather report and sighed. “More snow coming. The snowflakes will be so thrilled.” Her husband nodded, “And you know they’ll find some way to blame us for the cold weather, as if we control the climate!” They both shook their heads – snowflakes were so unreasonable.

41. Steve was startled when a snowflake landed on his jacket and started yelling tiny inaudible threats at him. He realized it must be an angry liberal snowflake blaming him for global warming. “Calm down little guy,” he said gently. “I drive a Prius.” The snowflake was still grumbling as it melted away.

42. Heather was concerned when she saw children catching snowflakes on their tongues. “Stop that immediately!” she scolded. “Can’t you see you’re traumatizing them?” The kids looked at her blankly. Heather said, “Ugh, kids today have no empathy for snowflake feelings!”

43. Mark yelled in outrage as a snowflake landed on his face. “They’re attacking me!” he said, brushing it off quickly. “These liberal snowflakes are trying to silence conservatives!” His friend rolled his eyes. “Dude, it’s just weather – snowflakes aren’t out to get you.” Mark was not convinced.

44. Nancy shook her head sadly as she watched snowflakes swirling outside. “So many unique, beautiful snowflakes, lost forever to climate change,” she lamented. “If only everyone was as environmentally conscious as I am.” Sighing, she picked up her reusable straw andtook a sip of her vegan latte.

45. Greg was startled when a snowflake landed on his arm and started lecturing him about carbon emissions. “Whoa there, little guy,” Greg said. “I drive an electric car and recycle every day!” The snowflake was unimpressed. “Could do more,” it said sternly before dissolving into a tiny puddle.

46. Samantha woke up eager to play in the freshly fallen snow. But when she ran outside, she was swarmed by angry snowflakes. “How dare you step on us with your boots!” they cried. “We demand equal rights for all precipitation!” Samantha trudged back inside, grumbling about pushy snowflakes.

47. Maggie shrieked when she saw snow falling. “We’re doomed!” she cried. “The snowflakes are taking over!” Her friend looked confused until Maggie explained, “Don’t you see? This is proof of the liberal snowflake agenda!” Her friend just shook her head and handed Maggie a cup of hot chocolate to calm down.

48. Kyle was startled when a snowflake landed on his jacket and started lecturing him about using correct pronouns. “I don’t actually have a gender,” it explained haughtily. “Your human binary terms do not apply to us snowflakes.” Kyle just nodded, too bewildered to respond.

49. James noticed his friend seemed cold and offered him his jacket. “No thanks,” his friend said. “I don’t need to be coddled. I’m no snowflake.” Just then a snowflake landed on his face and he screamed. “On second thought, give me that jacket!” he cried. “I’m freezing!”

50. Olivia was excited to show her snowflake drawings to art class. But during her presentation, she started crying when the other kids said her snowflakes all looked the same. The teacher quickly gave Olivia a trophy for “Most Unique Snowflake Art” to cheer her up.

51. Emma invited all the snowflakes in her front yard to come inside for hot chocolate and a Pixar movie night. She couldn’t understand why none of them showed up! She just wanted to provide a safe space for them.

52. Liam loves catching snowflakes in his mouth and yelling “Ow!” pretending they hurt him. His mom worries the snowflakes’ feelings will be hurt if they hear him. Liam tries to be more considerate, but snowflakes are just so fun to tease!

53. Ava built a snowman family in her yard – a snowman, snowwoman, and small snowchild. She even gave them little signs that said “Love is Love” and “All Snowflakes Welcome Here.” Her neighbors were very confused by the snowflake allies in Ava’s yard!

54. Noah was upset when his sledding hill was closed for being too dangerous. He complained loudly, “How am I supposed to have fun if everything is childproofed for these snowflake kids?” The 8-year-old snowflakes cried as Noah’s words stung them deeply.

55. Lily brought one snowflake inside and tried to get it to join her tea party, but it quickly melted. Next time she’ll bring a whole bucket of snowflakes so a few can attend before expiring in the warmth of inclusion and friendship.

56. Mason was fascinated looking at snowflakes under his microscope. He remarked at how delicate and unique each one was, like a tiny cold fingerprint. His brother laughed and said, “Nice try snowflake, they all look the same to me.” Mason seethed at the comparison.

57. Sophia built the tiniest snowwoman she could, small enough to fit on a penny. She made it a little pussyhat and an even tinier sign that said “Girls Just Wanna Have Fundamental Rights.” The snowwoman beamed with frosty feminism.

58. Jacob shoveled the driveway angrily, cursing the heavy snowfall. When his wife suggested he take a break, he snapped, “No! I won’t let these snowflakes win!” She shrugged and went back inside, muttering, “Biggest snowflake of them all.”

59. Isabella loved playing outside but came in shivering. “I’m freezing!” she said. “I know how snowflakes feel now.” Her dad chuckled and said, “Better get this little snowflake a cup of hot chocolate to warm up.” Isabella did not find the comparison funny.

60. Ethan saw snowflakes swirling as he walked to school. He smiled thinking each one was unique, just like his mom always said about people. But when a snowflake landed on his nose, his friend called him a snowflake too. Ethan wasn’t sure how he felt about that.

61. Mia tried to organize a snowflake protest to demand cooler weather, but she couldn’t get the flakes to stop melting long enough to hold up their signs. She vowed to keep advocating for snowflake equality, even if the snowflakes were too wet and drippy to march themselves.

62. Alexander cried when he accidentally stepped on a snowflake, worried he had hurt its feelings. His dad said not to worry – that snowflake was too fragile and oversensitive anyway. This made Alexander cry harder thinking how mean his dad was being about the poor little snowflake.

63. Emily wanted to be nice to the snowflakes so she left little mittens and scarves out for them. The next morning they were all still there and Emily sobbed thinking the fashionable snowflakes had shunned her homemade snowflake accessories.

64. Daniel built a snowman army to defend against the deadly snowflake invasion he was sure was coming. His mom explained snowflakes were harmless, but Daniel insisted on preparing his snowman troops for the snowflake emergency.

65. Madison loved gazing at the elegant snowflakes drifting past her window. Each one amazed her with its fragile beauty and uniqueness. She wished she could hold one without it melting away. To Madison, every snowflake was exquisite.

So there you have it – 65 funny snowflake jokes ranging from puns to one-liners to short stories! Let me know if you need any other wintery comedy writing!