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85 Funny Smoke Detector Jokes

Smoke Detector Puns (10)

1. I bought a smoke detector with laryngitis. It can’t even raise the alarm.

2. My smoke detector keeps making beeping noises at random times. I think it’s bipolar.

3. I was cooking up a storm in the kitchen and my smoke detector started screaming. It was having a meltdown.

4. The smoke detector in my apartment is so sensitive. It has alarm anxiety.

5. I need to get a new smoke detector. This one goes off even when I burn toast. It’s toast intolerant.

6. I replaced the battery in my smoke detector but it’s still not working. It must have low battery esteem.

7. My smoke detector is stuck in snooze mode no matter how much smoke is around. It refuses to wake up and smell the smoke.

8. The smoke detector keeps randomly beeping for no reason. I think it just wants some attention.

9. I put my smoke detector in the basement where I thought it couldn’t bother anyone. But it still finds a way to make noise. It’s a real base-ment case.

10. My apartment’s smoke detector is super sensitive to any kind of smoke or dust. It’s downright high-strung.

Smoke Detector One-Liners (10)

11. My smoke detector is so sensitive it goes off when I look at a picture of smoke.

12. I’m convinced my smoke detector is haunted – it goes off even when there’s no smoke around.

13. My smoke detector must think it’s a musical instrument with the way it beeps randomly at all hours.

14. Who needs an alarm clock when you have an overly sensitive smoke detector that wakes you up by beeping all night?

15. I wish my smoke detector had an off switch so I could disable it when I want to cook something smokey in peace.

16. My apartment’s smoke detector goes off so often the neighbors probably think I’m an arsonist.

17. I swear my smoke detector is possessed by a poltergeist with the way it randomly beeps even without smoke.

18. Note to self: disable the smoke detector before doing any cooking so it doesn’t scream bloody murder again.

19. I think my smoke detector is broken – it goes off when I boil water but sleeps through an actual fire.

20. That awkward moment when your smoke detector keeps beeping and your date thinks you set off the fire alarm cooking dinner.

Best Smoke Detector Jokes (25)

21. I was cooking bacon this morning when the smoke detector started freaking out. I had to grab a magazine and fan it, saying “It’s just bacon! Calm down!”

22. Last night my smoke detector started beeping for no reason. I got so fed up I yelled at it to stop or I’d replace it with a nest of hornets that would annoy it instead. It stopped instantly.

23. I was making toast when the smoke detector went off. My wife started panicking, thinking there was a fire. I had to reassure her, “Honey, relax – it’s just having a meltdown over a little burnt toast.”

24. The smoke detector in my apartment is so annoying. I swear it goes off if I so much as look at the stove. At this point, I just open all the windows whenever I cook anything to avoid setting it off.

25. Me: *Burns toast and sets off smoke detector*

Smoke detector: BEEP BEEP BEEP

Me: I get it, I get it! Stop nagging me!

26. I was cooking dinner when the smoke detector starting beeping loudly. My kid yelled from the other room “Dad, I think the fire alarm is hungry too!”

27. Last night the smoke detector went off while I was fast asleep. In my half-awake state I started fanning under it yelling “It’s just a dream, go back to sleep!”

28. Roses are red, smoke detectors are a pain, they go off when I cook, even though nothing’s aflame.

29. I burned the toast and set off the fire alarm, my dog started howling and barking in alarm, the neighbors all ran out in a swarm, all because I overcooked my morning toast warm.

30. If my smoke detector goes off one more time while I’m cooking, I swear I’ll roast marshmallows over it.

31. The fire department gets so annoyed when my smoke detector malfunctions. But not as annoyed as I am when I get woken up by a 3am false alarm.

32. I was scrambling some eggs when the smoke detector suddenly screamed. I yelled “It’s just eggs, you idiot, stop being so dramatic!” My kids thought I lost it.

33. Smoke detector: *randomly beeps at 3am*

Me: *throws pillow at it* Knock it off and let me sleep!

Smoke detector: *beeps more*

Me: That’s it, you’re getting unplugged!

34. I burned some cookies and my smoke detector started loudly beeping. My dog ran in barking at it and pawing it to try to make it stop. Guess he wanted some quiet while he ate the burned cookies off the floor.

35. I was trying to sneak in some late night snacks when the smoke detector suddenly went off. Caught red handed by the smoke alarm tattletale.

36. The smoke detector in my apartment is so loud you’d think it was wired straight to a nuclear power plant. Even just a whiff of smoke sets it into full nuclear meltdown mode.

37. I swear my smoke detector has a vendetta against me cooking. It goes from a silent angel to a screaming banshee the second I turn on the oven.

38. My smoke detector must think every meal I cook is a five alarm fire with the way it overreacts. I just want to enjoy my burned grilled cheese in peace.

39. I burned some popcorn in the microwave and smoke started billowing out, triggering the fire alarm. My cat bolted under the bed, guess she’s not a fan of the loud beeping either.

40. Roommate: Why is the fire alarm going off? Are you cooking something?

Me: Yeah I’m cooking up a storm, a burnt popcorn storm.

41. I burned my pork chops so bad it set off the smoke detector. My wife yelled from the other room “Honey, dinner is ready and very well done!” Thanks dear.

42. Me: *lights candle*

Smoke detector: *immediately starts beeping*

Me: Seriously?? It’s just a tiny candle!

43. I love cooking but my smoke detector hates it. It’s my biggest kitchen critic, going off whenever anything starts burning. Gordon Ramsay has nothing on this smoke alarm!

44. The battery in my smoke detector died so it started beeping loudly at 3am. Let me tell you, there’s no crueler way to wake someone up than a smoke detector low battery alert.

45. My apartment’s smoke detector is mounted right outside my bedroom door. Let’s just say even a whiff of burnt popcorn brings me straight out of a deep sleep into a panic.

More Smoke Detector Jokes (30)

46. I was cooking up some juicy burgers on the grill and my smoke detector started beeping like crazy. I had to grab a newspaper and fan the smoke away while yelling “They’re just burgers, calm down!” My neighbors probably thought I lost it.

47. The smoke detector in my apartment is so loud and sensitive that even just cooking toast sets it off. I have to open all the windows and turn on all the fans just to avoid setting it off every morning.

48. I burned my chicken nuggets so bad that it triggered the fire alarm. My kid said “Daddy I don’t like these nuggets crispy!” Neither do I, kiddo.

49. Whenever I cook, it turns into a race against the smoke detector going off. I either finish cooking in time or end up frantically waving towels to hush the blaring alarm.

50. I was searing a steak when the smoke detector suddenly screamed deafeningly loud. My dog bolted and knocked over his water bowl, making a huge mess. Thanks a lot, stupid smoke alarm!

51. Roses are red, my cooking’s a fail, I just burned the bread, set off the smoke alarm’s wail.

52. I burned some cookies and the smoke detector started loudly beeping. I had to open all the doors and windows and yell “Everyone relax, the cookies are just extra crispy!”

53. Whenever I cook, my smoke detector judges my every move like a hawk, ready to start screaming if anything starts burning. It’s nerve-wracking!

54. My apartment’s smoke detector is so loud and sensitive that burning a piece of toast feels like getting caught robbing a bank.

55. I wish I could install a “snooze” button on my smoke detector so it would stop blaring every time I burn something while cooking. Is 9 minutes of peace too much to ask for?

56. The smoke detector in my apartment is ruthless. It never stops beeping until every last smoke molecule is accounted for. There’s just no reasoning with it!

57. My goal in life is to cook a meal without setting off the smoke detector. It’s a simple dream but that blaring alarm stands in my way every time.

58. I burned the bacon and the smoke detector started loudly beeping. My wife said “Honey, I think it’s telling you breakfast is ready!” Hardy har har.

59. Whenever the smoke detector goes off, my dog barks his head off at it. He’s clearly saying “Enough with the noise already!” And I don’t blame him.

60. I swear my smoke detector has OCD. If even the smallest whiff of smoke triggers it, it will beep incessantly until you make it stop.

61. I burned the cookies and the smoke detector started screaming. I had to grab a magazine to fan away the smoke while yelling “They’re just extra crispy!” My kids laughed at my frantic cookie crisis.

62. The smoke detector in my apartment is so annoying. It screams when I make toast, when I cook eggs, when I boil water – basically anything that produces a tiny wisp of steam sets it off. I need to move.

63. I burned some sausages and smoke filled the kitchen, sending the fire alarm into a deafening frenzy. My dog started howling along with it – guess she wanted to join the smoke detector’s pity party.

64. I swear my smoke detector is out to get me. No matter what I cook, it starts blaring like I set the whole house on fire. All I did was burn some mac and cheese!

65. The smoke detector in my apartment is so loud that it terrifies my cat. Anytime it goes off unexpectedly, my poor cat screeches and sprints under the bed. Not exactly how I want her to spend mealtimes!

66. I burned some popcorn in the microwave so badly that it set off the smoke detector. My wife lectured me: “You’re sleeping on the couch until you learn how to cook popcorn properly without smoking us out!”

67. I was cooking up some chicken nuggets when the fire alarm started blaring loudly. My son said “Ms. Alarm doesn’t like nuggets, just dino ones!” I had to promise to make him dinosaur chicken nuggets next time to calm him down.

68. The smoke detector in our apartment is so sensitive that even just steaming veggies sets it off. My wife and I have to open all the doors and windows and wave towels to try to prevent it from blaring every time we cook.

69. I burned some bacon and the smoke detector started shrieking like the house was burning down. Our dog bolted outside and wouldn’t come back in for an hour. That smoke detector owes us some bacon and dog therapy!

70. When cooking, I have approximately 2 minutes before the smoke detector starts screaming at me. I thought detectors were supposed to detect actual fires, not slightly burnt food!

71. The stupid smoke detector goes berserk if I so much as look at the oven. At this point, I could cook toast with a simple glance and it would start blaring.

72. I wish I could make my smoke detector only go off if there is an actual fire and not just because I burned some cookies. Is that too much to ask?

73. Smoke detector: *starts loudly beeping*

Me: I wasn’t even cooking anything!!

Smoke detector: Just keeping you on your toes.

74. I burned some pancakes and the smoke made the fire alarm go nuts. My kids thought it was hilarious. They even made burnt pancakes on purpose the next day trying to set it off again!

75. My smoke detector is so loud that even my neighbors complain about it. Last time it went off, the guy next door banged on the wall yelling at me to shut it up. Sorry, pal, I’m suffering too!

76. I swear my smoke detector has super smelling abilities. I can just think about cooking something and it starts beeping, ready to catch any potential smoke.

77. The smoke detector in my apartment is ruthless. It detects smoke molecules from a mile away and will beep incessantly until every last one is gone. There’s just no reasoning with it!

78. I burned some french fries so badly that the smoke detector started blaring. My son said “Ms. Alarm, we don’t need a musical number every time Daddy cooks!” Out of the mouths of babes…

79. Whenever I cook, it turns into a race against the clock to finish before the smoke detector inevitably starts screaming at me. I wish it was more supportive of my culinary efforts!

80. I burned some pizza rolls and smoke filled the kitchen, making the fire alarm freak out. The dog started howling along with it in harmony. At least someone appreciates the smoke detector’s musical talents!

81. My goal in life is to just cook a meal without the smoke detector judging my every move. Seriously, give me a break! I know I burned the pork chops, you don’t need to scream about it.

82. I swear my smoke detector has a personal vendetta against me cooking dinner. It goes from calm to screaming faster than Gordon Ramsay when anything starts burning.

83. The smoke detector in my apartment is like an overbearing parent. It must witness every cooking activity and starts yelling if anything even starts to burn. I just want to cook in peace!

84. I burned some cheese on toast and smoke billowed out, triggering the fire alarm. My cat bolted under the bed, clearly not a fan of the loud beeping either. Sorry guys, just a bit of burnt cheese!

85. The stupid smoke detector goes berserk if there’s even a hint of smoke in the air. I could just think about cooking something burnt and it would start blaring.