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37 Funny Skunk Jokes

37 Funny Skunk Jokes

Skunk Puns

  1. What do you call a skunk who loves math? A stink-ulator!
  2. Why don’t skunks make good lawyers? They raise too many stench objections.
  3. How do skunks go fishing? With scent-ed bait.
  4. My friend got sprayed by a skunk. Now he really stinks at hide and seek.
  5. What do you call a skunk who doubles as a spy? James Stink.
  6. Why don’t skunks ever run out of stink? Because they have a lifetime supply.
  7. What’s a skunk’s favorite kind of music? Anything, as long as it’s in odor.
  8. Why did the skunk get hired as a fragrance model? She had the scent-sational scent they were looking for.
  9. What do you call a skunk who’s excited? En-stink-ted.
  10. Why are skunks good at arguing? Because they always raise a big stink.

Skunk One-Liners

  1. I tried to approach the skunk but it warned me to back off unless I wanted the full fragrance experience.
  2. When a skunk crosses your path, it’s best to let sleeping dogs lie.
  3. Never get between a mother skunk and her babies, or you’ll end up smelling worse than a rotten egg.
  4. Skunks may be small but they pack a powerful smelly punch.
  5. Getting sprayed by a skunk is no laughing matter…unless it happens to your friend and not you.
  6. A skunk’s stench is so potent, it can clear out an entire room faster than yelling “Fire!”
  7. You haven’t experienced a true stench until you’ve been hit point blank by a skunk.
  8. Never try to pick up a skunk thinking it’s a cat, or you’ll quickly find yourself in a stinky situation.
  9. A tomato juice bath might remove a skunk’s odor but the memory of the smell tends to linger.
  10. When it comes to a skunk spraying, the nose always knows.

Best Skunk Jokes

  1. A man was driving down the road one day when a skunk ran out in front of his car. He hit the skunk and killed it instantly. The man knew he needed to do something to get rid of the smell, so he put the dead skunk in his trunk while he drove to find a car wash.
  2. After driving for a few miles, the man started to notice a terrible odor coming from his car. He realized the skunk smell was seeping out of his trunk and into the interior of his car. No matter how much air freshener and cologne he sprayed, the smell just would not go away.

    He stopped at a red light and noticed the people in the car next to him staring and holding their noses. Embarrassed, he drove straight to the nearest car wash to get his car cleaned. However, even after going through the wash several times, the employees informed him the skunk smell could not be removed that way.

    Defeated, the man returned home with the world’s smelliest car and had no choice but to keep all the windows down and continuously spray air freshener. After weeks of driving around town with the lingering skunk smell, the man learned his lesson—never put a dead skunk in your vehicle!

      Timmy was playing outside one day when he saw a skunk waddling across the yard. Excited to see the unusual animal up close, Timmy ran after the skunk trying to pick it up. The frightened skunk turned around, lifted its tail in warning and sprayed little Timmy right in the face before running off.

      Timmy immediately started gagging from the terrible skunk smell. His eyes were burning, as he ran into the house to tell his mom what happened. His mom shrieked in horror when she saw Timmy’s red, puffy eyes and caught a whiff of the foul odor.

      “Oh my!” she cried. “Honey, you need a tomato juice bath, stat!” Timmy spent the rest of the afternoon soaking in tomato juice, but it barely helped reduce the stench. The skunk smell had soaked down to his skin and saturated his clothes.

      Poor Timmy had to throw out his favorite shirt and shorts which were beyond salvageable. For weeks afterward, Timmy’s classmates teased him and held their noses whenever he walked by. Timmy learned the hard way to never get too close to a skunk!

        Jake was so excited for his 10th birthday party. His mom had planned it to be outdoors at the park and all his friends were coming. The morning of his big day, Jake woke up bright and early too see a big storm rolling in. The heavy downpour caused his party to get moved indoors at the last minute.

        Jake was so disappointed all his outdoor games at the park had been cancelled. As the guests arrived, it was clear everyone was bummed about the lousy weather putting a damper on the party. To try and cheer everyone up, Jake’s mom organized a scavenger hunt inside the house.

        She told the kids she had hidden some prizes around the living room and whoever found the most would win a special mystery gift. Jake desperately wanted to find the most so he could pick out his prize first. During the scavenger hunt, he noticed a strange smell but was too focused on winning to care.

        As Jake looked under the couch, he came face to face with an angry skunk who had somehow gotten into the house to escape the rain! The skunk instantly sprayed Jake right in the face before running back outside. All the kids screamed and ran away from the putrid smell now surrounding Jake.

        His birthday party came to an abrupt end as his clothes had to be thrown out and his mom tried tomato baths to lessen the stench. Jake learned the hard way that indoor scavenger hunts should always check for skunks first!