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43 Funny Seal Puns

43 Funny Seal Puns

Seal Puns

1. What do you call a seal who likes to sing? A sea-lebrity!

2. Why don’t seals like to share their food? They’re shellfish!

3. Why did the seal cross the road? To get to the other tide!

4. What do you call a seal that roams the neighborhood? A seal of approval!

5. Why are seals never late? They like to be on time!

6. Why do seals love the ocean? It’s seal-tastic!

7. What do you call a seal who does magic tricks? A seal-ebritition!

8. Why do seals make great weddings guests? They can seal the deal!

9. What do you call a seal in a rush? A seal in a hurry!

10. How does a seal get to work? By ocetapool!

11. Why are seals such great dancers? They know how to seal the show!

12. What’s a seal’s favorite kind of music? Seal-sa!

Seal One-Liners

13. I took my seal to the movies, but he started barking and ruined the film!

14. My seal friend makes the best coffee – she really knows how to seal the flavor!

15. I entered my seal in a beauty pageant but she didn’t win seal of approval.

16. I told my seal a joke about icebergs but he didn’t crack a smile.

17. My seal plays the saxophone so well, her music is just seal-sational!

18. I wanted to take my seal on a road trip but he flapped his fins and put on the seal-t belt.

19. We wanted to get a seal for our pool but couldn’t find one that met our seal of approval.

20. I took my seal to the hockey game and she had a seal of a time cheering for our team.

21. My seal loves swimming so much she just can’t seal herself away from the water!

22. I asked my seal friend how her day was and she said, “It was seal-ly good!”

Best Seal Jokes

23. What did the mama seal say to her baby before he went to school? Have a seal-sive day!

24. How did the seal sailor know there was going to be a storm? He could feel it in his whiskers!

25. Why don’t seals like taking the bus? They prefer to seal-f drive!

26. What did the seal say when he stepped on a piece of ice? That was a slip-seal-y situation!

27. Why did the seal blubber when he got injured? He was a big baby seal!

28. What do you call a great white shark that shares food with seals? A seal-ebrity shark!

29. How do seals keep their fur looking great? They get seal-y showers!

30. Did you hear about the seal who went clubbing? He had a seal of a time dancing the night away!

31. What did the seal say when he got his paycheck? This seals the deal on paying my bills!

32. Why don’t seals like warm weather? They’ll seal-t away in the A/C all summer long!

33. Why do seals take time off from work? They need to seal-ish on some R&R!

34. How does a seal travel in the winter? On seal-sleds with his seal pals!

35. Why was the seal excited on picture day? She wanted to seal the memories in a photo!

36. Why did the seal start an advertising company? He wanted to seal products to customers!

37. How does a seal stay in shape? With a well-seal-anced diet and exercise!

38. Why was the seal late for work? He overseal-ept and missed his alarm!

39. Why did the seal blush when her date arrived? She was seal-struck by his good looks!

40. How did the sick seal feel better? With lots of seal-f care and chicken seal-p!

41. Why do seals love the ocean? Because it’s so seal-lar!

42. Why do seals love to clap? Because it makes them happy as a seal!

43. What do you call a seal who leads a workout class? A seal-ebritrainer!