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32 Funny Scarecrow Jokes

32 Funny Scarecrow Jokes

Scarecrow Puns (10)

1. What do you call a scarecrow that went to college? An outstanding in his field!

2. Why was the scarecrow given an award? He was outstanding in his field!

3. Why did the scarecrow win an award? He was outstanding in his field.

4. What do you call a scarecrow who works as a farm accountant? A number cruncher in the field!

5. Why did the scarecrow get a promotion at work? He was outstanding in his field!

6. Why did the scarecrow get into Harvard? He was outstanding in his field!

7. Why did the scarecrow become a lawyer? He was outstanding in his field!

8. Why did the scarecrow get recruited by the NFL? He was outstanding in his field!

9. Why did the scarecrow become a CEO? He was outstanding in his field!

10. What did the farmer call the scarecrow who won Employee of the Year? Outstanding in his field!

Scarecrow One-Liners (10)

11. I wanted to dress up like a scarecrow for Halloween, but all I could find was hay and two sticks.

12. I tried to tell my scarecrow joke, but it fell on deaf ears.

13. I asked my scarecrow friend how his day was going. He said, “It’s been rough, people keep mistaking me for a post.”

14. My scarecrow friend is so popular, he’s always outstanding in his field.

15. I saw a scarecrow using online dating. I guess he was looking for a match in his field.

16. I saw a scarecrow reading a self-help book. I guess he was trying to better himself in his field.

17. I saw a scarecrow wearing glasses. Turns out he had outstanding vision in his field.

18. My scarecrow friend got a job as a college professor. He’s going to be a lecturer in his field.

19. I told my scarecrow friend to lighten up. He’s always so stuck in his field.

20. My scarecrow friend is considering a career change. He feels typecast in his field.

Best Scarecrow Jokes (12)

21. A scarecrow was promoted to manager at the corn farm he worked at. On his first day, his boss said, “Congratulations! You’ve been outstanding in your field.” The scarecrow replied, “Actually, I’ve been outstanding in YOUR field this whole time.”

22. A family bought a house that had a scarecrow in the cornfield out back. The first morning, the dad noticed the scarecrow was facing the wrong way. He went out and fixed it. The next morning, the scarecrow was facing the wrong way again. This kept happening day after day.

Finally the dad grabbed the scarecrow and said “I don’t know why you keep facing the wrong way, but you need to cut it out!” The scarecrow replied “Let me go or I’ll call the police. I’m outstanding in my field!”

23. A scarecrow entered a bar and ordered a beer. The bartender asked, “How’s your day going?” “Rough,” replied the scarecrow. “I’ve been standing in the cornfield all day, waving my arms around like an idiot.” “Well, maybe you should find a new career,” suggested the bartender. “You think so?” said the scarecrow. “Because I’m outstanding in my field.”

24. A scarecrow was nominated for an Employee of the Month award at the farm where he worked. He was excited about it until he realized the award was going to go to him every month no matter what. After all, he’s outstanding in his field.

25. A scarecrow got called in for a job interview. “I see you have an impressive resume,” said the hiring manager. “You must be outstanding in your field.” “Yes, I am!” replied the scarecrow. “But I’m hay-tered of making that joke over and over again.”

26. Why don’t scarecrows ever get promoted? Because they’re always outstanding in their field!

27. What did the baby scarecrow say to its daddy? “I want to grow up to be outstanding in my field just like you!”

28. How did the scarecrow die? Murdered in cold blood. Just kidding – he’s still standing lifeless in his field.

29. A scarecrow walked into a bar and ordered a beer. The bartender asked, “What’s your story?” The scarecrow replied, “Well, I’ve been standing in the cornfield all day scaring away crows. It’s tiresome work and I’m sick of it. Sometimes I wish I could just walk away from this job, but the farmer keeps me tied to this post. He calls me the best scarecrow he’s ever had. I have to admit, I am outstanding in my field. But at what cost?”

30. A scarecrow was checking his mail and got invited to an awards banquet. “How odd,” he thought. “I didn’t think my job was award-worthy.” Nevertheless, he dusted off his hat and freshened up his overalls for the big night. When he arrived, he saw a sign that said “Outstanding in Field Awards.” The scarecrow laughed and laughed. “I guess I should have known!” he chuckled. Sure enough, he won the top prize that night for his excellent work in the field.

31. Why did the scarecrow keep getting promoted at his job? Because he was outstanding in his field! But he got tired of hearing the same joke over and over. So he learned new skills like accounting and management. He took night classes and got an MBA. Eventually he left his scarecrow job behind and became the CEO of a thriving tech company. Now people just said he was outstanding, period.

32. A scarecrow dressed up in a fancy suit and went to a career fair to look for a new job. “I’m seeking new opportunities where I can really grow,” he told recruiters. “I know I’m outstanding in my field, but I’m ready to branch out.” He landed several promising interviews. But then the farmers showed up and dragged him back to their booths. “We need you! You’re the best scarecrow we’ve ever had!” they cried. The scarecrow sighed. Would he ever escape his reputation for excellence in this one particular field?