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60 Funny Rope Jokes

Rope Puns

1. I wanted to buy some rope but I didn’t have enough dough, so I had to skip it.

2. The rope walked into a bar and ordered a beer. The bartender said, “I’m afraid I can’t serve you.” The rope was stunned!

3. Did you hear about the angry rope? It had a lot of issues it needed to work through.

4. My friend got roped into planning a surprise party that no one wanted. She was so tied up in it she couldn’t say no.

5. I was feeling lonely so I bought a rope to tie the knot with me. Sadly, things unraveled quickly.

6. I tried to cheer up my rope friend who was feeling depressed. But it just kept coiling up and shutting me out.

7. The rope was being accused of a crime it didn’t commit. It pleaded with the judge, “I’m completely twisted up about these false allegations!”

8. The rope factory was very busy and struggling to keep up with orders. They really needed more hands on deck.

9. The angry rope started flipping tables over. I tried to restrain it, but it just wouldn’t be bound by anything.

10. My rope friend got promoted to branch manager. I guess you could say it really pulled itself up.

Rope One-Liners

11. This rope walks into a bar… and orders a beer. But the bartender says “I’m afraid we don’t serve ropes here.”

12. I was feeling down so I bought a rope to turn my frown upside down.

13. They say the rope skips leg day… I guess you could say it has zero muscle tone.

14. Why was the rope hired by the circus? It could really put on a twisty show.

15. My rope friend knows how to have fun…it’s pretty tight.

16. The rope had commitment issues…it always played hard to get tied down.

17. I heard the rope went on a blind date…it was completely knot what she expected.

18. The rope factory was struggling financially…they were barely holding things together.

19. The angry rope started a riot…it managed to turn everything upside down in knots.

20. Why are ropes so good at jumping? They know how to skip.

Best Rope Jokes

21. A cowboy walked into a saloon and asked for a beer. “I don’t serve ropes here,” said the bartender. The cowboy looked down and realized he was made entirely of rope. “Looks like I’m a frayed knot,” he said as he slinked away.

22. Sam was feeling depressed so he decided to end it all. He went to the hardware store and bought some rope. On his way out, the clerk said, “Just so you know, we have a special sale on guns today.” Sam replied, “Nah, I’m not into anything too flashy. I just want something that will do the job quickly and efficiently. This rope will hang me just fine.”

23. Sally was struggling to tie a rope around a box. Her friend Ron offered to help. “Here, let me show you how to properly knot and secure this rope,” Ron said. Sally responded, “No thanks, I don’t need a mansplainer telling me how to tie my own knots.”

24. The circus acrobat auditioned for the tightrope walker job. “Do you have experience?” asked the ringmaster. “I was the lead knotter in the rope factory for 5 years, so I’m very qualified,” the acrobat responded. She got the job on the spot.

25. Jimmy was always getting into trouble. His parents warned him that one day he’d find himself at the end of his rope. Sure enough, years later Jimmy was wanted for robbing a bank. The police chased him until he was cornered with nowhere to run. As they slapped the handcuffs on him, Jimmy sighed, “I guess I’ve finally reached the end of my rope.”

26. The mountain climbers reached the precipice they had to scale to reach the peak. “Alright team, let’s rope up for safety. This will be a tricky ascent,” said the lead climber. As they tied into their harnesses, the new climber turned to his partner and asked, “So if I fall, this rope is all that’s keeping me from plummeting to my death? Seems kinda… thin.” His partner reassured him, “Don’t worry, this rope is rated to 5,000 pounds. You can trust it with your life.” The new climber gulped as he climbed over the edge.

27. Billy loved playing cowboys and Indians as a kid. One day he was watching an old Western and saw the cowboy get lassoed around the ankles by an Indian with a rope. Billy thought it looked fun, so he decided to try it on his sister Sally. He made a lasso, threw it around her ankles as she walked by, and pulled hard. Down she went face first into the dirt. Sally ran inside crying and Billy got grounded for a month. His parents told him ropes weren’t toys and he needed to stop horsing around.

28. James was inspecting the bridge his crew just constructed across a deep valley. He tugged on the guide ropes and they seemed solid. He stamped on the wooden planks and they barely flexed. Everything looked good. As James started to cross the bridge, his overly cautious assistant yelled, “Wait! We need to test the weight limit first!” James smiled, patted the bridge and said “She’ll hold just fine. I know good rope and wood when I see it.” He strode confidently across the bridge as his assistant watched nervously.

29. The prison guard was doing his evening rounds checking on the prisoners. At Joe’s cell, the guard was surprised to see bars ripped off the window and a makeshift rope dangling to the ground. He ran to raise the alarm. Other guards rushed over and one said, “It’s too late, Joe’s long gone. He’s probably halfway to Mexico by now.” Just then they heard snoring sounds coming from under the blanket on Joe’s cot. Joe rolled over, woke up and said “Hey fellas, did I miss dinner?”

30. Karen decided to surprise her husband for their anniversary by seeing if she could still fit into her old cheerleader uniform. She squeezed into the skirt and barely managed to zip up the back. Next she put on the sweater which was now very tight. When Karen reached for the pompoms, a button flew off the sweater and hit her husband in the forehead. “Ouch!” he yelled. Karen said “Looks like my ropes can’t contain the girls anymore!” They both laughed as she changed into something more comfortable.

More Rope Puns

31. The rope was very proud of its son who got a full scholarship to Harvard. I guess you could say it raised the bar.

32. I told my rope it should see a therapist to work through some issues. It said “I don’t need counseling, I’ll just coil with it on my own terms.”

33. Did you hear about the rope that got angry during the debate? It completely unraveled.

34. I noticed the ropes at the gym looking shredded. I asked them how they got so fit. They said it was cross-training.

35. The rope factory was struggling with high employee turnover. They desperately needed someone who could stick around for the long haul.

36. When the rope couldn’t untie the knot, it started shaking with frustration. I told it to calm down before it got itself in a twist.

37. When the power went out, we lit candles but still needed more light. Luckily my rope friend glows in the dark.

38. The wedding venue required the couple to buy their decorations. The groom complained about the extra cost but the bride just told him to suck it up and buy more rope lights.

39. The angry man stormed out of the meeting shouting curses and kicking chairs over. His assistant yelled after him, “Don’t lose your grip!”

40. I asked my rope how its day was. It said work completely tied it up and now it just wanted to unwind.

More Rope One-Liners

41. I caught my rope friend stealing cookies from the kitchen last night. Guess you could say it has sticky fingers.

42. The rope factory was picketed by protestors demanding better working conditions. Things got pretty knotty.

43. That rope is so entitled, it acts like it was born with a silver spoon in its mouth.

44. The rope had one simple job – secure the boxes on the truck. But it failed miserably and now everything is in disarray.

45. Why are ropes so humble and down to earth? They don’t have a big ego to get tied up in knots over.

46. The army sergeant yelled “Rappel down that cliff soldiers! Double time!” The ropes sighed, this was going to be a long day.

47. Why was the rope searching desperately through the house? It lost its wedding ring.

48. I asked my rope if it wanted to get coffee sometime. It stuttered “Oh geez, that’s very flattering but let’s just stay friends.”

49. The backstage crew used ropes and pulleys to make the ghost fly across the stage. The audience was amazed.

50. Why are ropes so flexible and easygoing? Because they don’t want to get themselves in a bind over every little thing.

More Best Rope Jokes

51. Sam was feeling depressed so he went to the doctor. “Doc, I’m at the end of my rope, I don’t want to live anymore,” Sam said. The doctor replied, “Hmmm, have you considered buying a nice thick soft rope? That might cheer you up.”

52. Sally always dreamed of being an Olympic gymnast. She trained for years, honing her skills and strength. On the day of the big qualifying event, she mounted the balance beam with grace. Her routine was flawless until the dismount. Sally failed to properly time her release from the beam. She went crashing to the mat, her dreams of Olympic gold shattered. Sally curled up on the mat sobbing, knowing she had reached the end of her rope.

53. Why was the cowboy’s lasso tied in knots? He learned how to rope from a bad teacher.

54. James was inspecting his boat before a big sailing race. He tugged on the mooring rope and it came loose in his hand. James looked at the frayed end in shock. If that rope had failed while he was at sea, the boat would have drifted away. James knew checking your ropes should never be skipped. A faulty knot could cost you the whole enchilada.

55. The prison was implementing new security measures. Guards would now carry rope kits to subdue unruly inmates. The warden demonstrated how to quickly hogtie a person’s hands and feet. One guard raised his hand and asked, “Does this seem a little inhumane? These are still people after all.” The warden scoffed, “Don’t go soft on me now. We need to get tough, whatever it takes to maintain order.” The guard grimaced, knowing a line was being crossed.

56. Karen loved cheerleading but she struggled with the mandatory weight limits. She starved herself for days to make the weigh-in, barely tipping the scales. At the big game, Karen’s uniform felt baggy as she waved her pompoms. When the team lined up for a pyramid, the other girls noticed Karen seemed dizzy and unsteady. As they lifted Karen to the top, she became dead weight in their arms. The girls watched helplessly as Karen tumbled down, landing unconscious on the hard ground. They had no idea Karen’s rope was so frayed.

57. Why do cowboys make such good party guests? They really know how to liven up the hoedowns.

58. Jimmy was always getting into mischief and loved pranking his sisters. One day his parents warned, “You had better shape up or you’ll find yourself at the end of your rope!” Jimmy just laughed it off. Years later, the cops showed up at Jimmy’s door. He had been stealing cars and committing fraud. As they slapped the cuffs on him, Jimmy gasped, “Well knot, looks like I finally reached the end of my rope.”

59. Why do mountain climbers prefer rope over chains? Because chains are more likely to cause a dire situation.

60. Joe loved escaping from prison and pranking the guards. But after his 10th escape, Joe realized he had taken it too far. As the warden lectured him before throwing him in solitary, Joe admitted he had pushed the ropes until they snapped. No more hijinks, he was ready to do his time.