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64 Funny Rock Puns

64 Funny Rock Puns

Rock Puns

1. What kind of music do geologists listen to? Rock music!

2. Why was the rock band so popular at the construction site? They really rocked the place!

3. Why did the geology student get an A on the test? They really knew their schist.

4. What do you call someone who studies rocks? A geologyst.

5. Why did the rock band break up? Creative differences caused a rift between them.

6. What do you call a rock that never loses its cool? A chill stone.

7. Why did the rocker go hiking in the mountains? He wanted to get back to his roots.

8. Why was the sedimentary rock afraid of the metamorphic rock? It found the metamorphic rock’s composition under pressure to be schisty.

9. What did the rock climber name his son? Cliff.

10. How did the geology professor spice up his lectures? With a pinch of pumice.

11. What do you say to comfort a geologist? There, there.

12. Why can’t you trust atoms? They make up everything!

13. What did the brick say to the wall? I’ve got you covered.

14. What is a geologist’s favorite type of music? Rock n’ roll!

15. What did the pebble wish for? That she could one day become a little boulder.

Rock One-Liners

16. I tried climbing Mount Everest, but it was just a rocky road to the top.

17. Geology rocks but geography is where it’s at!

18. They say we take rocks for granite, so we better learn to appreciaite them.

19. I gave my girlfriend a rock for her birthday – you could say it was a stone-cold gift.

20. Working as a geologist rocks, but the salary leaves a lot to be desired.

21. That boulder is so punny it rocks!

22. Rock climbing is a stone-cold adventure.

23. Geology conferences are always a sedimental experience.

24. When it comes to rocks, I igneous nothing.

25. Rocks rock because they’re naturally cool.

26. I wanted to be a geologist, but my plans hit rock bottom.

27. My geology professor’s lectures were metamorphically boring.

28. Rock music speaks to my sole.

29. That geology exam had me between a rock and a hard place.

30. Rock on with your bad geology self!

Best Rock Jokes

31. A geologist and his wife were dining out when the waiter came by and asked if they wanted drinks. The geologist said, “I’ll have a rock, please.” His wife rolled her eyes and said, “Oh brother, you and your rocks. He’ll have a beer, thank you.” After the waiter walked away, the geologist leaned over to his wife and whispered, “Listen, I can’t say ‘beer’, because geologically speaking, I am under a lot of pressure.”

32. A family was driving through the mountains when they came across a tourist attraction called “Petrified Forest.” The kids got excited and asked the parents if they could stop to see it. The mom said, “I don’t see why not, it will give your father a chance to see some old friends.” The dad was a geologist.

33. A geologist walks into a bar and orders a beer. “So what do you do?” the bartender asks. “I’m a geologist,” the man replies. “Really? That rocks!” the bartender says excitedly. The geologist rolls his eyes and says, “Yes, I’ve heard that one before.”

34. Did you hear about the geologist who got fired from the quarry? He took his work for granite.

35. Why did the little pebble wish upon a star? Because she wanted to become a little boulder.

36. What do you get when you cross a geologist and a porcupine? A guy who gets the point across.

37. Why did the tectonic plates get a divorce? Their relationship was on shaky ground.

38. Did you hear about the geologist who was jailed for illegally collecting rocks? His crime was taking them for granite.

39. Why was the sedimentary rock voted “Most Likely to Succeed”? It was made under a lot of pressure and had excellent bedding.

40. Why do geologists prefer to date other geologists? They get each other’s sedimentary lifestyle.

41. Did you hear about the geologist who got fired from the quarry? He took his work for granite.

42. A geologist and a geographer were hiking in the mountains. The geologist said, “Look, igneous rock!” The geographer replied, “Yes, and over there is a marvelous mesa and alluvial plain.” The geologist shrugged and said, “I lava what you see.”

Rock Puns

43. What concert costs just 45 cents? 50 Cent featuring Nickelback!

44. Why was the gravel so stressed out? It was going through a rocky patch in life.

45. Why did the bedrock apply for a job at the quarry? It wanted to get to the bottom of things.

46. What do you call someone who takes rocks for granted? A granitehead.

47. Why did the tectonic plates decide to call it quits? Their relationship was extremely faulted.

48. Did you hear about the geologist who got arrested for illegally collecting rocks? The cops took him away in handcuffs because his crime was taking them for granite.

49. Why do rocks make great pets? They don’t need to be walked and they never talk back!

50. Why was the rock climber so careless on the cliff’s edge? They took safety for granite.

Rock One-Liners

51. I bought my girlfriend a pet rock. You could say it was a stone cold surprise.

52. Working as a geologist rocks, but the salary leaves a lot to be desired.

53. I wanted to be a geologist, but my plans hit rock bottom.

54. That geology exam had me stuck between a rock and a hard place.

55. My geology professor’s lectures were metamorphically boring.

56. Rock music speaks to my sole.

57. Geology conferences are always a sedimental experience.

58. When it comes to rocks, I igneous nothing.

59. Rocks rock because they’re naturally cool.

60. Rock on with your bad geology self!

Best Rock Jokes

61. A family was driving through the mountains when they came across a tourist attraction called “Petrified Forest.” The kids got excited and asked the parents if they could stop to see it. The mom said, “I don’t see why not, it will give your father a chance to see some old friends.” The dad was a geologist.

62. Did you hear about the geologist who got hit in the head with a Rolling Stones album? It left him dazed and contused.

63. What did the excited geologist exclaim when he struck gold? “I finally struck pyrite!”

64. A geologist walks into a bar and orders a beer. “So what do you do?” the bartender asks. “I’m a geologist,” the man replies. “Really? That rocks!” the bartender says excitedly. The geologist rolls his eyes and says, “Yes, I’ve heard that one before.”