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65 Funny Puerto Rico Jokes

65 Funny Puerto Rico Jokes

Puerto Rico Puns

1. What do you call a Puerto Rican who loves to garden? A planter Rican!

2. Why did the Puerto Rican bring extra batteries to the baseball game? In case their team went into extra innings!

3. My friend got hungry during our trip to Puerto Rico. I said, “San Juan food place is just around the corner.”

4. What do you call a psychic Puerto Rican? A fortune teller Rican!

5. Why does no one ask a Puerto Rican for directions? They always say, “Where Rico?”

6. What do you call a Puerto Rican who moved to Alaska? A snow Rico!

7. Why can’t Puerto Ricans play squash? They can’t get in the court!

8. Why did the Puerto Rican bring scissors to the ocean? He wanted to cut the Bay of Rico!

9. What happens when a Puerto Rican walks into a bar? They ask where the bar Rico is!

10. Why do Puerto Ricans make bad pediatricians? They always ask, “Where the baby Rico?”

Puerto Rico One-Liners

11. I went to a theater in Puerto Rico, but was disappointed when I found out it was just a play Rico.

12. Did you hear about the new Thai-Puerto Rican fusion restaurant? It’s called Thai Rico!

13. I was going to tell a joke about Puerto Rico, but it probably San Juan you’ve heard before.

14. What do you call a Puerto Rican who sells insurance? An agent Rico!

15. Want to hear a construction joke? Sorry, I’m still working on it Rico.

16. Did you hear about the cheese factory that opened in Puerto Rico? It’s called Rico Cheese.

17. I heard there’s a great new Puerto Rican restaurant called Flavor Rico.

18. Did you hear about the new magazine in Puerto Rico for tall people? It’s called High Rico.

19. I heard a rumor that Puerto Rico is planning to colonize Mars. They want to call it Planet Rico.

20. My Puerto Rican friend got a job as a radio DJ. His show is called “Air Rico.”

Best Puerto Rico Jokes

21. Two Puerto Ricans were sitting on a park bench. One looks over and says, “Hey Rico, what time is it?” The other checks his watch and says “I don’t know, but my watch says it’s 4 P.R.”

22. A tourist decides to visit Puerto Rico and asks a local resident what the people are like. The local thinks for a minute and says, “Well, about half of the people are named Rico, and the other half wish they were named Rico.”

23. Did you hear about the new tax they’re implementing in Puerto Rico? It’s a sales tax on all goods and services provided on the island. They’re calling it the Buy Rico Tax.

24. Why don’t Puerto Ricans need maps when they travel? No matter where they go, they just ask “Where Rico?” until they find their destination.

25. What do you get when you cross a Puerto Rican and a vampire? A bite Rico!

26. How do you make a Puerto Rican sad? Put them in a round room and tell them to go to the corner.

27. Did you hear about the Puerto Rican family that bought a house next to an airfield? Their last name is Jet Rico.

28. Why are Puerto Rican jokes so short? So the rest of us can understand them too.

29. How do Puerto Rican parents punish their children? They send them to their rooms without plantains.

30. A Puerto Rican walks into a library and asks the librarian “Do you have any books about paranoia?” The librarian says “They’re right behind you!” The Puerto Rican turns around and shouts “Ah ha! I knew you were watching me!”

31. What do you call a Puerto Rican wearing earmuffs? Anything you want, they can’t hear you.

32. How do you sink a Puerto Rican submarine? Knock on the door.

33. Why don’t Puerto Ricans eat clocks? It’s too time consuming.

34. What do you call a Puerto Rican who shaves 15 times a day? Gillette Rico.

35. Why don’t Puerto Ricans take coffee breaks at work? It takes too long to re-train them.

36. Did you hear about the Puerto Rican who won the Nobel Prize? Me neither.

37. Why do Puerto Ricans wear slip-on shoes? You need an IQ of at least 4 to tie laces.

38. What do you call a Puerto Rican in a barnyard? Chicken Rico!

39. Why do Puerto Ricans keep trying to win the marathon? The way home is marked with flags.

40. Why do Puerto Ricans laugh three times when they hear a joke? Once when it’s told, once when it’s explained, and once when they understand it.

41. My Puerto Rican friend told me this great knock knock joke yesterday. I’m still waiting for the punchline.

42. What do you call a Puerto Rican skeleton in the closet? Last year’s hide and go seek winner.

43. I took a poll among Puerto Rican farmers and asked their favorite farm animals. Turns out 100% of them said chicken Rico.

44. What’s the difference between a Puerto Rican and a refrigerator? A refrigerator doesn’t fart when you pull the meat out.

45. How do you know if a Puerto Rican has been using the computer? There’s white-out on the screen.

46. Did you hear about the Puerto Rican who went ice fishing? He came back with 50 pounds of ice.

47. Why do Puerto Ricans wear high tops? So they can keep their knuckles from dragging on the ground.

48. What do you call a smiling, sober, intelligent Puerto Rican? A tourist.

49. How do you make a Puerto Rican laugh on Monday mornings? Tell them a joke on Friday night.

50. Why do Puerto Ricans eat beans for breakfast? So they can at least start the day with one smart decision.

51. What’s the Puerto Rican motto? Whisper if you know the answer.

52. Why did the Puerto Rican have tires on his wheelchair? In case he got a flat.

53. Why can’t Puerto Ricans be pharmacists? They can’t get the bottle into the typewriter.

54. How do you confuse a Puerto Rican? Ask them to alphabetize a bowl of Alpha-Bits cereal.

55. Why don’t Puerto Ricans barbecue? The grill confuses them.

56. Did you hear about the Puerto Rican who locked his keys inside his car? He had to use a coat hanger to get his family out.

57. What do you call a Puerto Rican in a tree with a briefcase? Branch manager.

58. My Puerto Rican friend says he can count to ten. I think he’s just counting his fingers though.

59. How do you keep a Puerto Rican busy all day? Give them a bag of M&Ms and tell them to alphabetize them.

60. Why do Puerto Ricans wear slip-on shoes? You need an IQ of at least 4 to tie laces.

61. What do you call a Puerto Rican skeet shooter? Clay Rico.

62. I took my new Puerto Rican secretary to a nice restaurant last night. When I handed her the menu she said “Wow, they have the best crayons here!”

63. Why do Puerto Ricans wear underwear? So they have a place to keep their divorce papers.

64. Did you hear about the new Puerto Rican dictionary? It has pictures in it now.

65. How do you make Puerto Rican chili? Take regular chili and add a little bit of water.