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22 Funny Plum Puns

22 Funny Plum Puns

Plum Puns

1. I went to the grocery store to buy some plums, but they were all prune out!

2. My friend got hungry while we were picking plums, so he started eating them right off the tree. I told him to stop being so plum crazy!

3. I entered my pet plum in a beauty pageant. She didn’t win, but I still think she’s the prune-cess of my heart.

4. The plum farmer was feeling down because he couldn’t sell all his crops. I told him to keep his spirits up and not get stuck in a prune funk.

5. I accidentally sat on a plum at the grocery store and got juice all over my pants. Talk about being in a sticky plum-dicament!

6. My plum tree wasn’t growing any fruit. I guess you could say it was feeling a little pruney.

7. Did you hear about the fight between the two plum trees? It turned into quite the pruneing match!

8. I entered the county fair’s plum pie baking contest. But in the end, I felt like I didn’t have a pruneer’s chance.

9. My friend and I got hungry while hiking, so we stopped to pick some wild plums. I guess you could say we were in a jam!

10. I was craving plums, so I rushed to the store only to find they were plum out. What a prune tease!

Plum One-Liners

11. Plum tired of regular fruit? Try something new!

12. Make sure to prunece on over to the farmer’s market for fresh plums.

13. Plums – Nature’s candy in a handy prunebag!

14. Plums may look small, but they pack a lot of prunech flavor.

15. Feeling a little blue? Plums are sure to prune up your day.

16. Plums – Proof that good things come in small pruneages.

17. Plums: Deliciously sweet with a big prunesonality.

18. Plums always leave me pruneing for more.

19. Don’t plummet yourself – eat more fruit like delicious plums!

20. Make sure to prune up on your plum facts – they’re full of nutrition!

Best Plum Jokes

21. A plum and a peach walk into a bar. The bartender says, “Sorry, we don’t serve fruit here.” The plum turns to the peach and says, “Man, we’re in a real prune.”

A man walked into a bar looking depressed. The bartender asked what was wrong, and the man replied, “My plum tree won’t grow any fruit! I’ve tried everything but nothing works.” The bartender thinks for a minute then says, “Seems like your tree is just going through a little prune phase.”

22. Why was the plum crying? Because it had a bad prune day!

Little Susie was eating lunch at school when she bit into a rotten plum. She immediately spit it out and cried, “Ewww this plum tastes awful!” Her friend Jimmy looks at her and says, “Seems like you just ate a prunek!”

Farmer Joe was harvesting his plum orchard, but he had accidentally left one tree unpicked. His wife yelled out to him “Joe, you forgot a plum tree!” Joe smiled and replied “Well plum me, you’re right!”

I entered my dog in a pet talent show, and for his performance I had him balance a plum on his nose and walk across a tightrope. He did it perfectly! It was really quite the prune-digy act.

Why did the prune get arrested? For impersonating a plum!

My friend was trying a new plum jam that was absolutely delicious. She said “Wow, this jam is pruneominal!”

I was nervous about making a plum pie for the county fair, so I practiced my recipe over and over. My husband started getting sick of eating so many pies and said “Honey, you’re going to prune out my taste buds!”

Why did the prune go out with a raisin? Because he couldn’t find a date!