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43 Funny Pigeon Jokes

43 Funny Pigeon Jokes

Pigeon Puns

  1. What do you call a pigeon that can break dance? A hip hop-opotamus!
  2. Why don’t pigeons ever get lost? They always know the coo!
  3. What do you call a pigeon who’s also a talented singer? A coo-per!
  4. My friend wanted to dress up like a pigeon for Halloween but couldn’t find a good costume. I told him “Toucan play at that game!”
  5. Did you hear about the pigeon who starred in a cooking show? It was called Coo-king with Karl!
  6. What happens to a pigeon when it gets old and loses its feathers? It goes bald, duh!
  7. How does a pigeon cook its food? It broils it in a pan and then let’s it sim-mer!
  8. Did you hear about the pigeon who won the lottery? He had the luck of the coo!
  9. What do you call a pigeon that knows karate? A kung-coo fighter!
  10. Why don’t pigeons ever seem to get tired when they fly long distances? I guess they have un-flappable stamina!

Pigeon One-Liners

  1. Pigeons may fly south for the winter, but their droppings stay in the north all year round.
  2. They say pigeons are filthy birds, but I think they’re just misunderstood – they’re always trying to make peace.
  3. Pigeons get a bad rap for being dirty, but you know what they say – birds of a feather flock together.
  4. Pigeons always look so busy, but I wonder if they ever actually have anywhere important to be.
  5. They say pigeons are rats with wings, but I think they have beautiful plumage… and also carry disease.
  6. Pigeons may be viewed as flying rats, but you can’t deny they’re expert navigators with an incredible homing ability.
  7. People think pigeons are annoying, but I find their constant cooing strangely soothing.
  8. Say what you want about pigeons, but you gotta admit – they really know how to loaf around.
  9. Pigeons get no respect, but those birdbrains are smarter than you think – they can recognize human faces!
  10. Pigeons always strut around like they own the place. Gotta admire that kind of confidence!

Best Pigeon Jokes

1. What did the baby pigeon get on his test? Tweety percent!

2. Why don’t pigeons fly very high? Because if they did they would be in a higher clASS of bird!

3. What’s a pigeon’s favorite snack? Cheep Cheetos!

4. How do pigeons meet new friends? They mingle!

5. Why did the pigeon want to become a comedian? He wanted to make people laff!

6. Why don’t pigeons fly at night? Because night is their light out time!

7. How does a pigeon send a secret message? Attach it to another pigeon’s leg and whisper “Don’t tell anyone!”

8. Why did the pigeon cross the road halfway? He wanted to walk the rest of the way!

9. What’s a pigeon’s least favorite day of the week? Flyday!

10. Why do pigeons bob their heads when they walk? They’re listening to the beat!

11. How does a pigeon stay in shape? Lots of curl-ups!

12. Why did the pigeon take the bus to work? His car got toad away!

13. Why did the pigeon cross the playground? To get to the other slide!

14. Why don’t pigeons like bar jokes? Because they go right over their heads!

15. Why did the pigeon take an exam? For the bird brains of it!

16. What does a pigeon do when it gets hot? Find some shade and chill out!

17. How do pigeons keep their breath fresh? With bird mints!

18. What kind of shoes do pigeons wear? Coo-peratives!

19. Why did the pigeon cross the park? To get to the other bird!

20. What do you call a sleepy pigeon? A drowsy drousy!

21. How do pigeons stay connected? Pigeon carriers!

22. Why don’t pigeons fly away on Thanksgiving? There’s no place like gnome!

23. Why are pigeons always ready for school? They’re thoroughly dressed!

24. What’s a pigeon’s favorite time of day? Owl hours!

25. Why do pigeons always get the worm? They’re early birds!

26. What do you call a pigeon who’s also a stunt performer? A coo-rageous bird!

27. How do pigeons stay cool in summer? With bird conditioning!

28. Why couldn’t the pigeon cross the road? His PassPort had expired!

29. How do pigeons enjoy water rides? They go down splashy slides!

30. Why do pigeons make great poets? They’re naturally lyrical!

31. What do you call two pigeons who stick together? Vel-crows!

32. Why do pigeons love big cities? For the great night roost!

33. How do pigeons stay healthy? With a balanced diet and lots of exercise!

34. What do you call a pigeon who brings you gifts? A feathered friend!

35. Why are pigeons so good at hide and seek? They’re expert nesters!

36. Why did the pigeon read the newspaper? He wanted to catch up on current events!

37. How does a pigeon relax after a long day? By unwinding with a good book!

38. What’s a pigeon’s favorite fruit? Peeches and cream!

39. Where do pigeons go on vacation? Any nestination with lots of sights!

40. Why was the pigeon teacher proud of her class? Her students were flying high!

41. What do you call a pigeon who leads an orchestra? A coo-nductor!

42. Why did the pigeon buy a calendar? To keep track of the dates!

43. Where do pigeons go for lunch? To the fly-through!