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60 Funny Pi Day Jokes

60 Funny Pi Day Jokes

Pi Day Puns (20)

1. I tried making a pi pie for Pi Day, but it came out all crust.

2. My friend got me a Pi Day card. It was very thoughtful of him to go the full circumference.

3. I was going to bake a pie for Pi Day, but I realized I’m more of a pi guy than a pie guy.

4. I entered my pie into a Pi Day baking contest. Sadly, it only got 3.141 stars out of 5.

5. Why was the math teacher late to the Pi Day party? She took too long to diameter route home.

6. Why do mathematicians make bad dancers? They’re always trying to step function.

7. I tried to eat 50 slices of pie in one sitting on Pi Day. Sadly, I only made it halfway around.

8. I was looking for a dessert to bring to the Pi Day potluck. I settled on something with a radius of zucchini.

9. I made a rhubarb pie for Pi Day, but it turned out pretty irrational.

10. I wish I was better at baking pies. Sadly, my skills aren’t that well-rounded.

11. I tried to get my friends together for a Pi Day celebration, but none of them reciprocated.

12. I made a trigonometric pie for Pi Day. The flavour was odd, but the angle was just right.

13. Why was Pi sad on its holiday? It felt like people only cared about its first few decimals.

14. I tried to come up with a Pi Day pun, but none of them were very finite.

15. I wanted to have a piñata at my Pi Day party, but fitting 3.14 inside was a challenge.

16. I asked my math professor what he thought about Pi Day puns. He said they were derivative.

17. Why do bakers love Pi Day? It’s their chance to be pi-oneers in the kitchen.

18. What do you call two pi creatures in love? Irrational numbers.

19. My friend got me a meat pie for Pi Day. I told him I prefer my pies to be fruitful and multiply.

20. I tried to make a pizza pie for Pi Day, but I accidentally squared the radius. It was too much to handle.

Pi Day One-Liners (10)

21. Pi might be irrational, but celebrating it is logical.

22. March 14th – the one day a year I don’t have to remind people I majored in math.

23. OK class, for Pi Day, we’re having circles instead of squares.

24. Teacher: “Where’s your Pi Day homework?” Student: “My dog ate all 3.14159 pages of it!”

25. My New Year’s resolution was to memorize 100 digits of pi. I’m at 3.1415926535 so far – I just need more time.

26. NASA should send a probe to explore the surface of Pi. I heard the terrain is quite graphical.

27. Forget pumpkin spice, I can’t wait for stores to start selling all the new Pi Day-themed treats!

28. March 14th is the one day per year I actually get people to engage with my math puns.

29. Forget the cake, I just want pie! Said no one on Pi Day ever.

30. Eve: “Adam, did you eat that slice of π I was saving?”

Best Pi Day Jokes (30)

31. What do you get when you divide the circumference of a jack-o-lantern by its diameter? Pumpkin π.

32. My friend baked a rhubarb pie for Pi Day. When I tried it, I said, “This pie is irrational!” She said, “No, just natural log.”

33. A physicist, engineer, and mathematician were arguing about whose field was better. The physicist said, “We measure to the nearest atom!” The engineer said, “Well, we measure to the nearest ten thousandth of an inch!” The mathematician laughed and said, “Those are both irrational numbers.”

34. I entered my apple pie in a Pi Day baking contest, but they disqualified me because it wasn’t pure Pi. They said it was apple π.

35. Why do math majors make great detectives? They can solve the case of the missing pi.

36. My friend made a raspberry pi pie for Pi Day. It had a nice microprocessor aftertaste.

37. Einstein dies and goes to heaven. At the Pearly Gates, Saint Peter tells him, “You look like Einstein, but you have to prove it.” Einstein ponders for a few seconds and then asks, “What’s the square root of pi?” Saint Peter says, “Shh, don’t say that too loudly. That’s supposed to be a secret up here.”

38. Why was Pi angry at E? Because E always came before Pi, except after C.

39. Why did the angry slice of pie give the mathematician a heated argument? It was in a bad mood.

40. Why was the Pi creature sad on Pi Day? Because people kept going on and on about how irrational it was.

41. My friend and I baked pies for Pi Day – she made apple and I made pecan. We decided to switch pies halfway through to make them semi-circles.

42. I told my math teacher I forgot to do my Pi Day homework. She told me to stop being so negative.

43. What do you get if you divide the circumference of a jack-o-lantern by its diameter? Pumpkin pi.

44. Why do math majors make the worst pie bakers? They always cut the slices irrationally.

45. Why was 6 afraid of 7 on Pi Day? Because 7 8 π.

46. Why is a bike tire like pi? Because they’re both round but keep going forever.

47. What happened when the Greek letter pi sat in the hot sun too long? It expanded into a full circle!

48. Why did the baker stop making pies before Pi Day? He was afraid they would be irrational.

49. My friend made a rhubarb pie for Pi Day but ate it too fast. I told him, “Don’t be so impulsive!”

50. Why do mathematicians make terrible short-order cooks? They spend way too long deriving pies.

51. I tried to explain Pi Day to my dog. She just stared at me and tilted her head. I guess you could say she made a quizzical expression.

52. I opened a Pi-themed diner but none of the customers liked my pies. They said the fillings weren’t rational enough.

53. I tried to celebrate Pi Day by reciting pi to the 100th digit. I ended up driving my friends completely around the circle.

54. Why did the angry student stomp into math class on Pi Day? He was mad about being tested on the never-ending decimals.

55. I entered my apple pie in a Pi Day contest, but they said the filling wasn’t irrational enough to win.

56. Why do mathematicians make bad dancers? They’re afraid of exponentiating themselves.

57. I tried to teach my dog about Pi Day, but he ended up chasing his tail forever in a perfect circle.

58. How do you comfort a mathematician on Pi Day? Remind them that Pi goes on infinitely, so there’s always more left to eat.

59. I was craving key lime pie on Pi Day, but the slices in the cafe were completely irrational.

60. Why do bakers have to be careful celebrating Pi Day? Because too many pies will lead to a flan in the face!

I hope you enjoyed these puns, one-liners, and jokes about everyone’s favorite irrational number pi! Whether you’re a math whiz or pie enthusiast, Pi Day is a great time to bring out your geeky side and indulge in some circular logic. These jokes definitely add a dash of fun to a day devoted to constants, diameter, and dessert.