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53 Funny Periodic Table Jokes

53 Funny Periodic Table Jokes

Periodic Table Puns

1. I asked my friend if he knew all the elements on the periodic table. He said, “Just Barium.”

2. Why was the element scared to bond with others? It had social Argon.

3. What do you call an elements fan club? A fandomenium.

4. What do you call elements that like to party? Neon and radium.

5. Why did oxygen and magnesium break up? They just didn’t have enough chemistry.

6. Why did the elements go to the gym? To get a cobalt workout!

7. Why did sodium stay home from the party? It wasn’t feeling very sociable.

8. Why was the element sad after the party? It had low spirium.

9. What do you call elements who love to read? Bookwormiums.

10. Why do radioactive elements make the best friends? They’re so loyal – they stick with Uranium and all.

11. Why do nobelium and lawrencium make good party guests? They bring all the fun into the roomium.

12. Why did carbon date nitrogen? There was chemisty between them.

Periodic Table One-Liners

13. Hydrogen is #1 on the periodic table and #1 in my heart.

14. Bromine may stink, but it’s an element after my own heart.

15. Call me basic, but I can’t get enough of that alkaline lifestyle.

16. Fluorine may be toxic, but it sure keeps my teeth pearly white.

17. Chlorine may smell like bleach, but it keeps pools nice and clean.

18. Sure, radon may be radioactive – but it’s still a noble gas in my book.

19. Oxygen may just be air to you, but to me it’s life itself.

20. Calcium builds strong bones – so drink your milk for strontium health.

21. Titanium may be hard to pronounce, but it’s still one tough metal.

22. Forget diamonds, carbon is the real gem of the periodic table.

23. Need an energy boost? Caffeine has got your back with carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen.

24. Sodium, chlorine, and potassium will light up your life – especially on July 4th.

25. Iron in your breakfast cereal? Thank chromium and nickel for keeping your bowls rust-free.

Best Periodic Table Jokes

26. A family of elements went on vacation. The parents hydrogen and helium relaxed while their kid lithium had fun.

27. What do you do with a dead chemist? Barium.

28. What’s a physicist’s favorite element? The Higgs Bismuth.

29. Why did the chicken cross the periodic table? To get to the other sideenium.

30. Why was the element an artist? It liked to draw bohrium.

31. How do planets communicate? They planetext each other.

32. Why was the element late to the party? It had too much argon.

33. Why was six afraid of seven? Because seven ate nine.

34. Why did the scientist install a knocker on his door? He wanted to win the No-bell prize.

35. What do you call someone who loves telling chemistry jokes periodically? A comedi-um.

36. Why did the element cross the road? To get to the carbon side!

37. Why did oxygen and potassium go to the park? For a picnic nic.

38. Why can’t you trust atoms? They make up everything.

39. Why did the elements argue during dinner? They had too much salt at the table.

40. Why did neon get mad at helium? Helium didn’t react.

41. What happened when the elements played baseball? It was a hit and a Miss.

42. Why do scientists like nitrates so much? They’re cheaper than day rates!

43. Why was the element jealous of the others? It had low self-esteem.

44. Why was Bro-mium upset? Its sister Broke-ium.

45. Why are elements so popular? Because they’re the bomb !

46. Why shouldn’t you trust atoms? Because they make up literally everything!

47. Why do chemists enjoy working long hours? Because time flis when you’re having ions.

48. Did you hear about the chemist who was reading a book about helium? She just couldn’t put it down!

49. If H2O is the formula for water, what is the formula for ice? H2O cubed!

50. Why did the scientist install a knocker on his door? He wanted to win the No-bell prize.

51. Why did sodium chloride have to call the police? A plate got mugged!

52. I used to think the future was plutonium. Now I think it’s curium.

53. Why can’t you trust atoms? They make up everything!