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37 Funny Peach Puns

37 Funny Peach Puns

Peach Puns

  1. Peaches come from a can, they were put there by a man. In a factory downtown. If I had my little way, I’d eat peaches every day.
  2. Did you hear about the beauty pageant for peaches? It was quite the pitty party.
  3. That peach pie looks so good, it’s makin’ my mouth water. You could say it’s peachy keen.
  4. I was feeling down so my friend tried to peach me up. It worked, I’m feeling peach-y again.
  5. Peaches are so juicy and sweet. You could say they’re the pits.
  6. My friend grew a bunch of peaches in his backyard. Now his place is a real peach orchard.
  7. Peaches are such a fuzzy fruit. You could say they’re peach fuzz.
  8. I love peach cobbler, it’s my peach of pie.
  9. That new peach perfume smells so good. It’s peachy!
  10. Peaches are too sweet for me. I’m more of a lemon person, you could say I’m a sourpuss.

Peach One-Liners

  1. I’m in a peachy mood today.
  2. Peachy keen jelly bean!
  3. Everything’s just peachy.
  4. That peach looks so juicy, it’s the pits!
  5. Peaches are the fruit of summer.
  6. Peachy baby!
  7. Peaches make me blush.
  8. Peachy perfect.
  9. A day without peaches is the pits.
  10. Peaches are sweet as candy.

Best Peach Jokes

  1. Why did the peach get sent to detention at school? It was being a little clingy.

  2. What do you call a peach that’s changed colors? An impeached peach.

  3. Why are peaches never alone? They always come in pears!

  4. Why was the peach so popular at the party? It had a lot of ap-peach!

  5. How does a peach relax? It takes some time to de- fuzz.

  6. Which peach wanted to run for president? Im-peach!

  7. Where do peaches go to dance? The peach ballroom!

  8. Why are peaches so political? They’re always up for im-peach-ment!

  9. How does a peach play tricks? It prunes you.

  10. Why was the peach late to work? It took too long to get rea-dy to leave the pit.