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47 Funny Panda Puns

47 Funny Panda Puns

Panda Puns

  1. What do you call a panda who likes to eat, eat, eat? A pander to his stomach.
  2. Why did the panda get in trouble at school? He was pandaring during class.
  3. My friend saw a panda at the zoo and said, “Aww, it’s so cute!” I said, “Yeah, it’s un-bear-ably adorable.”
  4. What happened when the baby panda kept begging his mom for more bamboo? She finally had to put her foot down and say “Panda-nough!”
  5. Why don’t pandas like high-fives? They don’t have enough bam-boo!
  6. What do you call a sleepy panda? A pandar.
  7. Why was the panda so exhausted after eating lunch? He had just finished a bam-boo-fet.
  8. How do pandas communicate? With pan-da-mic body language, of course!
  9. My friend couldn’t figure out what was weighing down his backpack. I said, “It looks like you’re pandas to something heavy.”
  10. What happens when a panda walks into a restaurant? It ends up eating everything on the bam-menu.

Panda One-Liners

  1. Panda puns? Don’t shoot, I’m just the messenger!
  2. What do you call a panda who does martial arts? Kung Fu Panda!
  3. My favorite panda is the one holding a pan-duh.
  4. What do you call a sleepy baby panda? A napanda.
  5. I saw a panda eating bamboo at the zoo. I said “Slow down, you’re going to panda yourself!”
  6. What’s black, white and eats bamboo all day? A panda bear, of course!
  7. What do you call a panda who can tell great stories? A pandarer!
  8. A panda bear walks into a restaurant and casually scans the menu. The waiter asks “What do pandas eat?” The panda replies “Bam-boo-shoot, I’ll just have the steak!”
  9. Why was the baby panda crying? It lost its pan-da-bear.
  10. My friend adopted a panda from the zoo. Now he’s a pan-dad!

Best Panda Jokes

  1. One day a panda bear walks into a restaurant. He orders some food and casually eats it. When the check comes, the waiter says, “Hey, what’s with you? We don’t get many pandas around here.”

    The panda says, “At these prices, I’m not surprised.”

  2. Did you hear about the clumsy panda chef who accidentally burned his paw trying to stir-fry some bamboo? His friends tried to make him feel better by saying “Don’t worry, pan-da will heal.”
  3. Why don’t pandas have email accounts? They prefer to panda post!
  4. My friend adopted a baby panda from the zoo. I asked how it was going so far. He said, “Oh man, I totally underestimated how much bamboo this thing eats. My whole house is filled with panda poop!” I said, “Well, I guess that’s just par for the panda course.”
  5. What do you call a line of pandas? A pandarade!
  6. Why don’t pandas like high-fives? They don’t have enough bam-boo!
  7. What happens when two pandas get into a fight? They panda-monium breaks out!
  8. Did you hear about the unemployed panda? He struggles to make ends meat.
  9. My friend saw a panda at the zoo and said, “Aww, it’s so cute!” I said, “Yeah, it’s un-bear-ably adorable.”
  10. What do you call a sleepy baby panda? A napanda.
  11. What’s black, white and eats bamboo all day? A panda bear, of course!
  12. How does a panda pay for his food? With his bear paws!
  13. What do you call a panda who likes to eat, eat, eat? A pander to his stomach.
  14. What’s a panda’s favorite food? Bam-boo-gers!
  15. Why don’t pandas like high-fives? They don’t have enough bam-boo!
  16. My friend adopted a baby panda from the zoo. Now he’s a pan-dad!
  17. What happens when two pandas get into a fight? They panda-monium breaks out!
  18. Why did the panda get in trouble at school? He was pandaring during class.
  19. What’s a panda’s favorite sport? Bam-boo ball!
  20. I saw a really cute panda today. I just couldn’t bear it!
  21. What happened when the baby panda kept begging his mom for more bamboo? She finally had to put her foot down and say “Panda-nough!”
  22. How do pandas communicate? With pan-da-mic body language, of course!
  23. Why are pandas so bad at baseball? They can never hit a home-run with their little panda paws!
  24. What did the mama panda say when her baby wouldn’t stop crying? “Settle down or no more bam-booze tonight!”
  25. Why don’t pandas like high-fives? They don’t have enough bam-boo!