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60 Funny Muffin Jokes

60 Funny Muffin Jokes

Muffin Puns (10)

1. I knead to tell you about this muffin recipe I tried. It was so good I almost crumb-ed!

2. What do you call a muffin that makes everyone laugh? A funny bun!

3. Why was the blueberry muffin so sad? It was feeling a little crumby.

4. How did the muffin try to cheer up his friend? He told him to stay positive!

5. Want to hear a joke about a muffin top? Ah nevermind, it’s pretty crummy.

6. Why did the muffin blush? It saw the bagel spreading cream cheese!

7. What do you call a line of muffins? A queue of food!

8. Why do muffins make good therapists? They’re great listeners with poppy opinions!

9. What do you call a group of baked muffins? A batch!

10. Why did the blueberry muffin crumble? It fell to pieces under pressure!

Muffin One-Liners (10)

11. I don’t mean to brag, but I’m very good at cooking muffins in the microwave. In fact, you could say I have a lot of experience in microwave muf-fin.

12. I tried making muffins in an Easy Bake oven once. Let’s just say it wasn’t a cupcake.

13. How does a muffin try to lose weight? It goes on a crumb-free diet!

14. A day without muffins is a crumby day.

15. Muffins always tell the truth because they don’t have anything to hide in their batter.

16. I was going to make a joke about a muffin recipe, but I realized it would just fall flat.

17. What do you call a psychic little muffin? A mini fortune teller!

18. How do muffins stay connected? Through their wifi router!

19. A muffin walks into a bar. The bartender says, “We don’t serve food here.”

20. I ate so many muffins, my doctor said I was going into sugary shock. But I refused to stop – I was on such a muffin roll!

Best Muffin Jokes (20)

21. A family of muffins walk into a diner and order breakfast. The father muffin says to the waitress, “Excuse me, I believe you brought us an egg muffin by mistake. We ordered egg toast.” The waitress frowns and says, “I’m sorry sir, but we don’t have egg toast on the menu.” The father muffin replies angrily, “Well then, I want to speak to the manager!” The mother muffin gasps and whispers, “Dear, why are you making a scene? Just eat the dang muffin.”

22. What did the muffin say when it thought no one was listening? “I crumb, therefore I am.”

23. A fresh blueberry muffin walks into a bar and sits down. The bartender says, “Sorry, we don’t serve food here.” The muffin replies, “That’s fine, I just want a drink. I’m on a liquid diet now.”

24. A chocolate chip muffin was feeling sad because all the other muffins were teasing him. His mother said, “Don’t pay any attention to them, everyone knows chocolate chip is the sprinkle on top!” This made the muffin crack a smile.

25. Why was the bakery so good at keeping secrets? Its staff was sworn to muffin silence.

26. What sits at the bottom of the ocean and shakes? A nervous muffin.

27. How do you fix a broken muffin? With muffin glue!

28. Why did the police arrest the muffin? It was a crumb-inal!

29. What do you call a sad cupcake? A blueberry muffin.

30. Why do bakers make bad dancers? They have two muffin feet!

31. How does a muffin try to cheer up his diabetic friend? He tells him to stay sweet!

32. Why was the blueberry muffin so upset? Its mother was in a jam.

33. What do you call an angry muffin? A cross buns.

34. Why did the muffin blush? It saw the bagel spreading cream cheese.

35. How did the English muffin propose to the bagel? With a marmalade diamond ring.

36. Why was the muffin looking so grumpy? It was having a crummy day.

37. How does a muffin try to lose weight? It goes on a crumb-free diet.

38. What kind of shoes do muffins wear? Loafers!

39. How do you organize a space party? You planet. Unless you’re a muffin, then you just wing it.

40. Why was the muffin so sad when its friend moved away? It lost its crumby next door neighbor.

Muffin Puns (10 more)

41. What do you call a line of stale muffins? A queue of mold!

42. How did the blueberry muffin win the award? By being well-bread!

43. Why do muffins make great editors? They’re good at finding crumby writing!

44. What do you call a naughty muffin? A trouble crumble!

45. Why did the muffin cross the road? To get to the bakery on the other side!

46. How do you start a teddy bear dance party? You turn up the muffin!

47. What’s a baker’s favorite type of shoe? Loafers!

48. How does a muffin try and steal your personal data? It hacks your crumby information!

49. Why was the chocolate chip muffin so excited? It was having a sprinkle party!

50. Why are muffins always so prepared for math tests? They’re well-rounded!

Muffin One-Liners (10 more)

51. I was going to tell a joke about a blueberry muffin, but it would have been in bad taste.

52. Muffins always tell the truth – they don’t have anything to butter up.

53. What do you call a clairvoyant muffin? A fortune teller!

54. Why do bakers dance so well? They know all the muffin moves.

55. A day without muffins is just a crumby day.

56. What did the muffin say when asked about the meaning of life? The answer eludes me – I crumb not say.

57. How does a space muffin try to take over the galaxy? With crumby schemes.

58. What sits at the bottom of the ocean and shakes? A nervous muffin.

59. Why was the English muffin so refined? It was well-bread.

60. I ate so many muffins, my doctor said I was going into sugary shock. But I refused to stop – I was on such a muffin roll!