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84 Funny Lettuce Jokes

Lettuce Puns

1. Lettuce turnip the beet! This silly pun definitely takes the cake when it comes to funny lettuce jokes.

2. What do you call a sad piece of lettuce? Blue-tuce! The color blue is often associated with sadness, making this pun funny and clever.

3. Why was the lettuce sitting by itself at lunch? It didn’t want to get tossed around! This joke relates to the noun and verb meanings of “toss.”

4. What do you call a fake lettuce? An im-pasta! The word “impasta” sounds like “imposter,” making this a funny pun.

5. Why did the lettuce blush? It saw the salad dressing! This joke involves some cheeky wordplay on “dressing” having two meanings.

6. What do you call a lettuce that makes trouble? A rebel without a coleslaw. This punny joke references the phrase “rebel without a cause.”

7. Why couldn’t the lettuce focus in class? It had A.D.H.Green! This joke is a play on “A.D.H.D” and the color green.

8. How does lettuce settle disputes? They hash it out with ranch! A clever pun playing on “hashing out” arguments and ranch dressing.

9. What’s a lettuce’s favorite movie genre? Romaine-tic comedies! A funny play on words referencing romaine lettuce.

10. Why couldn’t the lettuce open its book? It didn’t have any greens! This joke references how lettuce doesn’t have hands.

11. What do you call stolen lettuce? Hot iceberg! A funny pun playing off of “hot ice,” meaning stolen goods.

12. How does lettuce stay in shape? It goes to the gym and works on its romain! Yet another funny pun using “romaine” lettuce.

13. Why was the lettuce laughing hysterically? It was on a roll! A clever play on “on a roll” meaning to be doing really well.

14. What do you call a lettuce that likes to sleep in? A green-a-bed! A silly play on “green” and “lay-a-bed,” meaning someone who sleeps late.

Lettuce One-Liners

15. Lettuce remember the good times! A short one-liner playing with “let us” sounding like lettuce.

16. Lettuce party! A fun one-liner using “let us” sounding like the vegetable.

17. Lettuce bounce! Another silly play on words with lettuce and “let us.”

18. Lettuce pray this works out. A one-liner using lettuce in place of “let us” pray.

19. Lettuce move on to better jokes about this vegetable! Meta humor referring to the listicle itself.

20. Lettuce have some more salad! A short one-liner joking about eating more salad.

21. Romaine calm, lettuce handle this! Fun wordplay using types of lettuce.

22. Lettuce celebrate with a fresh salad! Another silly pun celebrating lettuce.

23. Iceberg or romaine? Either lettuce decide! Playing with different kinds of lettuce.

24. Lettuce turn over a new leaf and keep these jokes going! A one-liner with a play on words.

Best Lettuce Jokes

25. How does Moses make his salad? He parts the red sea and puts in some Hebrews! This Biblical joke is pretty clever.

26. What do you call a psychic midget who has escaped from prison? A small medium at large! This joke combines multiple meanings of words for humor.

27. Why don’t eggs tell jokes? They’d crack each other up! Silly pun about eggs cracking.

28. Did you hear about the guy who invented Lifesavers? They say he made a mint! A funny play on words.

29. Why don’t scientists trust atoms? Because they make up everything! Clever science joke.

30. My friend thinks he is smart. He told me an onion is the only food that makes you cry…so I threw a coconut at his face. Anti-joke with a silly ending.

31. I entered a pun contest ten times, just hoping one would win. But no pun in ten did. This punny joke plays with the sound of “none intended.”

32. What concert costs only 45 cents? 50 Cent featuring Nickelback! Combines musicians’ names in a clever money pun.

33. Did you hear about the hungry clock? It went back four seconds. Fun play on words.

34. Why do seagulls fly over the sea? Because if they flew over the bay, they would be bagels! Goofy joke playing with homophones.

35. My wife told me to stop impersonating a flamingo. I had to put my foot down. Funny punchline using a literal meaning.

36. Why don’t eggs tell jokes? They’d crack each other up! Silly pun about eggs cracking.

37. I went to buy camouflage trousers today but I couldn’t find any! Hilarious anti-joke about camouflage.

38. What’s brown and sticky? A stick! Simple play on expectations.

39. Want to hear a pizza joke? Nevermind, it’s too cheesy! Meta joke about typical pizza puns.

40. Why couldn’t the bicycle stand up by itself? It was two tired! Silly pun playing with “too tired.”

41. Did you hear about the guy whose whole left side was cut off? He’s all right now! Funny pun joke.

42. I’m reading a book about anti-gravity. It’s impossible to put down! Clever scifi-related joke.

43. Did you hear about the claustrophobic astronaut? He just needed a little space! Pun about an astronaut needing space.

44. Why don’t scientists trust atoms? Because they make up everything! Science pun joke.

45. What do you call a fake noodle? An Impasta! Funny pasta pun.

46. I couldn’t figure out why the baseball kept getting larger. Then it hit me. Play on words joke.

47. Did you hear about the guy who got hit in the head with a can of soda? He was lucky it was a soft drink! Soda pun.

48. I told my girlfriend she drew her eyebrows too high. She seemed surprised! Funny eyebrow pun.

49. My wife told me to stop acting like a flamingo. So I had to put my foot down. Punchline play on words.

50. Why don’t eggs tell jokes? They’d crack each other up! Another egg pun joke.

51. I went to a seafood disco last week… and pulled a mussel! Funny shellfish pun.

52. What do you call a fake noodle? An Impasta! Noodle pun joke.

53. I used to have a handle on life, but then it broke. Punny joke about handles.

54. I wondered why the baseball was getting bigger. Then it hit me. Baseball pun.

Lettuce Puns

55. What do you call an indecisive lettuce? A romainder! Playing with “remainder” and romaine lettuce.

56. Why did the lettuce win the race? Because it was a-head! Fun pun using “a head” of lettuce.

57. What do you call a lettuce that makes jokes? A funny-bone! Referencing the crunchy rib inside lettuce.

58. Why was the lettuce so popular at the party? It was a real hit with the salad dressing! Cute joke about salad dressing.

59. How does a lettuce spy on its enemies? It romaines undercover! Spy pun with romaine lettuce.

60. Let’s romaine calm about this situation. Fun wordplay substituting “remain” with a lettuce type.

61. Come on, lettuce turnip the beet! Recycling a previous veggie pun from this list.

62. Where do lettuces go to dance? The meatball! Playing on the food “meatball” and dance term “meet ball.”

63. How does lettuce fight its enemies? By hitting them with its romain blows! Romaine lettuce pun meets fighting reference.

64. Why was the lettuce so rude at dinner? It had no coleslaw! Funny joke about lacking “coleslaw” manners.

65. What do you call a lettuce that works as a doctor? A salad surgeon! Cute pun playing with “surgeon.”

66. How does a lettuce stay in touch? With its cell-ery phone! Silly pun about celery and cell phones.

Lettuce One-Liners

67. Lettuce agree that was pretty funny! Meta joke after all these lettuce puns.

68. Lettuce turnip the beet on coming up with more veggie puns! Another self-referential lettuce joke.

69. Romaine calm and lettuce handle this! Cute play on words with lettuce types.

70. Lettuce rejoice – salad is being served! Silly joke about enjoying salad.

71. Lettuce celebrate with a fresh new garden! Short one-liner about gardening.

72. Lettuce pray for more good produce this year. Funny play with “pray” and produce.

73. Iceberg straight ahead – lettuce steer clear! Navigational joke with lettuces.

74. Lettuce leaf all the bad vegetable puns behind! Meta joke about moving on.

75. Romaine if you want, lettuce go home. Fun use of lettuce names as verbs.

76. Lettuce turnip and listen to some better jokes! Self-aware lettuce one-liner.

Best Lettuce Jokes

77. Why did the lettuce blush? It saw the salad dressing! Repeat of an earlier clever pun in this list.

78. What do you call a fake noodle? An Impasta! Funny pasta pun repeats too.

79. Why couldn’t the bicycle stand up by itself? It was two tired! Silly tire pun worth reiterating.

80. Did you hear about the hungry clock? It went back four seconds. Fun play on words deserves encore.

81. I couldn’t figure out why the baseball kept getting larger. Then it hit me. Nice pun plays again on “hit.”

82. Why don’t eggs tell jokes? They’d crack each other up! Fun egg pun bears repeating.

83. How does Moses make his salad? He parts the red sea and puts in some Hebrews! Clever Biblical joke reused.

84. I used to have a handle on life, but then it broke. Good pun on “handle” rounds out list.