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55 Funny Laundry Detergent Jokes

55 Funny Laundry Detergent Jokes

Laundry Detergent Puns

  1. I used to do laundry with regular detergent, but now I use Tide. It really makes a difference!
  2. My friend was struggling to open a new jug of laundry detergent. I said, “Do you need some Gain assistance?”
  3. Did you hear about the angry washing machine? It was in a big spin cycle after losing at poker to the laundry detergent.
  4. Why don’t eggs do laundry? They don’t want to get beat up and scrambled by the washing machine!
  5. The Tide CEO asked the head of marketing, “What’s the big idea for our next ad campaign?” The marketing guy replied, “It will blow you away.”
  6. Did you know that laundry detergent companies employ very clean executives? Yep, they always keep their suits Tide-y!
  7. My laundry detergent is so eco-friendly, it’s self-sustaining. One washing load powers the next!
  8. What do you call an indecisive bottle of laundry detergent? Wishy-Washy!
  9. Did you hear about the arrogant laundry detergent? It thought it was better than everyone else because it had more Clout.
  10. I entered my laundry detergent in a cooking contest. Unfortunately, it didn’t make the final rinse.

Laundry Detergent One-Liners

  1. My laundry detergent is so strong, it can get blood out of a stone.
  2. I dropped my laundry detergent on my foot and had to go to the ER for Tide pod burns.
  3. My laundry detergent is so concentrated that a single drop can clean an entire load.
  4. My laundry detergent works so well, I think it could bring the dead back to life.
  5. My laundry detergent cleans so thoroughly, you can practically see through the clothes.
  6. My laundry detergent makes whites so bright, it will blind you.
  7. My laundry detergent dissolves stains so fast I think it might eat through metal.
  8. I use so little laundry detergent per wash I think I’ll be on my first jug for life.
  9. My laundry detergent has 10x more cleaning power than the average brand.
  10. My laundry detergent smells so fresh, people keep asking what perfume I’m wearing.

Best Laundry Detergent Jokes

  1. Last week my washing machine broke down so I had to take my clothes to the river to wash them. I brought my jug of laundry detergent, found a nice spot by the bank, and got to work. After a few minutes, a park ranger came by and asked what I was doing. I explained my situation and showed him the detergent. He took one look at the bottle and said, “I’m sorry but you can’t Wash’n Go here!”
  2. The other day I ran out of laundry detergent so I decided to try making my own. I looked up some recipes online and mixed together a batch using baking soda, vinegar, and lemon juice. It seemed to work great at first, but after the rinse cycle my clothes started smoking! Turns out my homemade recipe was just a little too strong. Now I have a basket of clothes with bleach stains and small burn holes. I guess you could say my DIY laundry detergent had some serious drawbacks.
  3. Last month my roommate bought this new laundry detergent that claimed to use “groundbreaking stain-eliminating technology.” He was really excited to try it out. When it arrived, the jug was huge and covered in all these scientific diagrams. It honestly looked more like a prop from a sci-fi movie than cleaning supplies! Anyway, he ran the first load with his grubbiest t-shirts and waited eagerly by the machine. But when the cycle finished, all his shirts were exactly the same. The stains had laughed in the face of this so-called futuristic formula! I guess the lesson here is not to believe every claim you read on a laundry detergent label.
  4. The weirdest thing happened during my laundry yesterday. I filled up the machine, added a cap full of detergent from my usual brand, and pressed start. When I came back later to move the clothes to the dryer, I noticed the jug of detergent glowing and making strange gurgling noises. All of a sudden, it started shaking violently and thick pink foam poured out the spout! I didn’t know whether I should run away or call an exorcist. But as the foam spread across the floor, I swear I heard a high-pitched voice cry “Free at last!” Honestly, it was like a scary B-movie come to life. Now I’m kinda freaked out to do laundry again…who knows what that wacky soap jug will do next.
  5. So I recently switched laundry detergents and bought this new eco-friendly brand made from plant extracts. I was feeling pretty good about doing my part to help the planet while still getting clean clothes. But I noticed after the first couple washes that my shirts and pants had these weird stiff spots on them. Almost like the fabric had been starched. I figured it was just some harmless residue from the natural detergent though. Anyway, fast forward a few more loads and suddenly I’ve got full-blown vegetation sprouting out of my laundry basket! I’m talking leaves, vines, flowers – it’s insane. Now every time I do a load, I have to weed my clothing. So much for saving the Earth I guess! This green detergent might be a little TOO natural for my taste.