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60 Funny Lake Jokes

60 Funny Lake Jokes

Lake Puns

1. What do you call a lake that is very neat and tidy? Lake-id back.

2. What did one lake say to the other when it was time to leave? See you later, alligator!

3. Why are lakes so popular in the summer? Everyone is looking for a water-full experience.

4. What did the lake say when it got mad? You’re making waves!

5. How does a lake get your attention? It waves.

6. Why was the lake arrested? It was caught tide-handed.

7. What do you call a flooded lake? A wader park.

8. What kind of lakes can fly? Plane lakes.

9. How does a lake stay organized? With a water planner.

10. Why do lakes make great accountants? They’re good with water budgets.

Lake One-Liners

11. I wanted to go ice fishing, but the lake was already frozen over it.

12. I tried water skiing on the lake, but really made a splash.

13. Don’t fall asleep on a lake unless you want to wake up soaking wet.

14. Never ask a lake for directions, they’ll just lead you on a wild goose chase.

15. Lakes look so peaceful from a distance but up close they can be a beach.

16. Lakes really get my boat floating if you know what I mean.

17. You can lead a boat to water but you can’t make it think.

18. I wanted to go for a swim but the lake was being a beach about it.

19. Lakes have a reputation for being calm but they can get out of sand pretty quick.

20. Lakes really make waves when they get angry.

Best Lake Jokes

21. One day a man decided to go fishing at the lake. He grabbed his rod and reel, loaded up his tackle box with bait, and headed out. When he arrived at the dock, he noticed that the lake was completely frozen over. Determined to still catch some fish, he carefully walked out onto the ice. He chose a spot, drilled a hole, and dropped his line in. After waiting for hours without even a nibble, he decided to give up. As he turned to leave, a loud booming voice from above said “THERE ARE NO FISH IN THERE!” Startled, the man looked around but saw no one. Again the voice boomed “I SAID THERE ARE NO FISH IN THERE! IT’S FROZEN SOLID!” The man still couldn’t see anyone, so he yelled back “God? Is that you?” The voice replied “NO YOU IDIOT, IT’S THE ICE RINK MANAGER!”

22. A wealthy man decided to go on a fishing trip to a beautiful lake in the mountains. He packed up all his gear and hired a guide to take him to the most remote parts of the lake. After being dropped off, the man spent hours fishing but wasn’t having any luck. Out of nowhere, a small Native American boy rowed towards him in a canoe. The boy said “Hey mister, you’re not going to catch anything that way. Let me show you how my people fish.” Intrigued, the wealthy man agreed. The boy proceeded to bang on the side of the boat with a stick for a few minutes, then stopped and put down his stick. Within minutes, fish started jumping into the man’s boat, filling it to the brim with some of the biggest catches he’d ever seen. Astounded, the man asked “How did you do that?” The boy replied “Well, my people have been fishing this lake for centuries. The fish recognize our boats and trust our traditions.” The man said “Wow, I’ll have to remember this trick next time!” As the boy rowed away, he turned back and said “Just be sure to come back in a traditional canoe, otherwise it won’t work. And don’t forget to bring your own stick!”

23. A fisherman went out to a secluded lake deep in the woods for a day of fly fishing. He arrived just as the sun was rising. As he waded into the shallows, he noticed movement out of the corner of his eye. When he turned to look, he saw an 8-foot grizzly bear charging straight at him full speed, teeth bared! The man froze in terror as the bear knocked him to the ground. He braced himself for the end, but the bear simply said “Please don’t eat my fish,” then turned around and ambled back into the woods.

24. An avid fisherman took his new girlfriend camping near a beautiful lake, hoping for a romantic weekend. As they got settled, he asked her “Do you mind if I do a bit of fishing?” She said no, so he grabbed his pole, bait, and gear. After many hours passed, the girlfriend became bored just sitting in the camp so she called out “Catch anything yet?” Her boyfriend replied “Just one small trout, you should come join me!” The girlfriend put on mosquito repellent and headed to the lake. As she carefully approached the lake, she noticed her boyfriend waist-deep in the water with absolutely no fishing gear. Shocked, she called out “Where’s all your equipment and the fish you caught?!” He replied “What fish?”

25. A research team arrived at a remote lake in Alaska to study its unique ecosystem. After taking many samples and recordings, they prepared to leave. Just before departing, the lead researcher took one last soil sample. As he leaned over to scoop up the dirt, a grizzly bear emerged suddenly from the woods and gobbled him up in one bite. The rest of the team scrambled and managed to escape in their jeeps. The lead researcher’s notes were later recovered, and his final words scrawled in the margins were “Unsafe soil sample :(“

26. A fisherman was having a rough day at the lake, unable to catch anything substantial for hours. Finally, he felt a huge tug on the line and started reeling it in. After an intense struggle, he managed to pull in an enormous salmon. As he admired the fish, a park ranger came by and asked to inspect his catch. After looking the salmon over, the ranger shook his head and said “Sorry sir, but this fish is under the legal size limit. I’m going to have to write you a ticket and confiscate it.” The fisherman argued “But officer, I’ve been trying all day to catch something. Can’t you let me have this one?” The ranger said “No can do. The law is the law.” Defeated, the man handed the salmon over. As the ranger walked away with the fish in hand, he called back “But don’t worry sir, I’m sure this little guy will make a nice dinner for me tonight!”

27. A man went on vacation to a lakeside resort with his wife and kids. They spent the days lounging by the pool, kayaking around the lake, and enjoying the scenery. On the last day, the man decided to wake up early for one final fishing trip. He walked down to the dock with his gear at sunrise. After a few minutes, he felt a huge tug on his line and reeled in a monster-sized trout. He whooped with joy, knowing this would make for an impressive trophy back home. Suddenly, the resort owner came rushing over shouting “Sir, you can’t take fish from this lake, it’s strictly forbidden!” Crestfallen, the man apologized and handed over the trout. The owner said “Don’t worry, I won’t let this go to waste. My family hasn’t had fish this fresh in ages!” He walked away, happily carrying the man’s trophy catch.

28. A young boy was on vacation with his family at a lake. One afternoon, he decided to walk down to the dock with his new fishing pole, hoping to catch something big to show his dad. When he got there, he cast his line into the water and waited patiently. Not long after, he felt a huge tug and reeled in an enormous fish, the biggest he had ever seen! Excited, he ran back to tell his parents, but halfway there he tripped and fell in the dirt, then the fish slipped out of his hands and flopped back into the lake. By the time the boy made it back bawling to his parents, the evidence of his big catch was long gone.

29. Two old friends met up for their yearly fishing trip at a remote lake deep in the wilderness. They spent the day catching up, laughing, and fishing peacefully without much luck. As the sun began to set, one man felt a huge tug on his line. His rod bent nearly in half before he managed to reel in a monstrous-sized trout. Amazed by the size, he said “Wow buddy, look at this! Let’s grill this beauty up tonight, I can’t wait to dig in.” His friend replied “Absolutely not! We need to put it back so it can keep growing.” The man argued “But this is a once in a lifetime catch, we can’t just throw it back after all this effort!” His friend insisted “It’s the right thing to do, we have plenty of food already.” Reluctantly, the man agreed. They gently released the giant trout and watched it swim far away into the darkness of the lake.

30. A man decided to take his new wife on a romantic getaway to a lake house after their wedding. When they arrived, the wife relaxed on the porch while the husband grabbed his fishing gear and headed to the dock. He fished for hours unsuccessfully before deciding to play a prank. He found a dead fish on shore, tied it to his line, and pretended to reel it in. When he came running up to his wife bragging about the huge catch, she took one look and said “That fish has been dead for days, did you really think I’d fall for that?” Embarrassed, the man had to sleep on the couch.

The End