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43 Funny Knife Jokes

43 Funny Knife Jokes

Knife Puns

1. I used to work at a cutlery factory but it was a real stab in the back when they let me go.

2. My friend got me a knife for my birthday but it was so dull, it couldn’t even cut butter. Talk about a blunt gift!

3. I entered my knife collection into a contest but it didn’t make the cut.

4. I was carving a pumpkin with a tiny knife. You could say I was armed with a little paring knife.

5. The chef was chopping onions so fast, his knife skills were on point.

6. I tried sharpening my knife with a sponge but realized it was pointless.

7. When I accidentally dropped my knife collection, it was a real double-edged disaster.

8. The factory had state-of-the-art knife sharpening equipment. You could say it was a cutting edge operation.

9. I wanted to get a Dalstrong knife but couldn’t justify the hefty price tag. Talk about highway robbery!

10. My friend bought way too many knives from the shopping channel. He was on a cutlery shopping spree.

Knife One-Liners

11. Don’t run with knives, you could really fall on hard times.

12. My knife throwing act didn’t go well. It was a stab in the dark.

13. I entered a knife juggling contest but dropped out at the last minute. I realized I was in way over my head.

14. I tried to chop wood with a butter knife. What a pointless endeavor.

15. Don’t bring a knife to a gun fight unless you’re prepared for a real cutting remark.

16. I bought a set of knives from a door-to-door salesman. Let’s just say I didn’t make the sharpest decision.

17. My friend got stabbed with a knife. I told him to look on the bright side – at least he didn’t spill his drink.

18. I was going to make a knife pun but decided to cut it out.

19. My knife throwing skills aren’t improving. I’m barely making a dent.

20. Don’t run with scissors unless you want to experience a real cutting edge activity.

Best Knife Jokes

21. A man walked into a knife store and asked to see their selection of knives. The owner brought out a tiny pocket knife. The man said, “Are you kidding me? That thing is so small, it couldn’t even cut through butter!” The owner replied, “Sir, this is a knife store, there’s no need for that kind of cutting remark.”

22. A grandmother was teaching her young grandson how to cut vegetables with a knife for the first time. She told him “Be very careful, knives are very sharp and you could cut yourself badly!” A few minutes later, she heard the boy say loudly “Ouch!” and turned around to see he had accidentally cut his finger. The grandmother gently said “I told you knives are very sharp!” The boy replied “I know grandma, but gosh darn it, sometimes vegetables are just so hard!”

23. An excited woman ran up to a man on the street and said “Sir! You dropped your knife back there!” The man replied “That wasn’t my knife, I’ve never seen it before. Thank you though.” The woman responded “I’m sorry, I just wanted to return the favor after you accidentally returned my wallet last week.”

24. A thief with a knife tried to rob a comedian walking home at night. The thief demanded “Give me all your money!” Without missing a beat, the comedian replied “Don’t be silly, if I had money I wouldn’t be walking home!” The thief thought for a moment before bursting into laughter and running away.

25. One day a father was teaching his young son how to properly sharpen a knife. As the father sharpened the knife he accidentally cut himself and yelled “Ouch!” The son asked “Are you okay dad?” The father smiled and said “I’m fine son, but always remember – the sharper the knife, the easier it cuts.”

26. An arrogant chef claimed he could cut through a thick wooden board with his finely sharpened knife. A skeptical co-worker placed a thick plank on the table and challenged the chef to prove it. The chef slammed the knife down hard, but it only went halfway through the wood. His co-worker chuckled and said “I guess your knife skills aren’t as cutting edge as you thought.”

27. A vegetarian was cooking dinner for some meat-loving friends. When they arrived, the vegetarian greeted them at the door holding a large knife and said “I hope you’re ready for a delicious tofu stir-fry!” The friends laughed nervously and replied “Maybe we’ll order pizza instead.”

28. A tourist visited a famous knife factory looking for a souvenir. The salesperson showed him an beautifully engraved switchblade. The tourist asked “How much?” and the salesperson replied “$500.” Shocked at the high price, the tourist said “$500 for a knife? Highway robbery!” The salesperson calmly responded “Sir, this is a knife store, there’s no need for that kind of cutting remark.”

29. A man walked into an antique store looking to buy an old pocket knife. The store owner showed him a small rusty knife and said “This knife belonged to a notorious gangster who lived in the 1920s. I’m selling it for $10,000.” The man was shocked and replied “For that price this knife better have magical powers!” The antique dealer said “Sir, this is an antique store, there’s no need for that kind of cutting remark.”

30. A ninja, a samurai and a knife salesman were sitting at a table having lunch. The ninja boasted “I’m the most skilled with blades. I can slice a fly in half in mid-air with my katana.” The samurai scoffed and said “That’s nothing, I can cut a drop of water in half as it falls from the faucet.” The knife salesman shook his head and said “The sharper the knife, the less it needs to cut remarks.”

31. A man walked into a blacksmith shop and asked the blacksmith “Can you sharpen this tiny butter knife for me?” The blacksmith looked at the tiny knife and said “Sorry, that knife is so small my equipment can’t sharpen it. But there’s a great cutlery shop down the street you could try.” Insulted, the man shouted “How dare you! This knife has been in my family for generations!” Taken aback, the blacksmith said “Sir, this is a blacksmith shop, there’s no need for that kind of cutting remark.”

32. A prisoner was attempting to carve through his jail cell bars using only a plastic knife when a guard walked by. The guard laughed and said “That tiny knife won’t cut through those thick bars!” Annoyed, the prisoner replied “Maybe not, but it will be a cutting remark about the prison’s security when I walk out the front door tomorrow!”

33. A young knight was trying to show off his sword skills and attempted to slice a fly in half with his sword. The veteran knight laughed and said “You missed! You shouldn’t handle sharp blades until you have more training.” Humiliated, the young knight left in shame, only to return a week later and try again. This time, he managed to slice the fly in half flawlessly. The veteran knight clapped and said “Well done! Your skills are certainly cutting edge now!”

34. The hotel manager complained angrily to the chef “How could you serve our guests cuisine like this? The chicken is so undercooked even a butter knife could cut through it!” Embarrassed, the chef apologized and quickly prepared a new meal. He returned with perfectly cooked chicken and said “My apologies, hopefully this is up to cutting remarks.”

35. A surgeon was eagerly showing off his collection of rare antique medical knives to his colleagues. One doctor picked up an old scalpel and said “This tiny knife probably couldn’t even cut through skin!” Offended, the surgeon snatched back the scalpel and said “I’ll have you know my knife collection is of the utmost cutting edge!”

36. An arrogant home chef entered a cooking competition, claiming his knives were so sharp they could slice diamonds. A judge challenged him to prove it, so the chef confidently grabbed a diamond and attempted to slice it. His knife didn’t even make a scratch. Visibly humbled, the chef said “I apologize for my cutting remarks earlier. I have much to learn.”

37. Two chefs were arguing over who had the sharper knife. One chef boasted “My knife is so sharp it can slice paper thin enough to read through!” The other scoffed and said “That’s nothing! My knife is so sharp it can slice through words!” Insulted, the first chef replied “Words have no physical form to slice through! But I’ll let your cutting remark slide.”

38. A master knife thrower was challenged to show his skill by slicing an apple balanced on his apprentice’s head in half. He struck the apple perfectly, and his apprentice sighed with relief. “Do not relax yet, my student,” advised the master. “Until you have absorbed the true essence of the blade, you will remain vulnerable to such cutting remarks.”

39. The brave knight prepared to demonstrate his swordsmanship to the crowd, confidently proclaiming he could slice a silk scarf held aloft by his fair maiden. He swung mightily yet missed his mark, much to the crowd’s amusement. “Worry not of their cutting remarks,” the maiden whispered. “Stay true and your skills will prove sharp enough to cut through their doubts.”

40. The warrior monk lifted his gleaming katana, asserting even the gentlest breeze could not redirect its cutting edge mid-swing. His claim was met with cutting remarks from elder monks. Later that day, while practicing in the garden, his missed strike at a falling leaf humbled him. That evening, the elder monks nodded, seeing the warrior had learned the sharpest blade is not immune to the push and pull of nature’s unseen currents.

41. The salty old pirate boasted of a knife that could slice so swiftly one could barely see it cut. The young sailor chided him for such cutting remarks. In response, the pirate placed a coconut upon a post and challenged the youth to detect the knife’s stroke. With a flick of the wrist, the coconut fell sliced in two. The old pirate grinned knowingly as understanding dawned on the humbled young sailor’s face.

42. Two royal chefs quarreled, each claiming to possess the realm’s sharpest blade. The king, tiring of their cutting remarks, devised a contest: to slice a hair drifting in the wind. The younger chef struck first, swift yet errant. The elder waited, following the hair’s billowing path. At the perfect moment, he sliced true. The young chef bowed in awe, wisdom sharpened by humbling defeat.

43. The boasting farmer claimed he could slice a pitchfork in two with just his pocketknife. The village blacksmith accepted the challenge, driving a pitchfork into the stump and inviting the farmer to prove his cutting remarks. The farmer hacked and sawed in vain while the crowd chuckled. Finally handing back the undamaged pitchfork, the farmer admitted the limits of his modest blade and apologized for his pride.