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37 Funny Jungle Puns

37 Funny Jungle Puns

Jungle Puns

1. I tried to write a book about living in the jungle, but I got so frustrated I threw it away. Now it’s lost in the undergrowth!

2. Did you hear about the angry gorilla that went on a rampage? He was going bananas!

3. Why do monkeys make terrible lifeguards? They just sit there and chimp while people drown!

4. What do you call an ape who loves music? A chimpanzee!

5. Why don’t birds fly over the jungle? It’s too dangerous to beakause they might get eaten!

6. What do you call a very small monkey? A Chimpofftheoldblock!

7. Did you hear about the gorilla who joined a band? They needed a new drum-bongo player!

8. How do apes make calls? With jungle vines!

9. What do you call a funny gorilla? A pun-dilla!

10. Why are piranhas never hungry in the jungle? They live in food forests!

Jungle One-Liners

11. I tried catching fog yesterday but mist.

12. The jungle guide led an intense safari trip.

13. The snake charmer certainly had a twisted career.

14. The parrots were quite the chatterboxes.

15. The gorilla was not monkeying around.

16. The jungle cats were prowling for their next meal.

17. The elephants stomped their way through the trees.

18. The crocodiles flashed their sharp teeth in the river.

19. The sloth sure took its sweet time moving through the forest.

20. The jungle was hot, humid, and full of bugs.

Best Jungle Jokes

21. A man was on a jungle tour when he came across a huge gorilla. He was terrified but had heard that gorillas are often peaceful, so he decided to be friendly. “Hi there Mr. Gorilla,” the man said. “I’m just passing through, no need for trouble.” The gorilla looked at him and said, “That’s fine, just make sure to steer clear of my personal banana tree.” The man thanked the gorilla and went on his way. An hour later he was lost and spotted the gorilla again. “Excuse me, Mr. Gorilla,” the man said. “I seem to be lost, could you point me toward the exit?” The gorilla narrowed his eyes and said, “Hey, didn’t I tell you to stay away from my personal banana tree?” The man was confused and replied, “Yes you did, but I haven’t even seen your banana tree, I’ve just been wandering around lost!” The gorilla glared and shouted “Now you’ve really made me angry, just because you got lost doesn’t mean you can lie to me!”

22. Deep in the jungle, a massive lion was napping in the shade of a large tree. He was awakened from his slumber by persistent buzz of a pesky fly that kept landing on his nose. After shooing the fly away several times without success, the angry lion decided he had enough. He stood up and took a deep breath and let out a thunderous roar: “RUMBBLLLEEE!!!” The fly buzzed away quickly, and then returned shortly after the lion laid back down. This repeated several times, with the lion roaring loudly each time but failing to deter the stubborn fly. Finally the tiny fly landed right on the lion’s nose again. Just as the lion inhaled deeply to roar once more, the fly made a little buzzing noise and said “Hey man, I’m trying to nap here too you know!”

23. An elephant and a mouse were walking through the jungle together one day. The elephant looked down scornfully at the tiny mouse and said “You’re so small, how can we ever be friends?” The mouse looked up calmly and replied “Size doesn’t matter when you’ve got heart.” Later that day, the elephant got tangled up in some vines and fell into a hunter’s trap. He trumpeted loudly for help. The mouse came running and found the elephant trapped. Without hesitation, he began chewing through the vines, freeing the elephant. The elephant looked down in amazement and said “You were right my friend, you have the biggest heart in the jungle!”

24. A man was hiking through the jungle when he spotted a baby elephant crying for its mother. Feeling sorry for the lost baby, the man approached it slowly. “It’s dangerous out here little buddy, let’s find your momma.” The baby elephant looked at him and said “I’m not actually lost, this is just how I trick humans into getting close enough that I can trample them.” The man screamed and tried to run away, but it was too late. As he lay crushed into the ground, his last words were “I guess I should have known… elephants never forget.”

25. Why don’t ants get sick when they run around barefoot in the jungle? Because they have little anty-bodies!

26. Did you hear about the jungle explorer who is writing a book about his discoveries? It will be an autobiogriffy!

27. What do you call an ape who never admits when he’s wrong? A stubborn chimpanzee!

28. How do monkeys make sure their clothes are tidy and wrinkle free? They use chimp presses!

29. Did you hear about the hungry explorer who ordered a cheeseburger in the jungle? He got gorilla cheese instead!

30. Why aren’t koala bears allowed in the jungle gym? They just end up hanging around all day!

31. What do you call a lazy baby kangaroo? A pouch potato!

32. How do frogs get clean in the jungle? They take ribbit baths!

33. What do you call a dinosaur with a extensive vocabulary? A thesaurus!

34. What musical note do jungle birds hate? Treble!

35. Why was the sad hippo crying? It was down in the dumps!

36. How do snakes play pranks on each other in the jungle? They cassssst disguises!

37. What is a frog’s favorite style of music? Hip hop!