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59 Funny Jewelry box Jokes

59 Funny Jewelry box Jokes

Jewelry box Puns (10)

1. I asked the jeweler if he had any diamond rings in petite sizes. He said, “Sorry, all we carry are small boxes.”

2. My friend got a nice wooden jewelry box but was disappointed when he opened it. I said, “Don’t worry, it will grow on you.”

3. I brought my new girlfriend a jewelry box filled with chocolates for Valentine’s day. She said, “Aww you shouldn’t have!” I replied, “What can I say? I’m a keeper.”

4. I was looking for a birthday gift for my wife so I went to the jewelry store. The owner asked if I needed help finding the right box. I said, “No thanks, I’ll figure it out. It can’t be that hard to pick out the perfect little box.”

5. I accidentally sat on a jewelry box and crushed it. I felt terrible and said, “I’m so sorry, I should have watched where I was going!” The owner shrugged and said, “No worries, it happens. That’s just the risk you take when you run a jewelry box store.”

6. My friend makes jewelry boxes out of old cigar boxes. Business is booming because all the girls want to receive a fancy box for their birthday. You could say he really boxes clever!

7. I was looking for a nice jewelry box to give my wife, but everything was too expensive. The shopkeeper recommended looking on Etsy instead for handmade ones. I replied, “Thanks, I’ll give it a shot!”

8. I told my girlfriend I got her a nice piece of jewelry for her birthday but it turned out to be just an empty ring box. She got mad until I told her to open the jewelry box on the table – that’s where her real gift was hiding!

9. My jewelry box plays music, which is lovely. But it can get annoying when I’m trying to sneak some late-night snacks from the kitchen and wake everyone up with the twinkling song.

10. I was shopping for a jewelry box and the salesperson kept taking them out of the case to show me. After the 10th box I said, “Please stop, this is getting out of hand!”

Jewelry box One-Liners (10)

11. I bought my wife a jewelry box for her birthday but she didn’t seem impressed – maybe I should have put some jewelry in it first.

12. My jewelry box is like a time capsule – full of memories of old boyfriends I’d rather forget.

13. I accidentally dropped my girlfriend’s jewelry box and all the contents spilled out onto the floor – talk about making a mess of things!

14. My jewelry box plays a sweet melody whenever it’s opened – it’s like music to my ears.

15. I was looking for a nice jewelry box for my wife’s anniversary gift but left the store empty-handed – all the good ones were taken.

16. My grandma’s jewelry box is an antique passed down through generations – inside are treasures more valuable than any diamonds or pearls.

17. I gave my daughter a jewelry box to store all her little girl treasures, but now she just hides cookies in there when she’s supposed to be eating healthy.

18. My jewelry box has a little ballerina that twirls around when you open it – it’s like having a private ballet show.

19. I accidentally left my jewelry box open and my cat mistook it for a new litter box – talk about a stinky surprise!

20. My jewelry box plays music, but only if you remember to wind it up first – it’s like a musical chore.

Best Jewelry box Jokes (21-59)

21. I was shopping for an engagement ring and the jeweler asked if I needed a nice box to put it in. I said, “Of course, she won’t say yes without one!”

22. My husband bought me a beautiful jewelry box for our anniversary. I lifted the lid and found it empty. When I complained, he said “But honey, your smile is the greatest treasure I could ever give you.” Nice try, but I still want jewelry.

23. I accidentally dropped and broke my wife’s antique jewelry box that’s been in her family for generations. Needless to say, I’ll be spending many nights on the couch for this one.

24. For our anniversary, I filled my wife’s jewelry box with our special memories – movie stubs, pressed flowers, old notes. She smiled and said, “That’s lovely, but next year could you also include some jewelry?”

25. My jewelry box plays a song so slow and soothing that it always puts me right to sleep. It’s like a lullaby for adults.

26. I was cleaning out my jewelry box when I found a mysterious note that said “IOU one engagement ring.” Turns out my husband hid it there 2 years ago and forgot all about it! No wonder I’m still waiting.

27. I accidentally knocked my jewelry box off the dresser and now all the necklaces and earrings are tangled in a big messy knot. It’s going to take me hours to fix this jewelry box disaster zone!

28. For our 10th anniversary, I surprised my wife with a personalized jewelry box with a hand-carved sculpture of our wedding on top. She said it was the most thoughtful gift I’d ever given her. I’ll never tell her I just got it rush delivered from Etsy.

29. My clumsy husband tripped carrying my new jewelry box and spilled all the contents onto the kitchen floor. Now my diamond tennis bracelet is nestled by the broom with all the dust bunnies.

30. I was cleaning out my jewelry box and found my mood ring from middle school. I put it on and waited to see my current mood. The color turned black. Sounds about right for 2020.

31. My jewelry box has a little spinning ballerina, but her tutu fell off years ago. Now she just spins around all topless and indecent. It’s scandalous.

32. I opened the jewelry box my husband gave me for our 10th anniversary. Inside was a gorgeous diamond necklace and a note saying “This is just the beginning…” Makes me wonder what he’ll get me for our 20th!

33. My cat loves to nap in my open jewelry box, curled up on top of all my necklaces. He thinks it’s his own private kitty hammock.

34. I accidentally dropped my wife’s priceless antique jewelry box. After the look she gave me, I wish it would have landed on my head instead.

35. For Christmas, my husband surprised me with a lovely jewelry box – filled with plastic costume jewelry. At least it came with the box, so there’s hope for next year!

36. I bought my girlfriend a nice jewelry box but decided to hide her real gift inside – an engagement ring tucked in the velvet slot. When she opened the box and saw it, she was so surprised she burst into happy tears. Score!

37. My jewelry box has become more like a memory box filled with random trinkets from my life – an old movie stub, a pretty rock, a poker chip. It’s like a mini accidental time capsule.

38. I was cleaning and accidentally vacuumed up my wife’s diamond earring that fell off. Now every time I turn on the vacuum I cross my fingers it might reappear amidst the dust and dirt. No such luck yet.

39. My wife was disappointed when she opened her anniversary gift and it was just a jewelry box. But then she looked inside and found plane tickets for a romantic getaway. I’m off the hook!

40. My jewelry box plays a lovely melody. My husband does not. This morning his off-key singing from the shower set off the music box and nearly gave me a heart attack.

41. I was cleaning out my jewelry box and found my great grandmother’s pearl necklace. Holding it brought back so many memories of her letting me play dress up as a little girl. Priceless.

42. My jewelry box has become more like a junk drawer filled with random things I can’t find homes for – foreign coins, guitar picks, a tiny seashell from vacation years ago. I really need to clean this thing out.

43. I slipped carrying my wife’s antique jewelry box down the stairs. Miraculously I didn’t drop it, but my heart was pounding like the drumbeat that plays when you open the box lid. Crisis averted!

44. My cat loves sleeping in my open jewelry box so much that I finally just gave up and lined it with a pillow and blanket for him. He looks so cozy in there – like a furry Pharaoh in a feline throne.

45. I left my jewelry box open on my dresser. Later I found my parrot playing with the ballerina dancer, bobbing his head to the music. He may not be able to fly, but at least he enjoys the show!

46. My jewelry box was passed down for generations until my klutzy aunt dropped it, shattering the ballerina dancer inside. Our family heirloom was broken, much like my aunt’s dreams of becoming a ballerina.

47. I accidentally left my jewelry box open and later found my hamster had stuffed his cheeks with all my pearl necklaces. That little thief was trying to steal my treasures!

48. As a kid I loved playing with my mom’s jewelry box, twirling the tiny dancer and admiring all the sparkly gems inside. It transported me into a magical world far away from my ordinary life.

49. My jewelry box has become a graveyard for all my broken necklaces and single earrings. I keep meaning to get them fixed or matched but never seem to find the time. Story of my life.

50. My husband surprised me with a gorgeous jewelry box for my birthday – filled with styrofoam packing peanuts! Gotta love his little pranks, but that box better have something more sparkly inside by the end of the day.

51. My great aunt Millie’s massive jewelry box was like opening a treasure chest. As kids we’d marvel at her glittering jewels, dreaming of the days we could wear such finery.

52. I bought my girlfriend a jewelry box, but she was disappointed when she opened it to find only chocolate gelt inside. In my defense, who doesn’t love chocolate coins wrapped in gold foil?

53. My mischievous puppy ran off with my jewelry box, flinging necklaces and pearls all over the house. It took me hours to collect everything up again – I even found an earring in his food dish!

54. My wife was excited when I gave her a jewelry box for her birthday – until she realized it was the same one she’d given me years ago to store cuff links I never wear. Recycling at its finest.

55. My jewelry box plays music, though over the years the song has slowed down so much it sounds like a dying cat wailing. Pretty soon it’ll just be a fancy box without the tune.

56. I accidentally knocked my jewelry box onto the bathroom floor, sending earrings scattering everywhere. Let’s just say I found some lost sparkle in very unsavory places when cleaning up. Gross.

57. My jewelry box is less for keeping valuables and more for storing random junk I can’t find homes for like foreign coins, guitar picks and other odds and ends. It’s basically just an adult junk drawer at this point.

58. When my jewelry box was broken, I asked my handyman father if he could fix the spinning dancer inside. His response: “I can fix anything but a broken heart or a shattered dream.” Thanks Dad, so no on the ballerina?

59. My cat loves to nap inside my open jewelry box, but he sheds so much fur that I’m constantly having to lint roll all my necklaces and bracelets. The price you pay for an adorable cuddle buddy!