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53 Funny Iron Jokes

53 Funny Iron Jokes

Iron Puns (16)

1. I tried to organize my clothes by material, but I ended up just making a big pile of iron-y.

2. My friend got annoyed when I kept making terrible iron puns. I told him to just press on.

3. Did you hear about the angry iron? It really needed to be steam pressed.

4. I entered my ironing board in a race. It got board and decided to fold under pressure.

5. I was going to make a joke about iron, but decided to just smooth it over.

6. The iron didn’t want to get out of bed this morning. It was feeling a little creased.

7. I tried to think of a pun about ironing, but it came out looking a little wrinkled.

8. What do you call an iron that skips arm day at the gym? A crease freak!

9. Why don’t irons ever get invited to parties? They always end up getting board.

10. Did you hear about the new iron that could talk? It had a pressing engagement.

11. I entered my iron in a baking contest. Turns out it was the wrong type of press.

12. What do you call an iron that works part-time as a reporter? A presser!

13. Why was the iron smelly? It was being steamy.

14. Did you hear about the iron that walked into a bar? It got pressed for time.

15. I was going to start a business selling irons, but I realized it would just be pressing my luck.

16. What do you call an iron that’s afraid of heat? A steam phobe!

Iron One-Liners (17)

17. I tried to organize my clothes by material, but it was a pressing issue.

18. Don’t bother waiting for that iron – it’s taking its sweet time.

19. This wrinkled shirt clearly needs more iron in its diet.

20. Looks like this laundry could use some more ironing out.

21. Whoever ironed this did a crappy job – these creases are out of control.

22. Grab the iron – we’ve got some serious wrinkles to tackle here.

23. Ugh, ironing is the ultimate boring household chore.

24. This iron is so old, it belongs in a museum next to other ancient artifacts.

25. I hate ironing – it’s just so time consuming and tedious.

26. Wow, you call that ironed? My blind grandma could do better.

27. Iron faster – watching paint dry is more entertaining than your slow ironing.

28. This shirt is more wrinkled than my bulldog’s face.

29. I spilled water on my iron earlier – talk about a steamy situation.

30. This laundry pile is so wrinkled it looks like an old prune.

31. Grab the starch if you want these clothes crispy enough to walk on their own.

32. Ugh, I hate having to iron – what a crease in my plans.

33. Wow, this shirt is wrinkled enough to be featured in Ripley’s Believe it or Not.

Best Iron Jokes (20)

34. My friend was struggling to carry his bulky ironing board onto the bus. I told him to press on!

35. I was going to make fried chicken for dinner, but I realized I’m running low on iron.

36. Did you hear about the ironing contest where contestants had to race while ironing a shirt? It ended up being a press conference.

37. I was struggling to iron a very wrinkled shirt. My wife said, “Don’t get so bent out of shape!”

38. Why don’t angry irons get therapy? Because they prefer to handle issues by themselves.

39. I accidentally burned myself while ironing and had to go to the emergency room. I guess I got a little too steamy.

40. I saw two irons fighting over an outlet at the laundromat. I guess it was some heated debate over pressing issues.

41. I was annoyed at my iron for not getting all the wrinkles out. But I decided to smooth things over and forgive it.

42. Did you hear about the iron that wanted to be an actor? It ended up getting typecast as a steamer.

43. I saw an iron sprinting down the street earlier. Turns out it was just pressed for time.

44. My iron keeps telling me corny jokes while I’m trying to focus on ironing. I wish it would just press pause for a bit.

45. I was worried when I saw smoke coming from my iron. But it turns out the iron was just steaming mad about having to work.

46. Did you hear about the iron that got promoted at work? I guess it really pressed the boss to give it a raise.

47. I accidentally left my iron sitting on top of a shirt too long. Let’s just say it ended up getting a little steamy.

48. Did you hear about the iron that entered a strongman competition? It took home the press medal.

49. I tried to get my iron to join my metal band but it would only produce steam punk music.

50. Did you hear about the iron that got arrested? It was charged with assault with a steamy weapon.

51. I asked my iron what its favorite movie genre was. It said steampunk.

52. Did you hear about the iron that became an activist? It was fighting to end creases once and for all.

53. I caught my iron trying to sneak out to a party last night. Let’s just say things got heated quickly.