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60 Funny Introvert Jokes

60 Funny Introvert Jokes

Introvert Puns

1. I’m so introverted, I play hide and seek alone.

2. I’m such an introvert that when I play chess, I always let my pawns go first.

3. I’m the most introverted kid in my class. You could say I’m in a class all by myself.

4. I’m so introverted, my imaginary friend is an introvert too.

5. I’m such an introvert that I stay inside my mind more than I stay inside my house.

6. As an introvert, I prefer to keep to myself. Myself just happens to be the most interesting person I know.

7. I’m so introverted that when I play sports, I’m always the substitute… for myself.

8. I’m such an introvert that I thought my echo was someone else talking.

9. I’m so introverted, I once turned down an invitation to my own party.

10. I’m the most introverted person ever. I even keep secrets from myself.

11. I’m so introverted that “working from home” is my natural state of being.

12. I’m such an introvert that I get nervous just ordering food for myself at a restaurant.

13. As an introvert, I like being alone so much that I consider solitaire to be multiplayer.

14. I’m so introverted that my inner monologue has an inner monologue.

15. I’m such an introvert that my spirit animal is the hermit crab.

Introvert One-Liners

16. I’m not antisocial, I’m just pro-solitude.

17. Party of one, your table is ready.

18. Resting introvert face.

19. If at first you don’t succeed, don’t talk to anyone about it.

20. I’m all partied out…and I’ve never been to a party.

21. I don’t dislike people, I’m just not codependent.

22. I’m an introvert. If I don’t know you, I probably don’t want to know you.

23. Social distancing since [insert your birth year here].

24. Let’s never hang out again some time.

25. I’m not shy, I’m selectively social.

26. I don’t need Google, my brain is full of useless facts I can overthink on my own.

27. If you want to find me, don’t.

28. Small talk is not my strong suit. Unsurprisingly, silence is.

29. I’m all out of jabber.

30. I never cancel plans. Mostly because I never make them.

Best Introvert Jokes

31. I took an introvert out on a date. We had a really intimate time not talking to each other and avoiding eye contact.

32. What do you call an introvert’s fever dream? A party.

33. Why was the introverted philosopher bad at thinking? Because he overthought everything by himself.

34. What do you call an extrovert chatting up an introvert? A monologue.

35. Why do introverts make bad phone operators? They don’t like random people calling them.

36. How does an introvert change a light bulb? They just sit alone in the dark.

37. What’s an introvert’s favorite pick-up line? “Wanna go back to your place and not talk?”

38. Why did the introvert get fired from being a waiter? They kept avoiding tables.

39. How can you tell when two introverts are dating? They’re both staring at their phones in silence next to each other.

40. Why are introverts so good at hide and seek? Years of practice avoiding human interaction.

41. Why do introverts like dining alone? It’s the only time they can guarantee some peace and quiet.

42. How does an introvert count a large crowd? One, two, too many people!

43. Why did the introvert cross the road? To get away from all the people on the other side.

44. What’s an introvert’s ideal party size? Just me, myself, and I.

45. How does an introvert decide where to live? Somewhere far away from everyone they know.

46. Why did the introvert show up to the party exhausted? Socializing is tiring even when you don’t do any of it.

47. Why do introverts prefer window seats on planes? Easier access to avoiding human interaction.

48. Why are introverts great at playing hide and seek? Because for them, hiding is second nature.

49. How does an introvert know it’s time to end a phone call? When the other person stops talking.

50. Why do introverts hate ice breakers? They’d rather the ice stay intact, thank you.

51. How can you tell an introvert is crushing on you? They make eye contact for 0.5 seconds longer than usual.

52. Why do introverts take up birdwatching? It’s socially acceptable to sit silently alone with binoculars.

53. How does an introvert feel walking into a surprise party? Their energy level going from 100 to 0 in 0.5 seconds.

54. Why don’t introverts ask for directions? Conserving energy by getting lost is preferable to human interaction.

55. What’s an introvert’s version of a fun Friday night? Staying home alone with Chinese takeout and Netflix.

56. Why do introverts like walks by themselves? Alone time outdoors without having to talk is bliss.

57. How does an introvert react when asked to do a team building activity at work? With their soul slowly leaving their body.

58. Why are libraries an introvert’s ideal hangout spot? No expectations for talking, just good books.

59. How do you get an introvert to leave a party early? You don’t have to, they were ready to go 15 minutes after arriving.

60. What’s an introvert’s perfect vacation? Reading a book silently alone on a beach far from civilization.