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51 Funny Ice cube tray Jokes

51 Funny Ice cube tray Jokes

Ice Cube Tray Puns (15)

  1. I bought an ice cube tray that makes spheres instead of cubes. You could say it helps me get a-round.
  2. My ice cube tray isn’t working properly. I think it’s having a meltdown.
  3. I was thinking of upgrading to a fancy ice cube tray with shapes, but decided to stick with the tried and cube.
  4. Did you hear about the ice cube tray that went on vacation? It had a cool time.
  5. Why was the ice cube tray late for work? It got stuck in traffic on the ice road.
  6. The ice cube tray accidentally walked into a freezer. It got a very frosty reception.
  7. Why can’t you trust an ice cube tray? Because it’s two-faced.
  8. Did you hear about the ice cube tray that entered a comedy competition? It killed with its dry humor.
  9. My ice cube tray identifies as a jelly mold. It’s going through an ice cube crisis.
  10. What do you call an ice cube tray that’s also a wannabe detective? An ice tray sleuth.
  11. Did you hear about the ice cube tray that got knighted? It’s now Sir Chills-a-Lot.
  12. I took my ice cube tray on a tropical vacation. It had a total meltdown.
  13. What do you get if you cross an ice cube tray with a magician? Some pretty cool tricks.
  14. The ice cube tray started telling bad ice puns. We put it on ice for that.
  15. Did you hear about the ice cube tray that entered the Winter Olympics? It was hoping to take home the gold in the ice events.

Ice Cube Tray One-Liners (10)

  1. My ice cube tray said it wanted to travel the world – I told it to chill out.
  2. I accidentally put my phone in the ice cube tray and now it’s giving me the cold shoulder.
  3. I told my ice cube tray a hilarious joke but it just gave me a frosty reception.
  4. I dropped my ice cube tray and now it’s giving me the cold shoulder.
  5. I asked my ice cube tray to run an errand but it gave me a frosty “no.”
  6. My ice cube tray is so sarcastic, it should be called the ice cutie tray.
  7. I wanted to take my ice cube tray bowling but it gave me the cold shoulder.
  8. I told my ice cube tray to turn up the heat, but it just iced me out instead.
  9. My ice cube tray is such a downer – it’s always giving people the cold shoulder.
  10. I wanted my ice cube tray to join my construction crew but it refused to get on board.

Best Ice Cube Tray Jokes (26)

  1. Last week my ice cube tray suddenly sprang to life and started sprinting around my kitchen. I guess you could say it was having a meltdown. I tried to catch it but it kept slipping through my fingers. Every time I’d get close it would squeal “You’ll never take me alive!” Finally I managed to trap it in the corner by the fridge. I said “Looks like you’ve reached the end of the line!”
  2. My ice cube tray has been acting really arrogant lately. It keeps calling itself the coolest thing in the freezer and bragging that it has more Instagram followers than the frozen veggies. The other day I heard it boasting to the Popsicles about being popular and well-connected. I had to put it in its place and remind it that it’s really just a small plastic container filled with frozen water. It didn’t take that too well and now it’s giving me the cold shoulder!
  3. Last night my ice cube tray threw an absolutely wild party while I was asleep. When I walked into the kitchen this morning, water was dripping everywhere, the freezer door was wide open, and all the food was thawed and lukewarm. Turns out the ice cube tray invited all its freezer friends – the frozen pizzas were break dancing on the shelves, the ice cream sandwiches were having a food fight, and even the frozen peas were bouncing around. What a meltdown! Let’s just say that ice cube tray is in time-out for the next few days.
  4. My ice cube tray has been binge watching nothing but horror movies. Now it’s terrified of everything – the microwave, the drain, even ice itself! Just yesterday I accidentally dropped a few cubes on the counter and my poor ice cube tray started screaming about how the ice cubes were threatening revenge for all their melted brethren. Honestly I’m concerned for its mental stability at this point!
  5. I came home the other day to find my ice cube tray sobbing uncontrollably about the Titanic movie. Apparently it had convinced itself that it was the long lost twin of the fateful iceberg and was mourning all the lives lost. No matter how much I try to console it and explain that it’s just molded plastic born decades after the event, it remains utterly inconsolable. The weeping and wailing is non stop – I’m at my wits end!
  6. Yesterday I caught my ice cube tray trying to sneak out the front door with a tiny suitcase. When I demanded to know where it thought it was going, it broke down in tears and confessed its dream was to be a professional figure skater. But sadly it just didn’t have the right physique for all those jumps and spins. We had a long heart-to-heart about embracing your strengths instead of fixating on shortcomings. By the end, I think my ice cube tray realized it has an important role keeping drinks cold, even if fame and fortune on the ice aren’t in the cards.
  7. My ice cube tray has been hiding something from me for months. I knew something fishy was up when it started dodging questions about where it disappears to in the evenings. Well last night, I decided to get to the bottom of the mystery. I hid in the shadows and watched as the ice cube tray furtively slipped out of the kitchen when it thought I wasn’t looking. I stealthily tailed it across town to a neon-lit karaoke bar where I watched flabbergasted as it jumped on stage and belted out a pitch perfect rendition of Bohemian Rhapsody! Who knew my shy unassuming ice cube tray secretly had the soul of a rockstar?!
  8. My ice cube tray has been binge watching nothing but soap operas during the pandemic. And now it seems to think its life should mimic those over dramatic story lines! Yesterday I overheard a hysterical screaming match between the ice cube tray and freezer shelf about refrigerator temperatures and ice formation. There’s constant slammed doors and threats to run off with the ice bucket if its emotional needs aren’t met! And don’t even get me started on the love triangle dramas with the popsicles and leftover containers! Someone needs to remind my ice cube tray that real life kitchens just aren’t that exciting.
  9. The weirdest thing happened last week – I stumbled onto a secret meeting between my ice cube tray and the neighborhood squirrels where they were passionately plotting the heist of the century! As I listened in disbelief from the bushes, they finalized details to hijack an ice cream truck, load it with acorns and frozen treats, and escape to a tropical island to live like kings! I didn’t have the heart to burst their wild get-rich-quick scheme, so I just quietly snuck away. But if anyone sees a runaway Good Humor truck driven by a squirrel, be sure to let me know!
  10. Lately my ice cube tray has become utterly convinced aliens from Mars are sending it secret messages through the freezer lightbulb Morse code. It even started covering the kitchen windows with tin foil to “block their thought control signals.” Things got out of hand when I caught it fashioning tinfoil hats for all the food items to wear for “protection.” Who knows where it picked up these crazy conspiracy theories! But I drew the line when it wanted to wrap tinfoil around the poor scared witless cat too. This ice cube tray seriously needs to chill out with the paranoia!
  11. Ever since watching Titanic, my ice cube tray has been utterly terrified of the open ocean and refuses to make our drinks cold if we’re having a beach picnic or sailing on the lake. It starts shrieking about icebergs and frigid water and simply refuses to cool anything down! I’ve tried explaining that the North Atlantic is very different from our friendly local beaches, but at the slightest glimpse of a wave or boat, the ice cube tray panics. The cooler and drinks just sadly sit there getting lukewarm while the ice cube tray hyperventilates. Might be time for some therapy…
  12. Yesterday my hungry ice cube tray got its corners stuck in the jar of beef stew. No matter how we tried, we just couldn’t pull it loose! its panicked screams were horrible as it came to terms with the possibility of starving to death if we couldn’t dislodge it. I was about to call emergency rescue when the lights started flickering weirdly. Suddenly a time portal opened up and future era versions of us floated through! “We’re here to save you from making a grave mistake,” they said. Turns out the ice cube tray getting trapped prompted the eventual rise of the robots, who enslaved humanity without drinks cold enough to power resistance. Some alternate timeline butterfly effects are just wild!
  13. My drama queen ice cube tray has started writing the most ridiculous over-the-top emo poetry about how trapped and despairing it feels in our kitchen. Listening to it read out angst-ridden verses about the bleak pointlessness of its existence is utterly exhausting! Especially when it starts sobbing about the existential dread invoked by the refrigerator light constantly going out. I’m about ready to punt that ice cube tray straight into the compost bin the next time I hear an ode glorifying the nobility of melting into oblivion!
  14. After my ice cube tray watched the movie Frozen, it had a major identity crisis and completely fixated on Elsa as its “spirit animal.” Suddenly it refused to make normal boring cubed ice anymore and would only produce intricately scuplted miniature icy Olafs, snowflakes, and reindeer. As much as our guests admired its newfound creative sculpting skills, our drinks just aren’t the same without simple cubes to chill them! I think a blockbuster movie marathon may have given my poor ice cube tray some skewed aspirations.