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84 Funny Ice Cream Jokes

84 Funny Ice Cream Jokes

Ice Cream Puns

1. I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream!

2. What do you call stolen ice cream? A cone artist.

3. Why was the ice cream cone acting so cold? It was giving everyone the cold shoulder.

4. I wish I was an ice cream cone, so I could get licks all day.

5. Want to hear a joke about ice cream? Just sundae I’ll tell you!

6. How did the ice cream win the race? It was the best soft serve.

7. The ice cream was defeated in the election. It didn’t get mint to win.

8. I got hit in the head with a carton of ice cream. Luckily it was a soft hit.

9. The ice cream truck got into an accident. Luckily no one was seriously in sundae’d.

10. Why do mathematicians love ice cream? Because it has pi.

11. I relish the fact that you mustard the strength to ketchup to me about ice cream puns.

12. Ice cream is eternal bliss. There’s snow way I’m giving it up.

13. I got fired from the ice cream factory. They said I wasn’t meeting my soft serve duties.

14. I wish I was an ice cream sandwich, so I could be chilling between two cookies.

15. What concert costs 45 cents? 50 Cent featuring Nickelback at the Ice Cream Shoppe.

16. I broke up with my boyfriend after he insulted my love for ice cream. It was rocky road for us after that.

17. I started selling artisanal sprinkles for upscale ice cream shops. Business is booming, thanks to word of mouth adverticing.

18. I tried making ice cream cake, but it was a piece of cake compared to making ice cream.

19. I’m lactose intolerant but still eat ice cream. What can I say, it’s worth the dairy-air.

Ice Cream One-Liners

20. I’m more of a sundae driver when it comes to ice cream.

21. Ice cream is always the right choice.

22. Are you an ice cream man? Because you make my heart melt!

23. Ice cream is like a hug from the inside.

24. Ice cream for breakfast? Now you’re speaking my language!

25. Make ice cream, not war.

26. All you need is love… and ice cream.

27. Hakuna ma-ice cream. No worries for the rest of your days!

28. You’re cooler than ice cream on a hot summer day.

29. Life is short, eat ice cream first.

30. I love you berry much, ice cream.

31. You’re the sprinkles to my ice cream.

32. Having a bad day? Add ice cream.

33. Ice cream makes everything better.

34. I’d choose ice cream over you.

35. Roses are red, violets are blue, I like ice cream, how about you?

36. I can resist everything except temptation… and ice cream.

37. Ice cream is cheaper than therapy.

38. Forget diamonds, ice cream is a girl’s best friend.

39. Ice cream first, adulting later.

40. With ice cream, there’s always room for seconds.

Best Ice Cream Jokes

41. Why did the ice cream cone see a therapist? He was having an identity crisis and thought he was a wafer.

42. How did the little ice cream cone get to school? It rode the Fudge-sicle!

43. What do you get when you cross an ice cream cone with a hamburger? A milkshake!

44. Why was the ice cream cone not doing his homework? He was having a meltdown!

45. Why did the girl bring her scoop to bed? She wanted to sleep with a sundae spoon!

46. How does ice cream get to work? It takes the ice cream truck!

47. Why was the ice cream sad? It had the bluesberry!

48. Why did the ice cream go to the doctor? It was feeling a little rocky!

49. Knock knock. Who’s there? Ice cream soda. Ice cream soda who? I scream soda you can hear me!

50. What do you call a sleeping ice cream? KO Napolitan!

51. Why did the ice cream win the race? It reached the cone first!

52. How do you make an ice cream shake? Give it a scary movie!

53. Why couldn’t the ice cream cone stand up? It was feeling waffle!

54. What do you call an ice cream cone that went to medical school? A doctor wafer!

55. Why did the boy bring a ladder to the ice cream shop? He wanted a Rocky Road!

56. How did the ice cream celebrate Valentine’s Day? With its sweetie pie!

57. Why was the little ice cream cone crying? He lost his mommy cone!

58. How does an ice cream cone say hello? With a cone wave!

59. What did one ice cream cone say to the other? I’m really coned out!

60. Why was the ice cream cone a party animal? He was a real soft serve!

61. Knock Knock. Who’s there? Double Dip. Double Dip who? Double dip me in chocolate, I’m an ice cream cone!

62. Why did the ice cream have to go to traffic school? It was a bad rocky road driver!

63. How did the ice cream cone ask out his crush? You and me were mint to be!

64. Why was the ice cream truck driver fired? He kept drizzling on the job!

65. Why did the ice cream cone cross the road? To get to the scoop shop!

66. What do you call an ice cream cone who tells funny jokes? A com-cone-dian!

67. How does ice cream dance? It does the ice cream shuffle!

68. Why couldn’t the ice cream sandwich go to the birthday party? He was feeling crummy!

69. What time did the ice cream go to the dentist? 2:30!

70. Why did the ice cream win the Nobel Prize? For its great work in the field of soft serve ice creamynamics!

71. How do ice creams stay connected? They link together in a cone network!

72. What’s an ice cream’s favorite hobby? Chilling in a bowl!

73. Why did the ice cream cone go to art school? To get his soft serve degree!

74. Why can’t you play cards with an ice cream cone? He’ll cheat and look at your cone!

75. How did the ice cream feel when the scoop hit it? Sundae’d!

76. Why was the ice cream truck fired? It kept getting into fender benders!

77. What’s an ice cream’s favorite outdoor activity? Hiking the Rocky Roads!

78. Why was the ice cream sad after gym class? It was exhausted from doing crunches!

79. Why did the ice cream go to sleep? It was feeling waffle!

80. How does ice cream greet his friends? With a big cone hug!

81. Why couldn’t the ice cream focus in school? He had A.D.D. sprinkles!

82. Why did the ice cream get in trouble? It was caught drip driving!

83. What kind of exercise does ice cream do? Sundae stretches!

84. Why did the ice cream win the basketball game? It had great scoop shots!